Unity - Love Cumedy [v0.7.1 Full] [Tiny Tweak Devs]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    99% of the content is locked behind paywall. Having subscribed and tested the patreon version reveals, there is even little to justify the purchase at all.
    Wouldn't recommend at its current state, which is sadly quite prominent for couple of years.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Many of the basic systems are lazily done resulting in a ton of jank. Models look bad and have pretty bad movement during interaction. Fondling boobs is completely broken and the penis easily gets into a state of spasming around. The UI is poorly programmed, like how the location tooltips (the clickable ?) use the same menu and retains the previous tooltip for a bit before updating to the relevant one for the current location.
    The game doesn't remember what you've already seen so going to the menu and back into the sandbox makes you go through the "In development and what's new" disclaimer, movement controls pop-ups and introduction from the NPC again. Every time.

    Overall with all the major and minor jank the game reeks of bad dev habits and lack of interest in making improvements to the user experience. New customization options are added but basic features don't get much polish.
    Also the attempt at humor where present misses the mark while not even aiming higher than the floor.

    I can appreciate the initial effort and aspirations of the project, but I would see this game as a learning opportunity that overstayed its welcome at this point. If the developer made a new game from scratch with a focus on a robust foundation and interesting core concepts I would care to see where it goes. What we have here is not worth much attention.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    It's a tech demo. Everything is behind paywall. Don't bother downloading it. Though I guess as a demo it does its job fairly well so all is not lost but maybe check this out in one or two years when it actually has some content worth paying for.
    Likes: Nizko
  4. 1.00 star(s)

    Crusader Richard

    While we need more games in this genre which aren't yet another Ren'Py or RPGM game, the game itself feels like a tech-demo. Having downloaded different versions of this game here and there, it honestly doesn't look like the development progressed at all.
    While one could potentially look past the outright shallow gameplay or the development hell, the developer of this game practices scummy tactics like putting almost everything that could be remotely fun to try out behind a paywall, adding it to the update changelog, and pushing the free version with almost none of the new stuff out to the public(f95zone). While it's understandable that any dev would want to make some money off of their work, it's a very scummy move to give the illusion of an up-to-date free version and use it as a way to advertise your game, and adding almost nothing new to the free version and claiming you're actively updating the free version, while in reality you're adding/removing 1 piece of hair or clothing.

    But the thing is, the game itself isn't all that good either. Like I said, the gameplay is shallow. It's like a dollar-store equivalent of far more sophisticated and advanced games (xStoryPlayer, for example). The sandbox-y nature of the name quickly falls apart when you realize how broken the physics and the overall controls are, and everything that you can potentially do gets boring very easily, very fast. The game tries to present itself as this virtual environment where you can get naughty with a virtual character, but everything feels very soulless, and it's basically a boring virtual prison than anything else. A game can only be as fun as the sum of its elements, and in this game, the controls are bad, the animations are terrible and janky, the visuals are terrible, basically nothing in this game is appealing.

    TL;TR: A shallow sandbox, and nothing more
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    After almost 2 years of complaints, tantrums, drama, murder, love, death, life, a civil war and even at one point mods stepping in, on the cursed month of October 2021 someone finally uploaded the "Full Version" of Love Cumedy .
    After all these events where you would think the end of the world was around the corner, and that Love Cumedy is the most elusive thing since finding the cure to 7 kinds of cancer, this game ended up being a complete joke of a game.

    Basically, to sum it up, Love Cumedy is what happens when like many other Patreon games, the developer exposes the Unity Engines "Editor" a la Garry's Mod style to the User and tries to use "Physics" to do all the work for them, without trying to even close the gap between these things.

    Lets start off with the basics.

    The UI is atrocious, since most of it is CONTEXT based, meaning if you want to play an animation or change music, you have to be near the trigger point. While it might make sense in game that is...a real game, it doesn't for Porn. Hold on to this point, because this relates to everything else as well, unlike this game, where you can't hold anything.

