Interesting. After I've just tested a game that I considered the best I've yet encountered in this genre, here is another. In a fantasy world this time, again those elements I consider most essential, excellent writing, a few things I might change, not much, & maybe already in the works, and excellent graphics. They have a good writer, has spent the first two chapters letting you get to know some of the characters, & making you wonder if there is a deeper story there they've not gotten to yet, meanwhile a dream mermaid (not a spoiler, it is at the very beginning of the game) who transports you to to a mystical place, where you are offered a sword which, if you (& you do) choose to take will offer you the opportunity to explore your potential. Yes, that vague, no indication of the underlying motivation of the sword's giver, nor do you have an insight into that 2 chapters into the game. So there is at least this mystery to solve beyond the interpersonal ones of a young man entering his rite of passage into adulthood. So Gen X in a medieval setting. Will deinitely be keeping a good eye out on this one.