RPGM - Completed - Love, Peace, and Roseleaf: Haters Can't Keep a Magical Girl Down! [v1.01] [Onichiku-ya!]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    A decent magic girl hentai game foqused mostly on degradation, humiliation and childbirth, not too long took me around 6 hours to complete, straght foward story progression, simple fights and really hot artwork. To not drag this review too long, i ll just post props and cons down here:

    -Decent story
    -Hot Artwork
    -If you are into humiliation and pregnancy you will like the game, although is all on surface level = there is no corruption or pregnancy mechanism, its heavily implied in scenes and there is a lot of childbirth too
    -there is comedy and true love side stories
    -not grindy
    -you learn about taxes!

    -no animation
    -some scenes are repetative and progress uncannily fast
    -its has pregnancy and childbirth in scenes, but not much mechanics behind it
    -combat is trivial, though it did take me 2 tries to beat final boss sequence with hordes of pandas and 2 bosses with 2 stages
    -there is little guidance, the game is simple enough, but its easy for someone to miss content or feature, or simply drop the game out of frustration
    -the main story becomes somewhat serious near end, which maybe off-putting for some people who came only for HC hentai

    It is a short game, with shorter list of varieties of H scenes, story was really nice, but i didnt really expirience much connection between main story and H-content. There is commedy too. 3/5 stars, It is a decent game in its field, for people who likes the genre, i urge you to try it for sheer reason of it being relativley short
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Short and straightforward game. No grinding of any sort involved, fights are more like simple puzzles. CGs are good, the writing doesn't take itself too seriously, I found it rather charming as far as H-games go.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Love, Peace, and Roseleaf: Haters Can't Keep a Magical Girl Down! 1.01

    There's no sugarcoating it, the game is bad. It has a nice visual and the writing of the scenarios are OK, but other than those two saving graces the game is boring, uninspired and dull. What makes it worse is that the setting and the lore behind how the main heroine magic works, works itself against the own game, the way the heroine goes back in time and basically forgets about all that happened to her feels like a lazy way to not develop or have consequences for what happens to the female protagonist.

    Most H-Events follow the following structure.

    Lose ➜ Rape ➜ Birth ➜ Heroine goes back in time and basically forgets about her abuse.

    After you have seen two scenarios the rest feel like a repetitive junk. This is not a corruption game nor it has good progression, this is a scene collector with really bad combat system.

    The Good:
    • Great artstyle.
    • Even if the artwork and most CG is just copy and past, there's a few cool scenarios.

    The Bad:
    • The translation is too literal at times. over all it's not a god translation.
    • Couldn't make me care for the heroine

    The Ugly:
    • The combat system is lackluster.
    • The pregnancy system is used in only one scenario, I really don't see a reason for it to be in the game.
    • The structure of how the scenarios develop is really bad.
    • I found out after beating the game that it has a costume system that has NO FLAVOR AT ALL.
    • Lacks some modern QoL features such as skipping seen events.

    For those sins and many more. I give this game a seal of "Don't waste your time. Just download the full gallery.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    The art is decent, but the content is lacking. Going to some scenes requires activating an event where the MC is raped, abused, impregnated, abused, gives birth, and is abused. Getting other scenes requires losing to generic bosses (the story-relevant bosses don't have scenes) where the scenes are largely the same. The pregnancy and abuse are excessive and repetitious, though if you like those to be excessive than I suppose it's good for you. Occasionally there are more consensual scenes with her sister, and bestiality with a spirit lady. A lot of the MC scenes are the same images reused, though an occasional one stands out (like the random time machine scene)

    The translation seems to be ok quality, though the story is boring enough that I started skipping through it and may have missed some points. I was going to say the fights are simple but inoffensively so for a game like this, but the final series of boss fights are painfully bad enough to throw that compliment out the window, and you'll have to replay them all if you lose.

    The only thing keeping this from being a one star is the art, and you can get 80% of that by simply getting the first scene in the game, there's very little extra you get by playing further.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Good for a quick fap.

    Other than that this game is entirely -> Go to X, watch sex scene, go to x, watch another scene, done.

    there is just nothing really to do, the art and everything is pretty well done tho