2D Fan Art Looking to Commission 2D Art...


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017
Hello and thank you for taking the time to read this!

I am looking to commission a talented 2D artist looking to make a few dollars and produce a licensed opening menu graphic for the Remaster of our Visual Novel game “Wicked Choices: Book One”.

We’d like the artwork to feature our two main female characters Syrina (a Demoness/Demonothan) and Princess Lynara (an Angel/Angelion) together… it can be either sensual or erotic menu image and must be on a virtual canvas size of 1500 x 1080 (pixels) and would like the piece done within the first 2 weeks of March 2020.

We would like the artwork to look finished, either be colored or contain graphic Zipatone/shading.

Our company, ASLPro3D would retain the rights and license to the characters and artwork, which will be used for the Ren’Py opening menu and possibly for any additional display or reproduction for Patron/Fan merchandise, with credit for said artwork by the artist to still be displayed in any reproductions.

Artist will not only be paid for their work, but will also be given credit, as well as, a link provided to their art website, Patreon page and/or link to any project/game that they are currently working on within our game.

For those interested, please contact me via DM here on F95 with a link to see samples of your work and please provide rates for the commission.

We look forward to hearing from anyone interested in this opportunity and thank you for your time!


Current Menu Sample:

Samples of Syrina (Demoness/Demonothan):

Demonothans_Syrina01_profile.png Demonothans_Syrina02_profile.png

Samples of Princess Lynara (Angel/Angelion):
Angelions_Lynara02_profile.png Angelions_Lynara03_profile.png


New Member
Dec 19, 2017
Heya, still looking for an artist for the team?

Contact me here or on d-cord!:
