If you judge by any F95 thread, 99% of all predictions (ironically be people not supporting any given game w $) is abandonment....
This site has 20013 games.
5077 are marked as abandoned
9489 are marked as "completed".
109 are marked "on hold" (abandoned. but dev totally plans to continue it one day in the future).
My experience has been that 90%+ of "completed" games are abandoned. But dev lies and says they are completed, so they get the [completed] tag instead of the [abandoned] tag.
please ignore all the "will be added in next version" signs that litter the [completed] game.
please also ignore the 99% of planned content being cut, and none of the sideplots being wrapped up
90% of 9489 "completed" games is 8540.1 compli-bandoned games
5077 abandoned + 8540.1 compli-bandoned + 109 on-hold = 13726.1 abandoned
overall this shows a 68.5859192% abandoned games.
from the remaining 31% of "active" games... many switched from updating regularly to milker mode where they update once a year, some were abandoned less than 18 months ago. Which is how long it takes to get marked as abandoned, so they are currently marked as active.