Seeking Looking for Lost games of AmadareU2 (Currently known as Pink Pet Bottle) (Lost Media?)


Aug 26, 2023
Hello, I've been looking for an old game by the person names AmadareU2(who is now known as pink pet bottle)

Context: The current hentai artist by the name of Pink Pet Bottle went by the name of Amaderu U2 in the past. They created a variety of high quality adult games mostly focused on Touhou.

The link held all of their games, but it was taken down, and is now lost.

Gifs exist on E-hentai but the acutal game downloads are lost.

Artist's Pixiv (deleted):

Artist's blog (deleted):

Pink Pet Bottles Pixiv Link
To anybody who needs it.
Additionally Pink Pet Bottle deleted much of their uncensored work, which I have managed to Archive.
Additionally through some digging i have found Amadare U2's original game やすみじかん and managed to Archive
Additionally there is a torrent that might contain some of the games here : , but it is dead.

I've been searching by myself for a loooong time, so any help, no matter how trivial, I will appreciate.


Capture.PNG Capture2.PNG Capture3.PNG Capture4.PNG


Aug 26, 2023
Incidentally would there be anyone who was involved with the Touhou Doujin H Game community from 2016 - 2019? I suppose they would have the best chance of finding these games?