VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Love MorteM ReborN [v0.7] [Chris Eman]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Well, it's hard to summarize.

    The game tries to be something more than your average erotic game. Some may say it has outdated graphics but for me it's a conscious usage of grainy, imperfect retro style, similar to old horror games from the 90s like Phantasmagoria. So it's got the style. It tries to tell some story, it has animations, and own, not generic graphics. You have inventory, there are fight scenes etc. Sounds good, like a decent, professional game.

    The problem is the game interface. It's terribly user unfriendly. You will be fighting with interface most time and not the actual game challenges.

    Personally I wasn't able to enjoy it but I have that uneasy fealing that if I tried harder, I could discover some interesting stuff hidden behind the clumsy interface.
  2. 2.00 star(s)

    The Wizard of Oz

    Game mechanics make you suffer, you run around locations, then you try to talk to someone, then interact with someone, then find something.Something to find, trying to talk with a huge number of characters, as far as I remember, I have not seen such disgusting mechanics. It is not at all interesting, the game is difficult to pass, one plus, these are animations at the level (although not to say that something is very high quality).Need to think more carefully about the gameplay based on the player, and not according to their preferences.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    i'd like to say i got far enough in this game to rate the lewd scenes and overall narrative but the game play and mechanics are so needlessly and annoyingly complex that i quit after about 15min. no one wants to spend time switching between look/talk/use functions in a single screen trying to figure out what to do next in a porn game. I mean there is just no way i can see myself playing hours with that UI and those game mechanics and frankly i'm surprised anyone did. None of this is to say you can't have game mechanics and some puzzles but it's just not done well here.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    What can I say, the story of the game is really bad, the game was made by him (author) for him. every game has to follow guidelines, it's not just that you say you won't focus on that specific things it automatically doesn't exist in the game, that's not how it works. Every game has a target audience, and features that you will find during your gameplay.
    The story is not interesting, it has nothing of horror, it is not mysterious and intelligent. characters are bad, as you play you realize you have nothing but a feeling of displeasure playing the game. The graphics and sound quality are OK (nothing out of this world) but music so much less important this just a extra.

    plot-story: 1/5 (the most important thing for me in games) 2x value

    renders-graphics: 3/5

    Bg music-sound: 3.5/5

    overall: 2/5
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    This is very decent point and click adventure. You exploring maps, taking clues in dialogues and implementing items.

    Grpahpic based on 'Honey Select 2' engine to provide this game by great artistic value. You will see unique models in unique situations. Developer playing with lighting, composition and narration technkiques to elaborate his own distinctive and recognisible art style.

    The theme is dark but main and side characters are very appeling and simpathetic persons.

    Music is good. Characters are likable. Setting didn't overused. Story is O'k.

    Play and enjoy! :)