Unity - Completed - Lost [Final] [DSGame]

  1. 2.00 star(s)



    Other than that, the art is kinda okay
    the scenes are straight up weird, like one scene a bug crawls up the girl and bites her nipples... I mean... why...
    the puzzles can be a tiny bit annoying but there are plenty of hints that you can use, hit boxes are also bad

    can be played in a short time, maybe even less than an hour so it's very short

    Overall, I think you're better off avoiding this. don't play it, go watch some hentai instead, it's less boring than this.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    No real story.

    Puzzle gameplay is interesting though. Not really intellectual, more based on trial and error. The game offers hints if you get frustrated. Solving puzzles unlocks H-animations. Its pretty forgettable but its $2 for a reason. Know what you're getting yourself into. This is not a VN, this is an average puzzle game.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game, many characters, each in its own way is special and beautiful! Detailing is also up to par, there is nothing superfluous in anatomy (as happens in many projects) Quality quests and fun walkthroughs for an hour or two also for the lazy, prompt are placed throughout that will allow you to complete the game in a dozen minutes:cool::cool:;)