Seeking Looking for survival games like Kindred: Redburns, or games with sense of danger


New Member
Jul 30, 2022
Kindred Redburns was way better than I thought. The art & girls are cute. Theres not too much text and the text, writing, and character relations are sensible. "Forbidden fruit" makes it all the more exciting. And most importantly, the story takes place in a zombie apocalypse. To be fair, its actually surprising that the story was (mostly) sensible and smooth till the very end.

Im looking for survival games (be it zombies or anything) and games with sense or threat of danger.

- Mist (apocalyptical world, shadows instead of zombies, playing as a guy and scavenging for urself and ur girls)
- Kindread: Redburns (family in apocalyptical world, game is mostly text, choices dont really matter IMO, but the art, animation, world and writing are amazing)
...(some more but forgot titles)


New Member
Jul 30, 2022
Now and then is quite similar to kindread
I felt like there was way too much text in Now and Then, and too little action. Liked it otherwise.
Also it seemed like I dont need to do anything and the girl will have sex with MC either way (not challenging).

I loved LonaRPG but im not convinced about rpgmaker in general, and the rest of the games. Downloading first two just to be sure.