    You can customize 2 characters, your avatar in to Male/Futa but with a dick, of course, can't slap clams. You can also customize the NPC, but only to Female and things related to female stuff. You have a few body basic options. However, that where it ends.
    The body options aren't even well crafted, mostly related to expanding horizontally something. Wide hips, small hips, wide shoulders, small shoulders, wide head, small head, and most of the time the body parts looks like an Event Horizon happened on how "compressed" from the sides they look.

    The Player character can't be dressed up, and while they body looks as soft as a babies bum, their penis is the most heinously veiny thing I have ever seen. It's like the veins have veins, and oh, here's the kicker, the penis is essentially just "glued" to the pelvis of the model, it doesn't look like it belongs to the body, and no, you can't even make it look like a decent strapon.
    You cannot customize Hair or Clothes of the Player for...some reason. You're always butt naked, with a ponytail and some sun glasses, I guess 2 Cool 4 School is a thing now for the Porn industry, unlike the characters in this game, which look like the only glory days they're capturing back are the holes.

    The NPC has almost the same options, but with the added "Clothes" and "Hair" section, but there is one issue...well, more like everything is an issue.
    You have a couple of Hair types and Clothes types, then about 87% of the remainder of the Hair and Clothes are literally color swaps.
    The worst part? You can't change the COLOR itself with a Color Palette or Editor, but instead have to select each different clothing color as it's own clothing.
    This means if you are wearing red socks, you have to change your socks to black instead of being able to color them whatever you want.
    Why is this a problem? Because some clothes have Details on them while others don't, and some of them aren't the same color coordination.
    Needless to say, for a developer to expose the "User Editor" as a "Game", it's absolutely mind boggling how greedy it is for them to literally be "Patreoning" textures instead of doing the proper thing and exposing the Material Editor as well. Same thing with the hair, talk about penny pinching.
    Needless to say, the clothes are bare minimum, hell, I'm not even sure those assets are legit, because many of them look like Sims 4 assets, because a little note here: Almost all of the clothes are opaque skin tight bra, stockings and panties, with the occasional Nier 2B face cover, or Sims 4 sexy heart choker kind of thing, so again, I don't even think these are even paid for assets or legit gotten, then again, selling Unity Editor AS THE GAME, isn't legit either.

    So what about the sex you might say? Well...

    In order to start sexy times with someone, you have to play an animation, part of the routine, as is in most games. To do this, you select a place and do it, again standard.
    What isn't standard is that you have to press M to tell your NPC to go to a certain location, like a sofa, and then you tell them to do the "Sexy". Instead of teleporting to sexy time, you have to SLOWLY walk to the location, cause your large penis is sucking all the blood from the rest of your body to run, and if you accidentally pressed the Camera Rotate Key, you will see a whole bunch of Context actions that don't work unless you press another key, that also does the same thing as...pressing the Button on the screen that tells you to do something, why is double layering, I don't onion.

    Each location have 1 animation tops, maybe 2 if you're lucky, with an "Animation Saved Folder", if those 3 words made you gasp, it's because it is what it says.
    The developer expects people to MAKE THEIR OWN ANIMATIONS, like TK17, Garry's Mod, SFM, Blender or Illusion Games, but unlike those softwares, the CONTROLS DON'T MAKE SENSE.

    Let this sink in for a moment, the control are so BAD in the game, the DEVELOPER themselves DON'T want to MAKE ANIMATIONS with it.

    The worse part, is that to start a sexy time, you have to LOWER YOUR PELVIS INTO THE VAGINA or MOUTH LIKE A FORKLIFT. I have never seen such a messy, pointless, confabulated system to start something.
    Once you finally position your throbbing off-colored penis inside THE VAGINA or MOUTH, good luck keeping it there, because unlike the developer who never had sex, pensis the length of viking ships don't simply POP OUT OF A VAGINA.

    But the even worserer is coming, just like my stroke.

    In order to position the characters, you can grab them with a magic hand and move them around, the problem is, the characters "Original Location" is how they move around and is always being used. So if you pull an arm for too much, and salute the 3rd Reich, you will have a floating character just without a SS Uniform. So in order to avoid this, you have to "LOCK" a charters "Animation Points", or UNLOCK them to do whatever you want.
    Problem is, this such a cheap way of switching between IK and Non-IK Bone/Animation setup with Bone Locks. It's literally a code system enabled/disabled in Unity, and it's being sold as a features.

