[S>Composer] [S>Voice] [S>Writer] Unpaid Looking to become experienced.

Mark Macabre

Aug 14, 2021
Hello all.

So, short and sweet:

1. I'm looking to voice act.
I've always done weird, funny and immersive voices, mostly to myself for the fun of it, but i think i've got room to improve. So why not VA.

2. I'm available as a composer.
Got 14 years of music experience behind me (Mostly on pc, but i know a few instruments), and i've got an itch to challenge myself to make some weird, yet good music.
Hopefully i can use what i learn through here, in an album!

Example of my work:

3. I'm available as a writer.
Pretty new to writing stories, but i'd say i'm getting the hang of it. The reason i believe i can offer it as a service is due to people around me, telling me i'm able to write pretty well.

Example include (But not limited to):

As for content?

No-go's include:
NTR, Feet, Female Protagonist (The fuck i know about writing a woman?...), and otherwise no-go-fo' shure include norms like needless r*pe and such.
Otherwise i'd say there is no limit to my debauchery.

So WHo IS i?
GLAD ya asked pal, oh buddy, my friendo or gal!

I'm Mark (Short for Markurious de' lá croix-la-No it's just Marcus)
I'm an overly expressive, yet reserved person normally (A.K.A Living Contradiction) And i tend to sit on my booty making music most of the time, if not just indulging in the devils lettuce.
I take pride in my patience and ability to understand people's situation, as well as help where i can (I know, people-pleaser shit like that.)

I've got a great and wide sense of humor, perspective and curiosity.
I also really love psychology, and the cosmic horrors the mind can create. Total sucker for comedy, Horror, Fantasy, Drama and all that jazz, though i lean more into the horror.

Discord: macabremark
Hope to get a message, i'm available most of the time.