Identify Looking for the Names/Games of these characters?

Feb 13, 2021
so i essentially need the games for these characters, i have the names but not what game they came from. I need the names of the characters from Sunshine Love, Radiant and Tales of the Unending void. The reason im doing this is for a reddit post. People made a tier list of a bunch of characters. but not everyone knows the name/game so im putting together a list for people.

Ain.PNG Ain Alice.PNG Alice Ashley.PNG Ashley
Ashley2.PNG Ashley Becca.PNG Becca Carol.PNG Carol
Carol2.PNG Carol Charlotte.PNG Charlotte Emma.PNG Emma
Gwen.PNG Gwen Mary.PNG Mary Naomi.PNG Naomi
Petal.PNG Petal Rachel.PNG Rachel Radiant.PNG Radiant
Roxy.PNG Roxy Selene.PNG Selene Sky.PNG Sky
Sunshine.PNG Sunshine Love Tris.PNG Tris
Unending1.PNG Tales from Unending Void Unending2.PNG Tales from Unending Void Unending3.PNG Tales from Unending Void
Vera.PNG Vera Victoria.PNG Victoria Zara.PNG Zara

The Pie Rat

Active Member
Aug 26, 2021
Ashley in the first line, Carol underneath her, Rachel in the 5th, and Roxy in the 6th are from "University of Problems"

Becca in the 2nd line - My New Family.

Ashley2 (second line) - Sunshine Love.

Victoria, (And I believe Zara too) are from Summer's Gone.

"Sunshine Love" doesn't have a name. It's custom. She's the half sister/childhood friend.

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May 19, 2020
Tales from the Unending Void : Eva, Lilly and Aven respectively

Carol underneath Ashley and Naomi are from Now & Then