Ren'Py Looking for some playtesters


Oct 6, 2017
EDIT: Found a game-ending bug in the first 3 minutes of the game if you tried to access the World Map without unlocking anywhere else. I have reuploaded the game with some changes

EDIT: Right now there is very little to do in the game. A few variations of scenarios in each town. At this after some thought, I have come to the conclusion that it is nowhere near my own level of quality to ask for opinions and testers right now. Coming soon, I will be changing many things, and I hope that you can look forward to an expanded, more whole experience.

I will leave everything up for people who are looking for a way to spend 10-15 minutes. I am working on improving many things right now, including indicating to the player different events and scenarios. Thank you all for your time

Version 0.02.2 Release.jpg Esmerelda Uniform Esmerelda Casual

Hello Everyone.
I'm EchoEcho, (or Echox2). I have been developing an Adult Fantasy game that will focus on story and world-building, with adult situations sprinkled in where they feel at least somewhat natural. Using the Ren'Py engine, I hope to develop a wonderful, real game with real choices in a real world, where people just tend to be a little more pretty and horny than in real life.

My game takes place in a world of Magic, Elves, Goblins, and other Typical High Fantasy. The story will take you, the protagonist, through different areas in the world, developing relationships with all manner of Fantasy-Folk, on a quest to bring people together and master your greatest skill in Magic: Summoning.

This is still very bare bones right now. I am doing everything solo, and working hard to develop writing, coding, and art (Using Honey Select as the framework for the character art).
I am looking for some people who would like to try the game out, and give some honest feedback. Many of the systems that are in place are just the foundation so far. I will be expanding the Magic, time, money, and character systems in the next few updates.

I worked on a similar project before, and life got in the way. This time I am giving myself better expectations and I am hoping that some people will give it a try, and enjoy the result.

Thank you for your time!
Good vibes out,



Fudged it again.
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
First thing, don't link your Patreon to the make a pledge page, you need to link it to where you have some actual content.

Secondly, there is too little content to make any judgements on your game, you say yourself - Basically no art, no story, no characterisation, you need to add a least a little of each before you can expect any judgements, good or bad.
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Oct 6, 2017
First thing, don't link your Patreon to the make a pledge page, you need to link it to where you have some actual content.

Secondly, there is too little content to make any judgements on your game, you say yourself - Basically no art, no story, no characterisation, you need to add a least a little of each before you can expect any judgements, good or bad.
Thank you, mickydoo.

I have changed the Patreon link. Your post makes a lot of sense. Thank you for taking the time to take a look at the game, and respond. I appreciate it.

I'm working on expanding things a lot for the next release. Perhaps I got a little over-zealous and posted it too early.

Thank you again.
Good vibes out,

The 1★ Dude

Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
There is actually no content yet to test anything.

But there are some things are missing:
1) You need to name your character without knowing what gender the mc is?
2) I need to meet Esmeralda because we together against the whole world... who is Esmeralda? My sister? my mother? girlfriend? My dog/cat?
3) smuggling tome results in a game close instead of just moving to the main menu.
4) The art is nothing special. Already seen it 100th times.

Its to early to say its a good game or not.
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Oct 6, 2017
There is actually no content yet to test anything.

But there are some things are missing:
1) You need to name your character without knowing what gender the mc is?
2) I need to meet Esmeralda because we together against the whole world... who is Esmeralda? My sister? my mother? girlfriend? My dog/cat?
3) smuggling tome results in a game close instead of just moving to the main menu.
4) The art is nothing special. Already seen it 100th times.

Its to early to say its a good game or not.
Thank you for your input.

I appreciate you taking the time to take a look at it, as little as there is right now. You make very valid points insofar as getting information across to the player. I suppose in my view I already know so much more about the world and where the story and information is going, I have to succinctly inform the player.

Again, I appreciate you taking time out to let me know of some issues. I ask you to please look forward to many fixes, changes, and general imrovements coming soon.

