Seeking - Looking for Redheads

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Aren't we all looking for "red-heads" some are Goddess we would give our lives for.. Some are the ones that have no souls. Some are angelic; Doctors, Nurses, Nuns.. Others are.. Current administration staff. And others have weird defects. a.k.a. Like hating themselves or their skin color. Truth is we have zero clue. I remember the first gf I dated had.. HALITOSIS. Then again she also told a story about how her mom took the cat into the shower to soften the wound above the cat forehead.. and ended up SQUEEZING the PUSTIUTILE so the PUS SQUIRTED IN her MOMS MOUTH.

    Girl, Clarice, WHAT THE FUCK. The was the most horrific thing I've ever heard. I tried to forget but then you really wanted to make out and all your clothing smelled stale. And when we kissed... our heads matched.. you looked like a Cyclops. DON'T lie. I looked like a cyclops to you as well probably.

    well, here we are. what a SHINING review. EVERYONE! FACEPALM!
    like OMG!
    like SO SMALL

    I regret having a good nose. I stayed away from nasty smells. I'd be happy to eat nasty pussy now. (minus: piss, puss, poo, ntr, empty egg cartons.)

    Amen, god bless. 9/10 drunk like my dad.