This is one of the absolute best game on this site. And that is no hyperbole. There are certainly better porn games out there if you are looking for a fap. No other game on this site has captivated me so completely as early as this game did though. Calling this a porn game is a disservice. This is a full fledged game that you can enjoy for the story, characters, setting, and gameplay.
The plot is that of a classic hero's journey. It takes place in an expertly woven urban fantasy setting where gods and demi humans coexist with humans in 2019. All the tell tales of our world are real here and incorporated into a modified history that weaves fantasy and religion with real events. A world where healing magic courses are a prerequisite to medical school. A world where Arthur's legacy lives alongside contemporary nobility like Prince Harry (don't worry, just a short mention and not prominent to the plot lol). I won't go into much details about the plot because it really should be experienced first hand. The pacing is absolutely perfect as you go from a clueless newb to unraveling the mysteries behind your existence and realizing the potential locked within.
The characters in this game are some of the most authentic and well crafted I've seen. They each have their own motivations and distinct personalities. From how they act, what they value, to their way of speech, everything stays consistent. While the MC obviously shows the most drastic growth throughout the plot, your core group of companions (party members) grow almost as much. Not just in regard to the MC, but with each other as well. The dynamics are wonderful and you can't help but cherish each one of them eventually. The MC is also very likable. Not an asshole, nor a a typical goody two shoes, but perfectly genuine. He is not an asshole, but certainly no pushover. Most importantly, he always acts according to the situation and his personality, avoiding illogical actions that leaves the player going "but why...?"
If the above paragraphs didn't make it clear, the writing is top notch. This carries on to every line of dialogue between characters. Rest assured this is written by a native speaker. The text is very easy to read, yet full of color and information without ever getting drawn out. There are intensely heartfelt moments, hilarious scenarios, some meta humar that's sprinkled about, incredibly epic moments, and of course some very erotic scenes.
The gameplay here could be classified as a sandbox with battle mechanics. However, the sandbox aspect is done very tastefully and the plot never gets disjointed because all the major plot elements are tied to the automatically triggered weekly routines like going to class and dates. In between those scripted time slots, you could visit various places on the map to trigger side quests, improve stats, make money, buy equipment, etc. There is also the dungeon map where you explore the "elsewhere" and fight monsters on your free time.
The battle mechanics should have a mention. It is, after all, a prominent part of the game and featured in the banner. It's texas hold'em on steroids. Getting into too much detail here would take too long, but its very well made and most importantly fun. It does take some intense mental calculations and just visualizing the large grid of 3x3 community cards and all the possible plays you can make might be a bit too taxing for most people though. Thankfully, you eventually get party members that can cast support abilities that can drastically alter the playing field. Also, there is a auto function that plays the strongest hand you can on that turn. I tend to just spam this auto button after a while but doing that doesn't even take away from the fun of the battles when the support abilities get involved. The actual battles are just a part of the gameplay. Much of it is in the preparation, where you decide which gems you want to equip to trigger for each poker hand. There is quite a lot of possibilities in making an effective "build" between the gem effects and the 3 companions you select who could best synergize with them.
I should mention the renders and models. I've seen most of these assets before in other games. And the game mostly uses floating models (or sprites I guess) talking over a textbox on a static background. They have a limited amount of poses and expressions, but its utilized well. The more involved scenes show unique renders, but its still on a static background. This isn't a straight up VN, so its understandable. The way the game is presented actually fits this kind of visuals. Objectively speaking though, the visual aspect does lag a bit behind the other excellent categories.
Lastly, this game does such an amazing job of incorporation almost every lewd scene into the main plot. The hero doesn't just go and fuck some hookers after a hard day of slaying monsters. Most of the lewd content is integral to the actual main plot and never seems out of place. They exist to give character development and sometimes even drive the plot forward.
The review is getting too long so I'll just say that this is a must play for anyone who wants to experience a truly well crafted game with adult content. It's something more robust than a VN with a great story or a porn game meant for fapping.