Good vibes out,


Oct 6, 2017
There is actually no content yet to test anything.

But there are some things are missing:
1) You need to name your character without knowing what gender the mc is?
2) I need to meet Esmeralda because we together against the whole world... who is Esmeralda? My sister? my mother? girlfriend? My dog/cat?
3) smuggling tome results in a game close instead of just moving to the main menu.
4) The art is nothing special. Already seen it 100th times.

Its to early to say its a good game or not.
I found a HUGE bug in the game, actually. Right when you click, "World Travel" in Dewvale, the game quits for some reason. There's MUCH MORE to the game than that, especially if you clicked "World Travel" right away.

Did the game kick you out right then?

Good vibes out,


Oct 6, 2017
First thing, don't link your Patreon to the make a pledge page, you need to link it to where you have some actual content.

Secondly, there is too little content to make any judgements on your game, you say yourself - Basically no art, no story, no characterisation, you need to add a least a little of each before you can expect any judgements, good or bad.
I found a HUGE bug in the game, actually. Right when you click, "World Travel" in Dewvale, the game quits for some reason. There's MUCH MORE to the game than that, especially if you clicked "World Travel" right away.

Did the game kick you out right then?

Good vibes out,


Oct 6, 2017
I'm sorry for the confusion, @mickydoo.

I found a problem in the coding about two hours ago while I was at work. If you tried to access World Travel in the beginning of the game without having anywhere else unlocked, you would be kicked to the title screen, with no error or anything.

If you were able to go to the forest, see the temple scene, visit the Goblin Town and all that stuff, you never ran into the issue. But If you were unceremoniously dumped back to the title screen with no explanation, then you encountered the bug.

I'm very sorry about the inconvenience, and nonprofessionalism on my part. I should test these things more before actually releasing them.

If you would like to play again, I fixed the issue. I also reworked the introduction, taking some of my old writing from my first attempt at the game. Again, I appreciate the time you took in trying the game for the first place.

If you would rather skip this time, I completely understand.

Thanks again for everything!
Good vibes out,

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Please, fix your game first.

Castle Town.rpy:3 if hasVisitedCT == "false":
It's not how to works with . You have a total inconstancy in your use of Boolean. You use both "false", "true", "True" and True.
I assume that you discovered the later because the ConditionSwitch of the "Esm normal" image wasn't working, then switched to the "True" because you remember that is should be titled. It's totally game breaking, use them correctly everywhere, or stick to the same wrong use, but don't mix every possible way to express these values.

Castle Town.rpy:7 and following
label cTMenu:
        "What do you want to do in Castle Town?"
You can label a menu :
menu cTMenu:
    "What do you want to do in Castle Town?"
And you know it, you use it time to time, but not always.

characters.rpy:5 define N = Character(_("EchoEcho"), color="#aa2222")
The "_()" thing is for translation purpose. Do you really intent to translate the name ?

default p_energy = 0
default pEnergy = 100
You'll confuse them too often to avoid bugs.

Date Ideas.rpy:17 $"".join([dateNav,"_ct_date"]))
The call statement works with expression :
 call expression "{}_ct_date".format( dateNav )

Date Ideas.rpy:4 and following
label dates:
    if datePartner == "Esmerelda":
        $dateNav == "esm"
    elif datePartner == "Samxob":
        $dateNav = "sam"
    elif datePartner == "Nohl":
        $dateNav = "noh"
    elif datePartner == "Irlana":
        $dateNav = "irl"
You don't have an else default clause, neither have "_ct_date" default label as catch-up, nor test if the label exist before trying to call him.
Anyway you don't need the whole if block is you effectively stand to "the three first characters all in lower case" format.
    $ lbl = "{}_ct_date".format( datePartner[:3].lower() )
    if renpy.has_label( lbl ):
        call expression lbl
        $ renpy.notify( "missing label : {}".format( lbl ) )
        [catch it up whenever you want]

Date Ideas.rpy:35
Indent your return. It works, but not for the reason you think.

