This is a rough one to rate. Realistically i would put it at 3, since it's a solid story with extremely critical issues, but i leave it at 2 because this game is a liar and i do not appreciate being lied to, and it relies heavily on malicious obfuscation tactics, smoke and mirrors to hook you in. I will elaborate on this below.
First, you have to understand that it is a decent story for the most part, with overall good dialogues and interesting world. There is a possibility you will enjoy it, however many extremely standout and critical issues bring it so low the experience comes out as overall more negative. Let me first touch on the critical failures:
1) The game does not respect your time. At all. So you have a certain number of areas, and certain times of day (morning, evening, night, late night) in which you go around and trigger various events. All 3 books contain 288 days, and yeah some days are fully taken by story events but overall its 1152, let's round up to 1000, periods of time where the game expect you to visit 10+ spots, and in books 2-3 over 20 spots. You do not get ANY indications new events are now available, so you are conditioned to maniacally checked every single location like an OCD riddled raccoon digging into trash hoping someone threw something out. I hate playing with a walkthrough in one eye, but in this case it is downright mandatory to not waste your time.
2) Book 3 is offensively awful and retroactively ruins books 1 and 2. So a bit of a spoiler time, so can skip this part if you didn't play, books 1 and 2 are about a war on Outsiders, creatures from outside of known reality, which progresses fine enough until the culmination at the end of book 2. Book 3 decides to pull multiverse bullshit and pulls us into another reality, in which for around 80% of book 3, our grand finale of the trilogy, we repeat parts of books 1-2. And by the end of those 80% we are flung back, making most of the things we did there utterly meaningless as well. It was so unimaginably horrendous i could not believe the same person wrote it.
3) The combat system is a lie. The choices are a lie. The stakes are a lie. So for the first several hours i was... impressed by this poker based combat with a combination of gems and potentially your own builds and playstyles. I am a JRPG enjoyer and i WILL optimize my grinding methods and assume endgame have strong opponents, so when there was a time i went to paths (local dungeons) and abused save system to reshuffle cards and get strongest enemies for most exp. Took me a lot of time, unnecessary much time in fact. I did this for the entire book 1, but in book 2 something awful happened. I kinda just lost attention and got nuked and i lost... or so i thought. However i had 1 hp left, and accompanied by my very much raised eyebrows i checked if i can die at all. I could not. I checked in several more main story fights and, lo and behond, my hp simply refused to go below 1. You could not die, there was no point in all the gameplay i did and all my time wasted. There is no need to engage with gameplay at all. This is all a vile illusion, conjured to try and add more depth to experience.
Which it doesn't have even in choices. All you can do is activate certain triggers to watch several more scenes, however regardless of how many checks you fail, how weak you are, how much you ignore someone, you WILL have those characters, events and wins forced onto you. You will potentially see couple less scenes, but that's about it. It is a kinetic novel, trying to masquerade as a sandbox with choices. More obfuscation and lies.
And finally, by the end of book 3 it was clear the author was done with the project and finished main villain with couple sentences while rushing towards his next work. All while covering his narrative blunders with multiple realities, removing all stakes from the game.
4) Protagonist is a juvenile moronic bumbling idiot and everything falls into his arms. I will admit it's far from the WORST MC i have ever seen, but it's hardly a shining praise. Protagonist constantly worried about cheating on his only love, Emily, while shagging every side girl without a second thought. He never tries to do anything or find anything without others pushing him into it. It never crosses his mind to get dressed for a date, to get his wife a ring, to show appreciation, to think at least in a minimal capacity. Everything he has is gotten to him by almighty powers planning his entire existense for thousands of years, and he acts like he did it on his own and deserves it. Even every one of his "conquests" is because he quite literally radiates power and sexual energy and other crap he never deserved. I hated experiencing the world through his eyes and thoughts.
5) This is not a harem. Yes, there are multiple girls protagonist can bang, but he ever only loves one, and despite game trying to present his 3 Chosen as something deep and emotional they are in actuality just brainwashed eternal slaves. Once characters become Chosen they become entirely different people, essentially lose their personal goals and motives and live only to serve MC. I felt sorry for most people our MC crosses path with, not emotional attachment. And every other side character is there just for 1-2 times of casual sex because women and men do this i guess. If you are looking for a harem, this ain't it.
6) Beyond extreme reliance of deus ex machinaes. How did you know we needed to find you? Voices. What do we do now? Voices. How do we proceed now? Voices. Why do we need to do it? Voices. Get atound magical glyphs? Voices. Why do we suddenly need this BS we never heard about and never knew about? I dunno, Voices i guess. It is implied that one of the true Gods, The Mother, was behind the Voices and was guiding every Sorceress in existense all along, but this doesn't change the fact that OVER HALF of knowledge and actions of out main group is because Voices told them so. Not because they figured something out or deserved result of their actions. People just fumble around until Voices pop up and tell them where to be and what to do. Instead of crafting a real story, every plothole and inconsistency is plugged by the Voices. Truly awful writing.
7) Technical aspects are shit. Scenes look extremely dated, primitive and robotic, and the further you play the more game start falling apart, which is especially notable in barely functional book 3. I could not read some of the books at all, events from previous books started repeating themselves, for most of book 3 there are just no events and nothing to do. UI often get stuck and you are forced to save-load to get rid of a pop up achievement or quest, some of the stats like Swordsmanship is relevant for ONE time but you don't know that and can keep wasting time on it. Everywhere you look something doesn't work or fails and it's extremely distracting from the overall experience.
I could write so, so much more details on every on those points but this is already getting out of hand, so the conclusion i guess.
Unlike other unreasonably high rated games, i can understand how this one got the high ratings. By pretending it's something it is not and tricking people that don't know better. This is a good world and a good story in the hands of incompetent developers, which try to hide it as hard as they can. If you gonna play it, consider the points above and if those things are an issue to you or no.