Identify Looking for this game for awhile now


New Member
Dec 17, 2018
So basically, I remember this one game that I played. It was a slave management/ turn based/RPG kinda game. Where if you beat the girls you'd get to capture and add them to your group or send em to a dungeon. I remember there being specific classes for the girls too. To where If you wanted to advance them you'd have to do a specific class quest out in the world. If it helps at all it's kinda like a side view in combat but the normal vn choices outside of that. There was also like a brothel, dungeon and etc you could make to satisfy the girls needs as they'd grow more lustful when you didn't interact with em and one last thing I remember is that said girls also had traits and etc. It wasn't a 2d game btw. Honestly I've been looking for so long it's been driving me crazy thinking this game never existed