VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Love and Submission [v0.08] [veqvil]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Forget all your experience with Visual Novels around here. After you give this a try it will rewire your standards when it comes to those. Warning: This might (will) irreversibly spoil you as anything less (most of the visual novels out there) will leave a bad taste in your mouth.

    +Wonderful renders
    +Unique characters
    +Engaging story, i dare say, dramatic even (Seriously, how often you see this??)
    +Choices you take have serious impact (This is usually an empty boast with many games. Not here.)
    +...which guarantees several replayability. Emphasis goes to several. Not just once.

    -Replayabilitly. Unless you save before each and every decisions, this can become a real grindfest. My personal opinion on the matter that this is a trade-off. Meaningful decisions comes with a price but the fact remains. For this reason, a single playthrough is rather short though.
    -Lack of animations. (I never was one who missed them, i do love having them though. I confess i did only a casual playthrough but haven't encountered any.)
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Great cgi's ,and finaly a good story. Scene with Becky in pizza place when i rejected her, hands down masterpiece.Never ever had a second thoughts on my choices like that ,till now... keep up the good work and this will be the best game in this genere. Sorry for my bad english xD
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Version 0.03.1

    Extremely promising !
    I really hate it to find it so early :p I want to play more, but I can't.
    The visuals are great, a lot of interesting girls, a lot of choices which hopefully take deep impact in future versions. The awesome Love and Submission system.
    Until now I can't find anything bad, except the early version (obviously).
    So keep it up and give us more !
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Goblin Baily: DILF

    I would dare to say this is among the most detailed games .
    The character's expressions change.
    The MC has plenty of choices (for an early stage in game v0.03.1) and a real backstory
    and on the third day of gameplay @veqvil said "let there be blue balls"
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs...

    (12/11/2017 - Original Review - v0.03.1)

    Well, this visual novel doesn't look half bad thus far, even though it doesn't last long being so early into development... There were a few minor issues with the script and the visuals, but I'll go over that in a moment...

    The visuals were, for the most part, pretty good... There were a few grainy scenes, but not too terrible... At first when the protagonist got home I was a bit confused on who was the Mom and who was the Sister, and got them mixed up... But next game day it was much clearer who was who, based off who was moving their mouth during the dialogue... Now, that could of just been me not paying attention enough, but the Mom, although bigger than the sister, looks a tad young for he age, which may also be what threw me off... The user interface was done well, and the selecting of items worked perfectly...

    As to the script, there were a few minor moments when it sounded like broken English, but it could well have been spelling or grammar mistakes... But for the most part it was all perfectly understandable... I do absolutely love that the author/s give the reader 3 different choices for how to play the vn/game... Not sure if it makes huge amounts of difference in the content that currently exists, but I can see a lot of potential for different story paths, which might make this one actually worth replaying if that is indeed the case, to try different paths once completed... The only qualm I had really was the game appears at first to be a little open ended since you can select different places to go in the home, but for the moment it sort of leads you down a linear progression without the ability to really explore the house too much... Now, that could just be because it's really early in development, or that could just be how it is? Have to wait and see...

    Overall, this vn/game looks like it could have a lot of potential to be a fun, creative, and interesting one... Only time will tell how far things will go... I did get a mystical vibe during the dream sequences, so not sure it will go down a more fantastical path or if I'm just reading too much into it... It could just be the choice I made... I'll definitely re-visit this one once it gets a bit further into it's development cycle... It shows a LOT of potential...

    (04/12/2018 - Review Update - v0.05)

    Ok, so it's been 4+ months since I last played this visual novel/game... And there have been a lot of changes, some great and some not so great... I'll touch on all of it...

    First, the text issues from before are gone, which is great... Next, there is a lot more adventure game feel now mixed with the normal visual novel parts... At first it is very linear, but then it begins to allow more free options... But this is also it's down side...

    I played the game from scratch, and there came a moment when the next door neighbors came into the story, where it seemed as though the direction of the story was changing directions, and I mean plural... As I was going through what I first thought was a family relationship story, it ended up going all sorts of weird directions, hinting all sorts of stuff that just left me feeling confused and wondering what was really happening... As I continued, it felt like I was missing key story elements, with plot holes starting to appear... It was really confusing and made me stop playing... I had to step back and ask myself, what the hell is going on... All these jig saw pieces I was coming across, but it felt like I was missing something in the story... It was almost like I was getting story bits in the wrong order and with some bits completely missing...

    On my second play through, I decided to look up the walkthroughs, to see what the hell was going on... Why was the game suddenly involving this strange family, and why was I not running into barely any erotic content at all? Well, I found my answers, sort of, in the walkthroughs... This VN/Game breaks down story lines into distinct paths for each woman character... What I was doing was going after several women at one time, and apparently that is just not how the story was meant to play out... And I also found out I was missing a ton of stuff... As in there are all these really well hidden and super small objects that are part of some of the story lines, and if you miss them, then you are missing out on some of the plot that actually fills in those plot holes I had been experiencing... Sure, I could have done without some of them, but me being a stickler for story continuity, I noticed the holes every time they came up...

