Identify lost game / possibly abandoned (VN, 3D, monster girl)


Dec 30, 2018
Hi, I really could use some help here. Perhaps anyone might recalls while reading this post:
Going crazy, looked through the Tags-List and couldnt find the game in question. Might be to old to be tagged correctly?

The Tags: were if I am right (game should be from around '19 or so): VN with some open world elements as to where you want to head next , Magic / Isekai, Monster Girls, Harem and had a 3D-VN feeling and barely or none fully animated scenes. Most likely Renpy but cant be certain b/c of its age.

The Story / Plot: Random (young) dude steps up to a heritage, lost uncle or father?, which made him successor to a certain magic or some destiny. Took place in a hotel or the hotel was heritage too? It served as a HUB and had different portals to different realms with thier monster girls. Also the latent magic within him did attract or made him wanted by all kinds of monster and regular woman. Had some catch if he would fool around with too much of the ladys randomly. If im not mistaken he had also a female human "secretary" or "inheritance administrator" which gave him the quest/mission for the game, she was a witch or some kind of magic human too.

This is only from the top of my head, as I have not played it for some long ass time. Did loose a few parts of my backups/collection after a HDD died on my. This game/VN is one of the few which I cant recall and maybe already abandoned. Any suggestions to similiar games of the same genre as this -monster girls who are into the MC, other world, harem and so on- are welcome too!