VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Lost in Paradise [v1.00] [Dimajio333]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    A considerable improvement over the developer's first entry. It's a classic castaway story with two almost completely different storylines depending on whether you are playing as a stag/cuck or as a bull. Each of those storylines has a couple of flavour conclusions. Overall it's a lot better written than some previous entries, despite the occasional typo. Occasionally the plotting feels a bit repetitive. The character models are nice. Overall, it's slightly above average - not bad!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    A dev that gets "it"...
    How to make an NTR AVN that even non-NTR or neutral to NTR folks can enjoy without grossly short changing enjoyable story and scene content.
    Dimajio333, 3 for 3 so far with just absolutely wonderful AVNs.
    Permission, Make Me Happy, and now Lost in Paradise, which is an absolute grand slam, knocked completely out of the park...

    Want to play a loyal friend/husband? check
    Want to be the "bull"? check
    Want a threesome with your wife and her sister? check
    Want to consensually share (or not) your hotwife? check
    Want to be a cuck? check
    And there are several variations to the way you can play each of those.
    The choices are yours. Have fun.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Really enjoyed the game. Ntr path is very mesmerizing, the wife is beautiful and sharing it is a pleasure. Liked both paths actually, but I liked the ntr path more. The gradual chemistry between the bull and the wife is well built. The only thing I would fix is for her not to cheat in the past, but to start enjoying sex with another man already in the game and only with the mc's consent. Thanks for the game
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This games premise is simple and straight to the point.

    There are two scenarios

    Cuck: Involves a strong MC who has the option of stealing women from other males. (TOP TIER). My kind of NTR.

    Be Cucked: Involves a weak MC who watches his girl get plowed by other males. (still good...;)

    I played both options and I just warn you in advance to bring some lotion with you. The art is dated but you can tell the dev put a ton of work into the sex scenes which are the most important. Not on any route in particular, both routes feature sneaky sex done the right way. Plenty of hours and lots of build up and tension. ZERO grind and actual sex in a game about sex.

    My only regret is that I already beat it so I can experience it with fresh eyes again. I hope the dev makes another one.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Not the most well thought out ending but there's enough content in both routes to feel satisfied. And yes, there are two independent routes which is rare. Scenarios presented in the story are far fetched but work well in the porn context. Both primary LIs are attractive and charming. If you enjoy Netori/Netorare, give this a try.
  6. 3.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    Lost in paradise is an NTR VN running the shipwrecked scenario.

    There are two different main paths in the game, netorare and netori. You either cuck your best friend or get cucked by some strangers. There are a lot of options throughout the story to opt in or out of certain scenes, but the vanilla content in the game is extremely limited and definitely not worth your time.

    The story outside the sex scenes is hilariously bad. While there is a basic story arc, any sort of violent conflict between characters is actively funny in how unrealistically and incompetently everyone acts. There's a number of struggles for guns and in/through the water in the story and none of them reflect how reality works. I'm not asking for gritty realism or anything, I just feel like a swimmer can't chase down a boat and getting shot tends to end an encounter. Also, stop letting the bad guys escape only to ambush you again later.

    The characters are pretty thin. There's not a lot of personality in them, just roles.

    Anyway, the sex scenes are decent. The girls' models are good and the cuckoldry is good enough on either side if that's what you're into. There is a BBC storyline on the cuck path that felt almost painfully cliche.

    Lastly, the game has one song. It plays on loop the whole time you play it. This is actively worse than no sound. Turn off your headphones/speaker.

    Overall, you might find some enjoyment if you're really into some flavor of NTR, but the game is really not worth playing if that's not your jam. The story, images, and characters just aren't enough to stand alone.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    A good game, I liked it even if it is the most classic of plots: shipwreck/desert island/unbridled lust.
    Overall the plot grabs you because it is very beautiful, even if it has some flaws here and there.
    When the characters don't have sex however they are rather stupid, as more than once they are presented with the possibility of having a gun to defend themselves but then they never do it (only one girl has the courage to shoot, but then she throws that gun away.
    A few small holes in the script, some more descriptive scenes would have been needed, for example that of Eva on the pirate ship (as I already wrote in the thread), or seeing what happens when she locks herself half naked in the room with Albert on the first evening during the game. Another important thing overlooked was the failure of Eva or Lia to become pregnant in the two paths: they both had too much unprotected sex, is it possible that neither of them gets pregnant in the end? Paradoxically we are left with only one girl who only has sex once in the entire game.
    I believe that in the end it also lacks some choices: such as the one that in the end MC may no longer accept his wife's excessive authoritarian behavior and decide to leave her.