    So, I picked a story line this time, and followed the walkthrough, and I tell you right now, it made a hell of a lot more sense... You get a few erotic scenes, although not many, and not too erotic... It's when I determined, that up to v0.4, it is very focused on individual story lines... You may need a walkthrough, if you don't want to miss out on the tiny amount of erotic content, as well as fill in the missing plot holes... After that, the v0.05 content started to make a lot more sense, but I still had to follow the walkthrough, because I still would have missed stuff if I hadn't...

    In the end, with the revelations, I determined is that it is highly recommended to use the walkthrough if you want to guarantee to see more content... And it will help you to not miss any pieces of plot...

    So, beyond that... It almost feels as though the VN/Game is trying to include a lot of mystery regarding the protagonists father, as well as the family next door, who I almost think have similar powers to the protagonist (like how the neighbor in the clothes store suddenly acted all taken back and bothered while looking at the protagonists sister right before the incident)... Don't really know yet... There is a ton of plot twisting thrown at you in this VN/Game, and a lot of characters to try and manage, if that is what you want to try and do... I'm a bit disappointed at the real lack of all that much erotic content though... There are moments where you think you'll see more, but it never comes to light...

    There is just a lot going on in this VN/Game... I really hope the developers are not bighting off more then they can chew... And be aware, this game is not forgiving with all the hidden items... Most of them are not easy to notice, being so small and well hidden... Some are not so bad, while others I would never in a life time had known they were there, if not for the walkthrough (i.e. the vibrator, some of the keys, etc.)... Some items are almost completely blended in with the background... Of all the erotic VN/Games I've played with adventure type clickable items, this one has been the most difficult to spot some of the items... So be prepared to use the Walkthrough, if you get stuck or wonder about the same things I did, on your first play through...

    I also wonder a lot about the protagonists prophetic dreams... It only really happened one time where it felt like an actual ability, with the Becky alley event... The rest of the dreams felt a bit chaotic, like they weren't really revealing much at all... Hopefully that part of the story becomes a bit clearer in the future, because it kind of feels lack luster after the alley stuff... Plus, at first the story makes it sound like the protagonist had some type of influencing power, but then it kind of stops even mentioning it at all, during the 2nd half of the current content... Was it an abandoned concept? Felt odd, that it would happen near the beginning and then sort of vanish from the story telling...

    I still think this game is decent and shows promise, but it is not forgiving or easy to figure out sometimes... I was so confused about the story plots and side plots, trying to figure out how they all tied together... And it was because the game kind of changes track, once the neighbors become involved... It had multiple tracks through till v0.05, then it sort of just had 1 track... And because it appears that the content is coming out in small spurts... I will most likely wait a long while before re-visiting this game again... Just so I have a bunch of new content to go through the next time... I wish the developers the best of luck on this project, as it has a lot of stuff going on...
  6. H
    5.00 star(s)


    This is how you start an amazing game. I won’t be surprised if B.B. starts to have sole trouble with how talented this dev is.
    Art- 5/5 yes just yes. No basic shit this the good stuff. He either sprung for the great art assets and backgrounds or this guys is seriously talented. I don’t think I’ve seen a vanilla scene yet.
    Story- 5/5 This is not some story about a picture walking around on screen. You actually care about the mother and sister as well as all of the other characters in this game. The friend is a little stereotypical but it’s so believable that it doesn’t matter. We care about these characters so we care about the game much more than some random porn movie. Just like the other reviews said I can’t wait to see where this goes.
    Dialogue-4.5/5 some minor problems in strange scenes but for the most part I think this dev is native English speaker and rally handles the characters and their speech well.
    CGs-4.5/5 Mom is gorgeous. Sister is amazing. Ex is repeated but the entire story with her makes her so much better. My only problems is that I haven’t seen all the good stuff yet but I am confident I’m going to love it.
    Fappabilty- 2 Nuts and I haven’t seen a sex scene yet. Please don’t let me die of dehydration when I play this game. I need to clean my hard drive.
    Content- 5/5 in progress but updates are frequent and mostly substantial enough. The dev knows what he’s doing and I wish I could be more than just a free loader but I guess when my game comes out I can take that sweet money and putting right back I to the system supporting other games.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the most interesting new games going today. Multiple paths really add a HUGE amount of replay value, and as an added bonus, the Dev has seemed to avoid the dreaded "One Wrong Decision GAME OVER FUCKER!" syndrome that so many of the games coming out seem to fall into. You peeked to soon, GAME OVER. You made a rude comment on day one, GAME OVER! None of that crap has shown up here, can you make a bad decision, sure, but then you get to watch it play out.

    This is actually the first game I've felt compelled to actually review, if you like what's shaping up to be an actual STORY with your perversion, you owe it to yourself to give it a try.

