VN - Ren'Py - Lost at Birth [Ch. 9 CE Part 2] [V19]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    No animations and a few cringy lines, but it's looking promisingly good as of Ch. 2.

    It'd be great to have the option to set your custom last name given the focus on well family, for now modding with URM it is.

    Update: Ch. 4 was rushed and short, I think the dev has no idea where he is going with this.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Been waiting and hoping for another game like this to come out. It has been a long time since we had one this good. A lot of typical tropes are included, but the dev puts a fresh spin on them. The girls are probably the best character models I have seen in a game to date. The crazy erratic wife adds an interesting dynamic that gives MC and daughter more reason to bond. Crazy wife is also crazy hot, so it is understandable why MC has lingered on for so long. Overall, the story is great, renders are great, atmosphere is great, and this game has a chance to be one of the masterpieces.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Normally iam not giving 5 Stars that easily, but i just loved the start of the game very much...

    It has some "fresh" approaches on the topic not many games have... its not the ordinary "dad meets daughter incest porn" thing.

    They have a very loving build up from the start, Kailey had a rough life so far, MC just cares for her at the start... this will become more obviuosly, but i think it will be more like a slow burn, and i like them, if they are well made... and i get the feeling this will be the case here.

    And i think the MC needs someone like Kailey in his life too... cause it is going downhill, meaningless side-chicks, a wife that is not very loveable at this point... Kailey is coming in his life at the perfect time.

    Well of course, this will mean a "catfight" further down, i cant think of a scenario where all three are getting together. Justine is very hostile from the start (well MCs fault too, cause he was cheating and such)... either way, this could be interesting.

    The dialogues are good, not very good, but decent enough. I like the renders, year there are better ones out there, but they are well made and really good, way above average.

    I really really like the models, they are unique i would say, didnt saw them in any other game, so they are not "recycled"

    Kailey is cute as a button, like her very much already. Looks and attitude. And she is not an overly clueless innocent girl... yeah oblivous, but her humor and some responses are showing that she is not clueless aboutr sex and stuff... it annys me everytime in a incest game when an adult daughter doesnt know anything about sex like "uuuuh is that how a penis looks like?" come on. You can make an incest porn game but be somewhant realistic... this game does it very well i think. Her background story why she stayed a virgin is believable too. My ex-girlfriend was the same.

    At this point there is not that much content, its pretty much a instruction, nothing more. But its setting up everything in a very good way and iam very intested how this will go on...

    hopefully updates will come regularly with a good amount of content, the game was released in march, now its august... for 5 months this is okay so far i think. Could be more, but others DEVs do much less in this time.

    Some advices.

    Make choices COUNT, there arent much choices so far, more or less "do you want to have something lewd right now or not" choices with no consequences so far... but well, there are possibilities, and i hope we need to do some SERIOUS choices in the future.

    Background sounds, music and so on are good too btw. Maybe in the future there are more background tracks for setting up different emotions and moods. we will see...

    Well, i loved what i saw so far, keep it up, i will watch it closely!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    While there may be a few variations out there on the dad meets daughter after countless years.. I was surprised by how well done this title handled it..
    The story and side narrative elements are pretty strong, dealing with the wife who you still lingered onto the hope of loving against the odds, The seduction of a woman who is DTF at your whim as well as the other enjoyable side characters..
    The visuals when it comes to the females in this are amazing.. truly beautiful designed renders and its easy to desire them in the story..
    Looking forward to seeing where the dev takes this story.. be it in the same direction the familiar genre goes or if they dare to try anything different its all good and will make for an interesting read regardless
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent two chapters so far. The renders look really good and the story has been interesting to read so far as well. I'm looking forward to reading the next chapters!

    I quite like the erratic behaviour of the wife. It adds a lot to the story, improves the bond between the main character and the daughter, makes the main character look better in the eyes of the daughter and also escalates situations nicely.

