Identify Looking for...


New Member
Jun 6, 2021
Hello everyone!

Not sure if this is in the right forum so sorry for any inconvenience.

I am looking for a VN that is a bit older but I cant remember the name of it.
The story is about a family that goes on a vacation to a beautiful island. The boat drops them off and says there is no way back till the next trip. When they enter the reception area everything seems normal but later they find out that the entire island is a nudist island and beyond a certain point they must be nude as well. They meet up with a family that kinda takes them in and changes their entire world.
I hope I described this well enough to get the hit I'm looking for if not oh well I tried. I actually like the VN pretty good.
Thank you in advance!

Really sorry if this is in the wrong location so if it is please move it to the correct forum because I really want to get this story again.