    The choice of the melancholic melody that accompanies the whole game is spot on because it is beautiful.
    An excellent feature of the game is the initial choice that delimits the path making you live on the same island but in 2 completely different adventures that almost seem like 2 different games. It's almost hard to believe that MC is the same one who on the one hand is a supermacho who seduces all women and gives them pleasure continuously, while on the other side it is a Speedy Gonzales who is humiliated into submission by his sexy wife as he cannot bring her to pleasure.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    A dual-scenario visual novel with a serviceable story that's undermined by a poor English translation and questionable action scenes.

    Lost in Paradise is about a married man who is shipwrecked on a deserted island. Depending on the player's initial choice, he is shipwrecked with his best friend and his wife (bully route) or the player's wife and a dashing stranger (cuckold route). Choices within each route offer a degree of control over the content seen, but the two routes are basically linear.

    Like others, I found the Cuckold route boring. The problem with deserted island scenarios is that there's often very little interesting happening, especially when there's only 2-3 characters. The protagonist is immediately injured, so that leaves two characters flirting with each other while he looks on passively. I found this insufferably boring, so pretty quickly I restarted and tried the Bully route. The Bully route is more interesting. The relationship dynamics feel a bit more complex with all the characters actively participating, and eventually another girl joins the group--though the opportunity to play the girls and guys off each other is sadly missed.

    However, the game has some major issues with the writing. First, the English translation (I'm assuming it's a translation) is pretty bad. It reads like a machine translation, often mixing up the gender of pronouns. It's mostly understandable, but word choice is completely off on a regular basis. The writing has an overall awkward feel that's hard to take seriously, even during dramatic moments. The dramatic action scenes are hit particularly hard, where bits of the action just don't make any sense, to the extent that it may be a scenario issue rather than a translation issue. For example, at one point the main character from the water *leaps* into a rowboat at sea and successfully wrestles a guy armed with a gun to the floor--all without affecting the stability of the two-person rowboat in question. In another instance, after being shot *through* the shoulder from front to back, 1-2 days later he has no problem wrestling two thugs into submission simultaneously, one armed with a knife. Keep in mind this is the *same* protagonist that in the cuckold route is taken out of commission by a shallow flesh wound on his leg! During the combat his shoulder isn't even mentioned, yet it hurts around the same time period in a 100m dash to the extent that he's worried the wound will open up. Again, it's hard to take the drama seriously when it's so completely ridiculous and inconsistent.

    Overall while the story is serviceable, this is not an impressive game, and I wonder about the users who think it is.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    I give it a solid 4 overall. Do note that I only played the game with the bully route so keep this in mind if you are interested in the cuck route.
    The premise for the plot is good and the story is nicely done in general, the problem I'd say is that it develops extremely quickly. The writing also has a bunch of errors here and there but it's not too bad, it doesn't ruin the experience.
    The models and the scenes are well done overall.
    I recommend playing this game.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Basically I’m only reviewing half the game since only went through the whole Bull route. For having two major paths, I was impressed by the amount of content and variations on this route. The Dev’s experience with NTR is evident in how he writes the Bull MC imo, which adds to it greatly. Also I like that you don’t have to focus on humiliating the cuck. Some might consider the pacing two fast, but I believe its pretty good. I’d rather dev’s focus more on getting to the good content than super slow burning games. This one is fast but not too fast so that things feel connected and developed somewhat, without the dramatic plot getting in the way.

    I should maybe rate this as a 4 since only reviewed half the game but I don't think the dev should be punished for that because of my choices.

    Hopefully the dev continues to write Bull paths into his future content.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't usually write reviews but this game was awsome. The models and the sex scenes are great and the story makes sense. The best part for me is that the decisions made during the game slightly alter the events and the endings so it makes sense to have multiple playthroughs.