    As an added bonus, the Dev, Veqvil has been very active in the thread and openly communicative about the game, which is always a plus.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm not gonna lie: I'm kinda sick of all these "guy moves in with his mom and sister"-games. Mostly because they count among the worst games in this forum quality-wise.

    That said this game does one of the best jobs I've seen so far!
    Sure there's not a lot of content right now, but I really like what I see so far: The mother has some actual character and issues, she is not some creepy/stupid rag like in so many similar games.
    The sister is cute and adorable, you genuinely care about her and feel like you don't want to hurt her.
    Most importantly: There's no super powers that somehow help you subjugate your family!

    Don't get me wrong, I'm totally into having my virtual sister as a sexy slave, but it's just that much more satisfying to know that she genuiely adores you and doesn't just act like it because she got drugged/tricked into it/whatever.
    I'm confident that the author can pull off that whole "submission out of love" thing, it's quite refreshing really.

    Oh, and there's this ex of yours that shit on you a while back only to realize she was wrong the whole time. She'll now do anything for you to take her back.
    Well, my little pet, I actually do have some ideas...
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Really like the models and I like that it's more then just the normal VN. The different options to chose from when "leveling" your character is nice as it looks like it would add some variation in future playthroughs
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Damn Good Game - wide variety of branching stories and cris-crossing points in this game There is main trunk of this splot which revolves around our hero/ demon. Which is damn interesting. Story so far is lacking in some aspects but characters and the way author have implemented them in this story is flawless. All decisions have impact on the story, even those minor ones.

    Graphically is hair width below Dreams of Desire, but even in this aspec I whole heartly can give max points for details. Damn shame there is no animations/gifs or other moving images but it can be done in the future, where real action awaits US.

    Damn shame that I am broke af, couse I would throw some pocket money to this author. He have potential to rival for the throne of the best Erotic Games with such games as Dreams of Desire. Couse, c'mon this games graphic is marvelous in itself. There are clear differences between Dreams of Desire and this position. But overall they stand on the same step/ tier of perfection. This little one here is only lacking in Patreons and money to make his work more mervelous than Dreams of Desire.

    If I could I would throw even 1/5 of my salary if he could make this game release new updated a month faster. So people, please look it up and give a hand to this developer. He has passion for his story and game, we need more people like him to make our desires be real.

    10/10 so far
    Graphic 10/10
    Plot 10/10 my grade for this plot which is made public so far
    Gameplay 9/10.. minor bugs and glitches, but it happens when you release new versions to the public
    Characters 10/10

    - interesting variety of characters, in first part there were 5 characters, MC, Mom, Sis and suspicious pair having sex. Now we have at our disposal.
    Potential characters 1, neighbour, new characters: Ex Gf, her brother, three thugs from which one is decent guy, and potential new pair of characters or the same pair from first scenes of the game. So we have 12 characters so far. Dateable are sis, mom, Ex Gf and interesting girl from cafe and of course neighbour. Totally so far there are 5 potential targets of our affection.

    This game is better than Dreams of Desire in this way that our developer is trying to make this story more real and lifelike by adding new characters in places which dev of Dreams of Desiare would let to be empty.

    Love and Submissin is in this way better that our character is less restricted in decision making than our hero from Dream of Desire. Nonethless, both stories are interesting to follow and uncover new secrets and sweet turns.

    Great GAME!

    V 0.05.. From great game jumped suddenly even higher.. How? Even better? Not worse or even the same lvl? Heck. Open world? Open decisions? Branching stories? Branching MC build? Heck...... Jaw dropping game you have there. If you happen to add more characters into this open world.. it could get even better. So far it is great. Damn great. Especially hints about supernatural neighbours. Etc.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 213220

    U have a lot of choices to make, differentt ways to complete the game, and only is the 0.03 update version, im so excited for what he is going to give us soon.
    This game really has potential, keep the great work dude, u have to finish this great game. Good luck!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    My first time with this game, and it looks to be off to a good start.

    The storry is somewhat typical for these games, with a little twist.
    What makes it unique, are the models which we have not seen yet, and the flow/pace the story progresses at.

    Seems somewhat more natural than one might expect.

    And the flashbacks add nice mystery element to it, so I can't wait to see what will develop over time as the game progresses.

    Most of us love harem games, and the creator seems to be keen of it also.

    BUT !!! The game is constructed with multiple paths in mind, catering to many tastes. Also, early in the game, you get to choose your path/focus. Which is smarts, good looks or psychology to acheive your goals with relationships.

    The author uses Ren'P engine inovatively, and the interface is more than sufficient, with you knowing where you can go and what you can do.

    So, big thumbs up to the author, and I can't wait to experience more content.

    Easy enough for anyone to experience.
    Fresh enough for us veterans
    Nice enough models
    Enthusiastic author that is skilled (worthy of support)

    Early version contained bugs where you would get into storry loops etc. But it seems most of that was quickly patched up in the subsequent version.