Identify Looking for the name of a game [Solved]


Oct 7, 2017
I'm looking for the name of a game from this forum (I think) that I've played few years back. It was highly unfinished as most scenes and locations were placeholders. It didn't really have much of a plot. Some forest spirit summons you as a champion to restore her power by defeating and fucking every monster in elven forest or something like that. There were three main locations available at that point: the base camp, the forest and elven village. Gameplay wise it was similiar to Monster Girl Dreams game. You go fight monsters and heal back at camp. If you engage same monster multiple times you get additional scenes. There was both straight and gay content. There was some unfinished joke encounter with a spider. Ah, and the game engine I think was the same as in Four Elements Trainer.
If anyone got some info I would be grateful. It was actually a pretty decent game if you do not count the repetition. Would love to revisit it.