    Overall a great game for the fans of NTR but also for the fans of bull content...
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This is my first review, I am not an experienced adult-game reviewer but I have played hundreds of games.
    I really like the build-up in this game , and the pace is quite perfect. Also, I love the appearance of Lia, the face and the body, just a little shame that this is not ntr cheating. In addition, after this game, I played pipeapple express, but the boobs are kind of too small.
    All in all, I truly hope that the dev can work on some story that is ntr cheating not sharing, and also a character with bigger boobs.
    However, this is still a perfect game, good luck with the future projects!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    this game is pretty damn amazing for a depraved NTR adventure. Love it.
    Wish there were some more choices/ actions you could take in the sex scenes to vary it up but it's very fun nonetheless. Looking forward to rerunning every path.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is one of the top tier ntr game imo. The writing on different paths are well thought out and equally exciting, even though I mostly into cuckolding stuffs, I find the bulling part of the game to be quite enjoyable. Three female character are all gorgeous and distinguishable, unlike a lot of cheaply designed models out there.
    If I have to make a criticism about the story, it will be the mc being a bit too cuck and the wife being too dominant in certain aspects, like agreeing to have the wife being knocked up by other man should be a pretty big deal for even a willing cuckold, not to mention the couple is kinda new to this lifestyle.
    Cuck mc also appears to be rather incompetent in all sorts of things, especially compares to his bull counterpart, which means a stag or confident cuck is not an option, but the lack of choice is not something I will complain about, after all its impossible to include everything with limited resources, what I think that might make it even more exciting than it already was, is to allows the mc to show his usefulness and pride at first, then showing the changes in the relationship dynamic as the husband soften and giving up his role as the only man in the house.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm really enjoying this one. I played the bully route and the MC's sister-in-law is a hot firecracker. It would be great to see her sister come around to sharing her hubby the MC with her and Celine.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Dimajio is doing an amazing job again.
    Lost in paradise is a super original story
    Art is amazing, I'm not a specialist on this, but definitely this game is beautiful
    Models are so pretty and hot, this game offer hottest models than his similar (cuckolding genre)
    My favourites parts in the game are the sex scenes. It sounds so realistic, everything makes Sense. Not horse dicks, natural bodies and even natural sex. It's an amazing experience to play.

    Plot. Plot is real good when the main couple enjoy the kink with the white Bull, since the beginning (travel) to the present update. But looking to the Black Guy, its poor. Also the game would be better If both girls interact with mc kink. We are closed to the end so... A New perspective could be real interesting

    Story 10/10
    Plot 7/10
    Models 10/10
    Sex 10/10
    Dialogues 10/10
    Characters development 10/10
    Cuckolding/hotwifing 9/10
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Really loved the renders and CGs with somewhat compelling story (deserted island). There is two paths to take that you chose in the beginning of the game which offers completely different perspectives and kinks/fetishes.
    But the problem the game has is phasing and whole story telling, character development... It is moving in incredible phase, tries to use basic point system, but that does not contribute to much, whole dialogs between characters is not natural at all.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    what can i say, Eva perfect and i see more scenes and routs with her. Also if game will have animated scenes or corruption system - it will be great. Why im not interest to others stories, i dont know, maybe because Eva very beauty and all attention on her
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    The English is rather broken in this game so I suspect quite a bit is lost in translation. Everyone talks as if they've been programmed, it's difficult to take them seriously. Which is a problem because this game tries to be serious. When a game could be improved by having the character shut up, you know there's something wrong.

    The MC looks like he's 15 which is creeping me out.

    It's difficult to look past the horrid dialogue and give the game a chance, I've known autists who were more eloquent than this dialogue. If one area is drowning the rest of the aspects of a game, you know there's something gravely wrong with the whole structure. Pass!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm a fan of NTR stories, (both Netorare and Netori)

    This game has the option of being the Cucker or Cuckee

    So far the game is mostly Hotwife/cheating but it could very easily be on the cusp of introducing some of the harder elements of NTR into the story

    Personally prefer the story of MC emasculating his friend over the alt path with MC getting his wife charmed by the silver fox but both storylines are good

    Great content so far and looking forward to more updates