    Not only that, but in order to actually have the animations function, you need to then position the different body parts, and have them LOCK or UNLOCK in different positions properly, and how to do that? Well, you grab for example a hand, and LOCK it to the breast, so the hand moves with breast, but then you need to contort the rest of the body with the LOCK and UNLOCK system to make it look good, or else you start having all kinds of snapping and character poking through each other, because the animation system doesn't have have bone collisions?

    Why is this bad?
    Bone collisions Snaps helps reduce these problems, like instead of legs poking through each other, they snap "around" the legs and you can gradually fix it.
    But because the developer literally just exposed the default Unity animation system as a features, you have a complete messy...thing, that almost never looks good nor is functions correctly from a Users endpoint, not to mention the constant juggling of hotkeys without feedback.
    That right, the UI DOESN'T SAY IF WHICH PART IS LOCKED OR UNLOCKED, oh, did I mention pressing Shift lets your move your Bones Up and Down, otherwise it's impossible to position them correctly in a scene? Seriously, not even the 3D Softwares, let alone Unity engine, has this function, it's like the developer couldn't figure out Camera Orbits and Cartesian Movement, so they just slapped in a Modifier on object Vertical and Horizontal movement? It's impressive the only ORIGINAL part of the code actually somehow made things worse.

    If this "Review" is too long, it's literally isn't, because it's only a portion of what I can write just on how lazy this products is.
    Basically, a Unity Engine game, which has it's Editor as the main game, with every single Function lazily exposed and covered behind "Modifier" keys so there's a semblance of work, with what looks like to be Sims 4 stolen assets.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    It does not matter if you have updates for your public build when all of those updates are behind a paywall. It is incredibly mind-boggling how the dev keeps pushing the illusion of significant content forward.
    As many other reviewers have said this seems to be a simplistic tactic of acquiring as much publicity as possible without actually giving any interesting mechanics to the public build besides, "move penis back and forward and see if pretty lady coom!!!", you want a sincere opinion? This is a pirating site stop giving devs like this the limelight. So for now I would stay away from this until completion you have been warned!

    2 out of 10 "I'm sleeping over here..."
  7. 3.00 star(s)

    IoPzK Creations

    The genre is highly appreciated nowadays, and this game was an important wagon attached to the train that has reached the intended station.

    Of course a sandbox erotic-entertainment game is great Idea.

    What you need is an efficient and intuitive system to make it user friendly and usually most of the flaws would be overlooked due to having the freedom of creation and customization given to the player as part of the game itself.

    Thank you for that.

    That being said the graphics are super disgusting ...
    I am talking only about the character models and texturing.
    Everything is janky, glitchy and unnatural looking.
    Usually people who succeed with games like this, make sure to at least make it pleasant to look at.
    You have given us a smooth graphical FIRST PERSON interaction sim with the main idea on the PORN or People.
    Please find decent model creator as the current presentation is a shame to say the least.
    I don't usually take graphics into account, but in this situation and based on what you are offering with this game, its impossible to overlook.
    Better have a text based sex sim than having to look at this....

    Ruined by visuals.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Bunch of BS, Dev post a game with a lot of images of WHAT YOU CAN'T DO in the game... It goes onto false advertisement to push up the game on the Latest Updates just to 'try' to get more patreons...
    Shame on you, use the LifePlay example, free game, lots of patreons...
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Dev is essentially using F95 as an advertising platform for his project, since the "public" version there's no game per see, it's essentially a walking simulator, where its only action is to walk over to the available lady and fuck her in different positions, everything here that could be potentially classified as a "game" is paywalled.

    Keep in mind that the sample images currently present are no way an accurate estimation on what you'll find in the "public" builds of this work.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Paywall is never the answer, this is a Unity game ffs.

