[R>Programmer] Share Unpaid Looking programmer for an rpgmaker MV harem game


New Member
Sep 15, 2021
(this is our Subscribestar), is a harem-corruption story, set in a low fantasy world, where you the MC, will help the village, where you and you family just moved, while something is corrupting the villagers and probably.... you.

- Unholy Studio ( , 2D artist and a Writer).

Looking for:
- Someone who know how to program on rpgmaker MV, install plugins, windows, basic minigames, etc.
(You don't need to be that good, you can learn along the way with us but need to know at least the very basics).

Employment type:
- We are working with a shared income, but because the game is not out yet (is close to), we are working unpaid.
but your share will be 20% of the total income.

Work commitment:
- Long term, the game will be kind of big, we don't ask for an everyday response, but maybe once a week minimun.

Preferred method of contact:
- Here on F95 or Discord (ghoostsshadow).

Job description:
- You will be working with all the programmation part: triggers, position, logs, event, plugins, etc. and in a more creativity parts like: maps, mini games, HUD & UI (I make all the art but based on your directions), battles, etc.

Additional comments:
- And again, you don't need to know all this right now, we are expecting someone that can learn with us since we are beginner in this too.
Below some example of the scenes of the game.