Seeking Looking for reccomendations

Us3r name: Required

New Member
Jun 17, 2018
Sorry for the general title lol, I'm just looking for more games in the vein of what I've liked and going through tags hasn't done much, overall my favorite games have been Magical Girl Celesphonia, School Game, Imperial Gatekeeper, Detective Girl of the Steam City, and I also remember really enjoying Panic Party. (And yes I've looked at the other games made by the creator of Panic Party)

The thing I find hardest to find that while it isn't required I do like it a lot is games where the clothes stay on, I just prefer that all the clothes stay on during sex and stuff like panties are just pushed to the side. I also hate those 3d games, it's just a big turn off and feels kinda creepy to me and Visual novels tend to lose my attention or bore me, I need to be able to do things.

If anyone has any reccomendations based off that, it would be greatly appreciated! (Also if anyone knows the term for the clothes thing that would also be appreciated)


Active Member
Dec 23, 2018
As for images you're interested in, they are usually coming with tags like
"clothed_sex" "panties_aside"

The thing I find hardest to find that while it isn't required I do like it a lot is games where the clothes stay on, I just prefer that all the clothes stay on during sex and stuff like panties are just pushed to the side.
What about this?
Luna in the Tavern [TitDang]