Yet I get people telling me the exact opposite, that the writing is poor and the art is great (albeit I admit that Audrey's sprite is one of the weakest in my opinion) so as always opinions vary and yours is worth as much as everyone else's.There is an old saying that goes “criticism is kindness in disguise”.
This game is successful because the best part of the game, without a doubt, is the writing, but the weakest part is the sprites.
The first time I tried the game I uninstalled it in the first minute. Audrey's sprite seemed bad and I decided not to give it a try, thinking that since the most important part of date-sims is usually the graphics, the rest would be just as bad.
After a while I decided to give it a second chance and I was surprised how well it was written, the girls seem more than just dolls ready to fall in love whatever you do, you can even chase only one and ignore the others. That made me buy it on Steam without hesitation and it still seems like a good buy to me.
The sprites of Emma, Morgan, Angela or the new backgrounds of the house, or even the aquarium, let's compare them with the new Kleio's sprite, the difference in quality is too obvious.
I am not criticizing Kleio's redesign or the game as a whole. I am simply saying that she is poorly drawn. Her chin, her eyes, her hands, her top, her arms. It is simply wrong.
Kleio is still a cool well written character (the Brujah in me likes her). Unfortunately now she physically resembles the goth-punk sister of the ugly guy from The Goonies.
I do think people bloated with self importance to the point of thinking that their opinion is the general consensus are most often very wrong and very narcissistic.
The new Kleio sprite reflect her personality way better than the old one and as I am the one who has created her I most certainly know better than you.
And I certainly won't be swayed by a few angry posts
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