Identify Looking for title of VN (Ren'Py) with unexpected dickgirl/futa hooker character as MC chases a lead.


Game Developer
Apr 4, 2020
Hi All,

A good while back I stumbled upon a Ren'Py game that had an interesting dickgirl/futa scene. Sadly, I cannot remember the title of the VN. Perhaps a kind soul can help me find it.

What I remember of that particular scene is this:

The MC hears that one of his leads (A weasly coder/IT-tech as I faintly recall) has a favourite girl at some brothel in town. MC decides to visit said brothel and asks for the girl in question. The MC then discovers that the girl has extra equipment and is a little taken aback. As is the girl, who says something to the effect of: "You asked for me, so I assemed you knew". I can't remember if as a reader you get the choice to have some fun with her or not, it might just be the continuation of the story without a choice. I do remember that in the bedroom scene which follows the girl confides in the MC. She apparently enjoyed his company and will help him. I think there was some sort of USB drive or other digital data involved and that the MC needed her to get it off the coder/IT-weasel guy. In return for her help, the MC would aid the girl in escaping her squalid life as a hooker.

I remember thinking that the whole scene was very appropriately lit - very dark with lots of red and blue neon. Also I seem to recall that the MC was cornered by the club owner after the bedroom scene. The owner sits the MC down for the obligatory "who are you? what are you doing here? and stay out of my way or I'll crush you." conversation.

That's about it. Maybe It'll jog somebody's memory.

Many thnx


Game Developer
Apr 4, 2020
Many thanks for the pointer - you got that spot on and in no time at all. Hats off! :)

I dug through the sources a bit and it seems that there's only the one scene with 'Lola' - too bad. I think that scene is one of the best MC-discovers-he-likes-all sorts-of-girls efforts I've had the pleasure of reading in an Adult VN.


Sep 18, 2019
Such a great start to a game too but it hasn't gone anywhere in a while.