Unity - Abandoned - Lost Case: Monster Girl Takeover [v1.4 + LCMGT Test Level 2] [Zolvatory]

  1. 4.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: It's over boys...

    This game has all the building block to start constructing a really good game. You can tell from what effectively is an unofficial demo that this game was going to be good, if a bit simple. Sadly it was left on the sidewalk by the developers.
    If you were to judge this game based on its current version, i would say it is a pretty short, simple game with a good amount of "material" to get you going for once or twice. I would still recommend you to download and try it out. Just dont expect to play for long.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    An unfortunate end to a promising game, but I still have compliments to say to this game.

    For what it was aiming for, this game has an amazing concept. The detective style and the designs of the characters are very unique, and the premise of the story is a very interesting take. The enemies and even the character we control is animated very well, everything from the attacks to the H-scenes. The scenes themselves are great too.

    The gameplay's foundation is clear, even if within the alpha, it's not exactly polished, if it were to be developed well, the game would have been very fun to play. All enemies is very unique to face against, even if there is little, and the mechanics like Just Guard (block just as the projectile is about to hit you and you'll reflect it) and dash is well done. Movement is still rudimentary, and your basic attack feels awkward, but such is to be expected from an alpha .

    The game could have been a great 9/10 if it were to be developed to the fullest, but it's unfortunate that it was discontinued. I'll still say the alpha isn't that bad to experience a glimpse of what it could've been. 7/10.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Promising but slow.

    There is a lot of potential, but I am not sure how will it go, due to the time between updates...

    -Story, Originality
    You walk around the city and beat girls who want to ... you.
    Pretty basic and normal story.

    The art is cool.
    Feels like drawn pixelart.

    Basic sound.
    Nothing awesome or awful.

    You can walk around, fight, parkour, see h-scenes.
    Pretty playable to me.

    Saw some stutters, but don't know why and how I got them.

    Nothing serious.

    Always liked pixelart animations and like them here.

    -Voice Acting
    No voices here.

    Didn't see mistakes.

    -Amount of content
    Not very much. I think I was 3-4 enemies and a lot of "in the next update" areas.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Really good start for a porn game! Hope this gets updated soon. These are what I would work on the next patch. 1. Work on the protagonist sound attack (it is too quiet). 2. The controls feels a bit clunky when jumping on walls (put less technical jumps at the start of the game as well). Last thing, the player should be able to run without pressing the run button again after exiting an area. [Build tested: v1.3]
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun enemies with a unique struggling/dialogue system with stunning pixel art, and game over scenes unique to each enemy. With a few more updates this has the potential to be one of the best h-games out there. Definitely support the devs on patreon or itch when you download, so hopefully they can go full time and devote more time to the game! Fantastic game, hope to see more soon!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    It's still on early access but this game has a lot of potential.

    Smooth movement and controls
    Smooth H scenes
    H scenes on combat
    Pretty looking enemies
    Nice graphics and quality

    Clunky jump controls

  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Looks like it has a lot of promise. The visuals are really stunning, and the concept might be fun to playthrough. However, the gameplay is a little bit rough.
    Yes I know it's nowhere near completion, but it should still be critiqued on where it needs to be.

    Gameplay: 4/5, good, but sort of rough

    It's got your basic jump, attack, and block. Exploration is fine, but my main gripes are;
    1. The camera. It's too close to the character. I didn't try zooming out with mouse-wheel or anything, but if it exists, then my bad.
    2. The jump physics. It feels strange. You jump high, and as you reach the peak of the jump, it slows down. As soon as you start falling, it's as if you fall at terminal velocity instantly. It'd be great if ascending was slower and less... floatier? It's hard to describe, but basically, the jumping-arc feels strange.

    And while I would like a multi-hit attack or something of the likes, I know animations take a long time to make, and that this game is barely even made. Also, there are only a few enemies littered around. Reflecting is easy, too.

    Overall, it feels like a mediocre to slightly better H-Game platformer.

    Art: 5/5, it's actually really really good.
    I'm a sucker for pixel art, and this shit is good. Uh, not much to say. I guess another thing is that the MC looks very feminine, so if that's not your thing... Well shucks.

    Sound: 5/5, it is what it is.
    The one song that's in there fits the mood, and is pretty nice to listen to with the aesthetic. I don't know the names of certain aesthetics or genres of music, but yeah, it fits. There's sounds for swinging, and the footsies (both lewd and non-lewd footsies). Pretty good.

    Story: None/5
    It's being developed.

    For a v0.1, it's pretty well refined. Obviously, it just needs more content and maybe a refining of the physics. But otherwise, if everything else that will be added is as quality as what's already here, then this will be a really good game. It's... Pretty dang good.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    While admittedly early, this game appears to be shaping up to be a fantastic addition to the list of high quality erotic sidescrollers. The art alone makes up for any current technical shortcomings, and I have very high hopes for where this project might lead.