This is one of the absolute best game on this site. And that is no hyperbole. There are certainly better porn games out there if you are looking for a fap. No other game on this site has captivated me so completely as early as this game did though. Calling this a porn game is a disservice. This is a full fledged game that you can enjoy for the story, characters, setting, and gameplay.
The plot is that of a classic hero's journey. It takes place in an expertly woven urban fantasy setting where gods and demi humans coexist with humans in 2019. All the tell tales of our world are real here and incorporated into a modified history that weaves fantasy and religion with real events. A world where healing magic courses are a prerequisite to medical school. A world where Arthur's legacy lives alongside contemporary nobility like Prince Harry (don't worry, just a short mention and not prominent to the plot lol). I won't go into much details about the plot because it really should be experienced first hand. The pacing is absolutely perfect as you go from a clueless newb to unraveling the mysteries behind your existence and realizing the potential locked within.
The characters in this game are some of the most authentic and well crafted I've seen. They each have their own motivations and distinct personalities. From how they act, what they value, to their way of speech, everything stays consistent. While the MC obviously shows the most drastic growth throughout the plot, your core group of companions (party members) grow almost as much. Not just in regard to the MC, but with each other as well. The dynamics are wonderful and you can't help but cherish each one of them eventually. The MC is also very likable. Not an asshole, nor a a typical goody two shoes, but perfectly genuine. He is not an asshole, but certainly no pushover. Most importantly, he always acts according to the situation and his personality, avoiding illogical actions that leaves the player going "but why...?"
If the above paragraphs didn't make it clear, the writing is top notch. This carries on to every line of dialogue between characters. Rest assured this is written by a native speaker. The text is very easy to read, yet full of color and information without ever getting drawn out. There are intensely heartfelt moments, hilarious scenarios, some meta humar that's sprinkled about, incredibly epic moments, and of course some very erotic scenes.
The gameplay here could be classified as a sandbox with battle mechanics. However, the sandbox aspect is done very tastefully and the plot never gets disjointed because all the major plot elements are tied to the automatically triggered weekly routines like going to class and dates. In between those scripted time slots, you could visit various places on the map to trigger side quests, improve stats, make money, buy equipment, etc. There is also the dungeon map where you explore the "elsewhere" and fight monsters on your free time.
The battle mechanics should have a mention. It is, after all, a prominent part of the game and featured in the banner. It's texas hold'em on steroids. Getting into too much detail here would take too long, but its very well made and most importantly fun. It does take some intense mental calculations and just visualizing the large grid of 3x3 community cards and all the possible plays you can make might be a bit too taxing for most people though. Thankfully, you eventually get party members that can cast support abilities that can drastically alter the playing field. Also, there is a auto function that plays the strongest hand you can on that turn. I tend to just spam this auto button after a while but doing that doesn't even take away from the fun of the battles when the support abilities get involved. The actual battles are just a part of the gameplay. Much of it is in the preparation, where you decide which gems you want to equip to trigger for each poker hand. There is quite a lot of possibilities in making an effective "build" between the gem effects and the 3 companions you select who could best synergize with them.
I should mention the renders and models. I've seen most of these assets before in other games. And the game mostly uses floating models (or sprites I guess) talking over a textbox on a static background. They have a limited amount of poses and expressions, but its utilized well. The more involved scenes show unique renders, but its still on a static background. This isn't a straight up VN, so its understandable. The way the game is presented actually fits this kind of visuals. Objectively speaking though, the visual aspect does lag a bit behind the other excellent categories.
Lastly, this game does such an amazing job of incorporation almost every lewd scene into the main plot. The hero doesn't just go and fuck some hookers after a hard day of slaying monsters. Most of the lewd content is integral to the actual main plot and never seems out of place. They exist to give character development and sometimes even drive the plot forward.
The review is getting too long so I'll just say that this is a must play for anyone who wants to experience a truly well crafted game with adult content. It's something more robust than a VN with a great story or a porn game meant for fapping.