Ren'Py - Love & Sex Second Base [v24.5.1a] [Andrealphus]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Still plagued with a number of bugs, but it's getting better and the content is worth the frustration. Looking forward to the point when this new animated version has as much content as the previous live action one.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Has a lot of potential. Hopefully, the game will grow more and all the bugs will be fixed. And more hopeful that the interface will be revamped. Like the direction and artwork so far.

    I understand the developer is working alone. Wish he has a team and would work together. Also hoping the dialogue in the game is improved.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    This game has a lot of potential with great arts, game play and characterization. from the first few releases, even though there is not a lot of content so far (with only 2 or 3 girls available and 1 had enough content to sex), You can tell that it is going to be able to accommodate a large cast of characters with lot of thing to do (there already quite a lot of thing to do aside from just interact with the girls like improving stats buying equipment etc). The reason why this is not getting an excellent score is because the first few initial releases were quite buggy and not very intuitive but the developer is already on top of them with fixing bugs and improving the game constantly based on user's feedback (already made the game more intuitive since the first initial release). This game would easily be an excellent when the bugs are iron out, with better intuitive instructions and have a bit more content with the girls.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    i like the time mangament and how its based on actually rewarding every step taken ingame to getting closer with the characters rather than just "point click fap repeat" games... I like unique games like this rather than the generic 30 min games or games that add no routine that make every choice you make a "no consequence at all" game. I love it a lot but it needs sounds and the art style is great but needs more life to them like animations and it would be perfect ;). rustle the shadows and add a bit of sunbeams boom insta love lol
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    I was skeptical of the change to art over photos, but I have to say I really am liking what I see so far. I'll be curious to see where it goes but as of right now I'm impressed. Hopefully this game catches up to the old one soon and we can see progress beyond the original before long.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    I have ambivalent feelings with this game. The art style is great, the girls are cute, but the game is too shallow at this point. In the first hour or so, you have no idea where to go, what to do, and why are you doing stuff. In a free world/economy type game it is imperative to know, why you are doing stuff, and where you can spend your money, and what you are getting in return. In this case, I can not really tell, why do I have to work, or what do the stats mean, what happens, when I unlock something. Another thing that stopped me from exploring is the inexplicable stupidity and creepiness of the mc. He constantly says borderline rapey things to the girls that are supposed to be compliments, but its not fun, and really immersion breaking. The menu system needs some improvement as well, as it's really time consuming to navigate through it. However, what keeps me from absolutely abandoning this game is the dev's attitude towards the game. There are constant improvements, bug fixes, and he really pays attention to the development to the game, which is a great thing, especially regarding the other devs in this genre. So I hope that the above mentioned things will get fixed, or addressed, and this becomes a great game.