[R>Programmer] Paid Share Looking for UNITY C# programmer


Oct 21, 2019
New project that my team is working on. UNITY C# project. It will be isometric (2.5D) and will use game mechanics comparable to titles such as “They Are Billions", "Stronghold 1”, “Stronghold: Crusader" and "Caesar 3" for examples.

Game Synopsis
The game is about managing a goblin clan and their lair in a mountain. Building, researching, breeding, raiding, gathering resources and so on. The game involves several themes like humiliation, forced sex and more.

Looking For
UNITY C# developer

Employment Type
Paid or Revenue Share

Work Commitment
5h to 10h / week

Preferred Method of Contact
F95 DM or discord: oxygeno_666

Job Description
Coding the game.
If selecting the share option, can take part in the game design (character designs, buildings, balance, and so forth).
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