    Instead of restricting content how about adding incentive for people to support rather then taking away from the full product, alienating your audience (potential supporters) with paywalls is not a good first impression and won't get you far for long.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Downloaded several times! And with every new update 0 content. All you can do is walk and insert into a woman. Everywhere, everything is hidden behind donation, but paid content is also not a game. Animation from 2000, textures from mario, the quality of the models is disgusting, and the developer wants money for all this. Well, good luck to such a developer. This project is an absolute trash!
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    At least have screenshots of the actual gameplay you're only allowed to play in the free to do nothing "demo". Kinda sick of seeing screen caps of a game I cant play, the content is so little it feels like it should be version 0.0.01 for the free version. while the game is unique in how it plays, its clunky with its keybindings and it always feels as if the menus and models are actively trying to fight against you.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Like others have said before, heavily paywalled game.
    There are a lot of good alternatives that you could get for free, e.g. recent Illusion games.

    While the female models look okay, there are better alternatives in this genre.

    Conclusion: What looks okay on the first sight, identifies as a cash-grab pretty quickly. From my point of view utter useless.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    Could be amazing but there is just a MASSIV Paywall in front of you, because of this i can not give this game a good rating. I can understand they put work and time in the Game but dont release a Public Version if everything is behind a Paywall its just a massiv downturn for me.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Majority of the game is paywalled behind Patreon

    The quality looks nice, but anything mildly interesting has to be paid for. This game could be very enjoyable once/if more customization options go public, but as it stands now, if your not paying, dont bother downloading.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    -Good physics
    -A different art design, not bad
    -At least there are genital colitions
    - Most of the content is behind a paywall, like really a lot of it (i get it, is a public beta)
    - There is literally no sound, of any kind
    - Is quite buggy, witch is normal in physics based sex games
    - The character customization sistem needs polish and a tutorial, isn't intuitive by any mean
    - The UI should be more explained
    - Again, most of the cool content is behind a paywall
    - The collision with the pussy and ass are a bit awkward, since they choke your dick like it was a balloon with low air in it
    - The cum is quite lazy made, it doesn't leave any mark in the character model and there isn't any squirt either :c

    The game has really A TON of potential, but as it is right now, needs a lot of polish and additions to make it worth, and a less severe paywall, that's an obvious one
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a good game if you wanna just fap and that's about it. Pretty good models and animations are good enough. I've been watching this game for some time and the updates are pretty consistent while also improving the game.
    But the issue of content being paywalled persists and as much as I'm disappointed by it, I can see the dev's side as they have to manage their finances. So this should be 4 stars, but the game has potential and in the hope that the paywall becomes less of an issue in the future, I'm optimistically givin' it 5 stars.
    @TweakTiny , keep up the good work. Kudos!

    EDIT: It has been some time since my review, and even tho the updates are consistent, the content in the public build is still abysmal due to paywall. Thus rating changed accordingly.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    So many essential features are locked behind a paywall, even stuff as simple as breast size. When the entire game is just "customize your characters and fuck", you should be allowed to customize the fucking characters.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is great for an early release. There are good graphics, nice fap material, great customization and the developers are awesome. However, there is a pay wall, but we all have to make money somehow so I can't blame them. So if your just looking for a fap and don't want to progress through a story to get it, this game is great for you.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    Come on mate, the breast size is* now locked behind a paywall?
    I could be wrong but I swore that in some of the earlier versions of the game you could adjust both the length of your meat saber and how closely you wanted the woman's bouncy bits to resemble watermelons.

    It's not bad to lock positions and some of the customization options, but one of the most basic things that most other games, with the option, allow for free? I'm sorry, but that's a low blow mate.

    Also, certain colors for the bare bones clothing options are pay locked as well. It's just basic recolorations and it's locked, why? I could understand if they were special variations, that changed the look, but simple recolors, really mate?

    Also, there appears to be an issue with relaunching the game. Once closed and reopened, at least as of version 0.2.0, the game will lock up, enable smiley face censoring, and disallow all actions. So that's a bit of a minor problem when you want to come back to the game after playing it once.

    The game is otherwise okay for an early access title, but I can't agree with basic options being locked behind a paywall.

    Edit: fixed minor errors