    The initial premise reminded me of the abandoned VN named Our Fate - A new family. I recommend Lost at Birth to everyone who likes it. And to everybody else as well!
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Excellent story and image quality. The girls are hot, too. I hope this continues and progresses further with the daughter. I'll probably wait for a couple updates as it seems to move a little too slow for my liking but I am hopeful. I'll be watching this.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Been a while since something like this come out. Honestly the best character renders in any game up until this point. Story is engaging enough for me to not just ctrl my way to scenes. 9/10 so far, score might go down or up depending on further development and the following chapters.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    In my opinion a very good story up until now (Chapter 2) with a self-aware MC in the middle of his life. The female characters are very fine looking ladies with quite a variety. You have the at least somewhat jealous wife, the "girl from next door and still shy" virgin daughter ("probably" ;)) and the coworker with hots for you (and maybe being too slutty for her own sake). So, for everyone something. Luckily there is no oversized properties ("baseball bat" penis, "balloon or zeppelin" breasts which ignore gravity and "horsesized" behinds). The render quality is very good, the lightning fits up until now to some degree (the renders that are supposed to be at night have sadly the same lightning as the day shots. That's the point I have to deduct. Otherwise I like the VN and would like to see much, much more until it gets finished! Keep up the good work!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Great graphics and story, slow burn on penetration, but for once it doesn't seem to be a problem. Keep up the good work, looking forward to more in this story. Including where her birth mother went, which one would assume is coming eventually.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Dude, this game is a potential fucking masterpiece. Story is great, renders are fantastic.. but the girls! Oh, the girls!

    I literally yelled out "NOOO!" when I reached the end of 0.1.

    Please keep it up, dev!
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Tried it and liked it well enough. Fair amount of content for a first version.
    MC could/should be less of a creep, or rather stop sending completely different signals.
    Kailee is sweet, but doesn't seem the completely naive and demure type (unless what happened to her, will be the reason for changing her character), which would certainly be a departure from how the daughters are often depicted in this type of games.

    I like it, it makes her a more realistic and rounded character.
    In many good ways, this reminded me of another game I loved, which sadly never got finished, because the dev disappeared right around the time the final part of the story began.

    The only thing I really didn't like were those stupid "title card"-cutaways. They took way too long, I went to skip them every time, but that mostly led to losing some of the writing, because it transitions directly into the next scene.
    Really a weird way to do this. Why not make it so that you can just click those away, with a single click? It doesn't take you ten seconds or so to read a few words, when nothing else is on the screen.

    Minor problem, so not really a dislike, is the characters apart from Kailee, like I already wrote the MC should dial back the pervy part of his character a bit, and neither his wife nor co-worker are in any way sympathetic characters.
    Now, this is of course just my personal taste, but I do prefer to have some characters I like in a game.
    Hope this doesn't seem too negative, I really liked the renders, the girls look great, and the writing was quite good as well, with a few minor weaknesses. This game is definitely off to a good start and could become really exceptional if it continues in this quality and with reasonable time between updates and acceptable length of each update.

    Edited to add: Okay, read a post by one of the devs now, so obviously MC is supposed to be a sex-addict, he doesn't perv out over talking with his daughter, he just constantly pervs out. I actually find that better, I can certainly see the appeal behind the idea that he replaces one addiction with another one.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    For the first release, I am very impressed. The content is high quality, regarding the exceptional beautiful renders but especially also the story, which provides deepness.

    This story is different from so many games, where you just play another male fantasy. Here you are a "successful" middle-aged man, however your life reached one of those typical dead ends at this age. Everything is fine on the outside appearance, big house, beautiful wife who you love and who even likes sex, a good job... But actually the depressing situation of being actually trapped in this marriage without real passion, the sadness alcohol abuse provides, and the lack of purpose of your life is beautifully crafted. This is game even contains some hot sex scenes with beautifully girls, but which make you actually just sad to further paint the depressing backstory of insignificance - just brilliant! But then suddenly someone appears in your life, and your life gets a totally new meaning.

    Of course, this is not everybody's cup, especially those who just search for a quick wank. But in my opinion, this game is superb, since is anchors real emotions in a convincing and realistic backstory. Also, from the technical side, the game is great. The models are all plain beautiful and not the same stock models like in so many other games. The characters look realistic and don't suffer the unnerving big tit syndrome, which adds up to the convincing immersion.

    I am absolutely curious where this story leads in future updates. But for a start this game does not deserve anything less than full 5 stars.
  13. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 806709

    Review based on v0.1:

    Pretty good for a first release!

