[R>Artist 3D] Unpaid Looking for someone who wants create 3D art for fun and who likes the interracial genre


Feb 13, 2018
- I want to remake/complete " " ( ) as both versions end rather abruptly. The has actually already scripted out a comic version of it, but nobody seems to have finished it. The as well as already blocked out comic panels parts , , , , .

If this idea seems like fun, get in touch with me here. I would do all the coding and help with grunt work (rendering and so) but I suck at 3D modeling so I'm hoping to find someone who wants to help.

The characters and settings should be fairly real looking.

My proposal would be do create this thing with fairly permissive licensing and a completely open development model. Everything would be placed on github or the similar so that like minded folks could help out.

If we find an audience, and people enjoy it, I could see us start a patreon page, but at first it would be just for fun.

- That's me. I have many decades experience in coding software and running software projects. I've poked around in RenPy a fair bit, but haven't actually created anything it in yet.

Looking for:
- Someone who maybe has some skill in 3D modeling and wants a project to work on. I can offer nothing but honest feedback and a collegial working environment.

Employment Type:
- None. If we go "pro" by taking money I'm willing to offer a 40% profit share.

Work commitment:
- None

Preferred method of contact:
- Contact me here

Job Description:
- See above