Date Ideas.rpy:64 while count < 5:
count is a too generic name to ensure it will never be used elsewhere. Force it at 0 before the loop, not after it.

Dewvale.rpy:22 if (period == "Night") or (period == "Late Night"):
Take advantage of the in condition.
if period in [ "Night", "Late Night" ]:

Dewvale.rpy:46 and following
label dewvaleEvents:
    $ randRoll = renpy.random.randint(1,100)
    #if randRoll >= 90:
label forest:
    call screen forest
Someone branched to the "dewvaleEvents" label will automatically end in the "forest" one. You don't care if it's a works in progress, finish the label correctly from the start to be sure that you'll not forget later.

Dewvale.rpy:102 and following.
The whole menu in menu ... in menu thing would be better done with a screen.

Goblin Town.rpy:96 and following
        if samMeetCount == 2:
            jump samSearch2
        elif samMeetCount == 3:
            jump samSearch3
        elif samMeetCount == 4:
            jump samSearch4
        elif samMeetCount == 5:
            jump samSearch5
        elif samMeetCount == 6:
            jump samSearch6
The jump statement also accept argument as an expression
        if 1 < samMeetCount < 7:
            jump expression "samSearch{}".format( samMeetCount )
Goblin Town.rpy:83-84
        "Find Samxob" if samMeetCount >= 6:
            jump samSearch
There two possibilities here according to "samSearch" label. Either you jump to "samSearch6", or have a message saying that you shouldn't see this message. So
        "Find Samxob" if samMeetCount = 6:
            jump samSearch6

Goblin Town.rpy:112 and following
label samSearch2:
You jump to "worldTravel", jump to "goblinTown".
Then either you jump to "samSearch", then jump to "samSearch2", or you implictly slide to "gtMenu", then jump to "samSearch", then jump to "samSearch2". And you return from "samSearch2" ? Do you even know where you'll going with this return ?

There's probably more, but I don't have time to proof read all your code, and anyway between the Boolean use and this jump series ended by a return, the game is already too broke to effectively works more than by chance.
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Oct 6, 2017
@anne O'nymous Thank you very much for your help! That's amazing that you took the time to sift through my code!

Yes, I know much of my code is really sloppy right now. I suppose I never went back to really check through it with the care needed for it to work well. The boolean problem really was just laziness on my part, I kept telling myself I will fix it later, but you're absolutely right. It is a total mess right now!

In this stage, I think I was too overzealous and wanted to make something that worked, even if it was only held together by paperclips and bubblegum!

Thank you again for really giving me an idea of how to keep things tighter and better processed.

Many of your ideas (more advanced programming techniques and variable string interpolation) I never even thought of! Thank you for your advice! I truly appreciate it!

I'll get to work right away on making the code better. Thank you!
Good vibes out,

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
The boolean problem really was just laziness on my part, I kept telling myself I will fix it later, [...]
I know it's tempting. You continue advancing before fixing because it's more rewarding to see the game progress. But in the same time, the more you advance, the more you'll enforce your wrong habit and the more you'll have to fix.
So, it's better to take some time to fix it right now, and in the same time it help to enforce the right habit. Plus, it ensure that next time you'll encounter a bug, it will be because of what you added, and not because of some old unfixed stuff.
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Oct 6, 2017
Version 0.0.3 Teaser.png
Hello everyone! I've been hard at work on making the next version of the game much better.

After the great advice I've gotten from everyone, especially @anne O'nymous, I am making NudieGame a much cleaner, safer game to play! Hopefully there won't be nearly as many issues with the code, but I'm also making more complicated systems, so I'm sure it's still going to be improving more and more. If anyone is interested in trying out new systems and things, please let me know.

You can message me here, and I will respond as best I can.

Please look forward to a great experience! Version 0.0.3 will be out in a week or two.

Good vibes out,