    - Renders are amazing. I'm especially impressed with how the wife character turned out. Older fem models usually run into some design hurdles. Wrinkles under the eyes are sometimes overemphasized. Getting the right amount of plump in the face is also intricate, since you don't want the cheeks to look saggy. At the same time some artists overcorrect and make the face too sharp and boney. Here there's a nice balance, clearly the character isn't super young but the age isn't overemphasized. Skin textures were also balanced well. No character looks too glossy or matte.

    - The story is obviously somewhat derivative but I still think there's enough room for originality. The setup is something I've never seen before. I did however find it a bit jarring how the not-daughter just showed up immediately after. The story overall had a pretty fast pace, and that doesn't have to be a bad thing, but your first meeting with the girl was a bit too sudden. You couldn't really process it imo.

    - The lewd scenes are decent, but something that bothered me was the progression. Individual renders are good, but at times there's little to no transition. In the BJ scene with the coworker, we immediately go from one render of the MC shoving his dick down her throat to another of him cumming on her face. Having an intermediary phase where he's halfway out would have been appreciated.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Review based on v0.1:

    I normally don't review the first version of games but this time is an exception. I have followed V19 since he tried to remake another favorite game of mine but had to stop because of reasons. Out of the rubbles of that game this one came and damn am I glad it did. It captures some of the great aspects of that game and introduces some new ones too.

    The characters here look amazing and unique, story so far sounds great if not anything special. Dev seems capable of making some really sexy scenes.
    Sound design is also looking good with music fitting well to the different scenes.

    All in all so is this a game I am looking forward to seeing develop.
  15. 2.00 star(s)

    Before I Forget

    Renders: Superb. Well detailed, but modest looking models.

    Characters: The MC is a man going through a midlife crisis, fighting off past addicts and so far doing a good job with handling it.

    Justine is the drunken wife, who just screams misery.

    Kailey may or not be the MC's long lost daughter, though I have a feeling he's going to care for her, regardless.

    Cassidy is the cliché nymph of the game, that seems to love broadcasting her body count.

    So far that's all the characters for now.


    Anytime there's a situation where the MC is already married is always gonna have some pushback from players. However, in this case not only are you in a loveless marriage but your wife is also a bad influence on you , this the somewhat like the IR game where you the player can't wait to get away from the wife, which begs the question... Why? What's the point in the first place?

    I'm sure there's going to be options to "fix" their marriage but from what I've seen the MC is ready to just cheat and go along with anything, especially with a character like Cassidy, who's ready to "introduce" you to her friends. There's probably gonna be a lot of cheating, the wife will probably cheat as well if/or when she finds out. This so far just isn't to my liken, life is too short to be miserable or be shackled to a marriage, no one really wants.

    Overall, it looks pretty but that's why my interest stops.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3250193

    What a fantastic start. Great renders, good writing, realistic dialogue... This is one of those rare games that I am immediately impressed by. Really looking forward to seeing where this goes. My only complaint was how short it felt, but that's likely because I was so drawn in from the start.
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2368932

    I don't usually review games after the first release, but this one is something special. From the moment you launch it and start a new game it screams polish, and it keeps that up. I've actually been paying attention to this game's development a bit, as the team were initially working on a remake of "Our Fate", which was a game I loved and hated seeing abandoned. So when they decided to stop working on that remake I was extremely disappointed, but fuck me this has the potential to be way better than Our Fate ever was. It's also very clearly it's own thing and takes a different approach than Our Fate from the get-go. I was worried that my high expectations (the stuff that had been showed pre-release looked excellent) might lead to me being disappointed, but my expectations were honestly blown out of the water. This game looks great, is really well written and makes excellent use of music and ambience to set the tone. There's obviously not a lot of content here yet and there are only two optional lewd scenes. But they're both done well and pretty hot, especially the one in the bathroom. And the part of the story that we've got so far sets us up excellently, and already took me through a range of emotions. It really is plenty for a first release, and the quality is top notch! If this is anything to go by, we're all in for a very enjoyable ride, I wish the devs all the best!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    A fantastic start to what's looking like a gorgeous game.
    Beautiful renders and character designs. Nothing much of a story so far but that will come with time.
    Looking forward to seeing what the future holds in store for this one.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Great renders
    Engaging dialogues with humor
    Interesting characters
    Not the most unique plot but still might make a great story in the future
    Anyways enjoyed having a go at it
    Would recommend to try it out it's worth it

    Looking forward to future updates
    Goodluck dev.