Unity - Love Tavern [v2.1.2] [Secret Lab Production]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Gameplay is mind numbingly easy (in a good way), and at one point will pick up pace at an exponential rate. The only drawback is the RNG element to get new girls can get a little tedious; and expensive if you're impatient.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    This seems like a game that was made and had hentai slapped onto it.

    I think the gameplay would be fun, however, it feels like there's too much dialogue to read to get to the action or scenes. This on top of the confusing instructions and slow gameplay.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a good game, about goddesses and mystical beings, so regarding the game's theme I already give it 10/10.
    the girls are all beautiful, except for the angelic girl's face, which I think is a bit weird, so it would be a 9/10. One of the most beautiful is the goddess herself.

    The game's menu UI is bugged which forces you to restart the game after receiving your weekly statistics, so that the menu appears again, (yes you really have to leave the game, you can't play without having to click ALT +F4 )

    the protagonist is practically non-existent, he is only mentioned in the introduction, it is as if the girls and the clients were the protagonists, the few interactions he has with them are just to hear stories about their pasts or give gifts, to hear more stories about them , no +18, the only +18 I saw was in the massage they give clients, but if you touch them they say "I'm going to cut your hand off" so I wouldn't say that this game is a date sim, or a romance, or if you want to fap, just management, the MC doesn't even to talk to them, he really doesn't even have a presence there.

    So in short, what was worth it for me, visual quality, and management mechanics, very similar to cell phone management games out there
    It's not bad, if you didn't come for content +18.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Great H-Scenes with Addicting Gameplay

    The game has 2 main aspects: Unlocking H-Scenes and Management Sim

    1. Unlocking H-Scenes: This is the weaker part of the game. You talk to the girls to learn about their stories. You have to reply to a conversation correctly and play a match-3 game as a battle to finish a chapter(each character has 4 chapters). This initially invoked my PTSD from bad mobile games but I can assure you there is no micro_transaction in the game. The silver lining is: dialogues are skippable and you can buy your way out in those match-3 games. It's worth it in the end because H-Scenes come with amazing vocal performances so chugging through their story is worth it.

    2.Management Sims: You come here to fap but stay here to build your empire. To build that empire -you need to hire girls, assign them tasks, take care of their health, give them gifts to increase relationship points, train them to get right kind of skills, give them salaries etc.

    On the building side -you need to add waiting rooms for guests, dorm rooms for girls, training room, cleaning room, medic room(girls can get sick), storage room etc. to build up the hotel into massive building and increase the hotel's level.

    Girls have salaries and rooms have maintenance fees. You have rents and taxes to take care off. So you can't just spend willy-nilly. The trick is to find the optimal balance of expenditure and profits to make the most out of the hotel. There is enough depth to this management/strategy part to sink in hours of time.

    Management Sim: 9.5/10
    H-Scenes: 8/10 (Perspective drawings could have been a lil better)
    BS to unlock H-scenes: 4/10 (this is a small portion of the game)
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    2 stars in the POV of expecting a NSFW game.

    I went into this game expecting something akin to a brothel manager and with a roster of characters with sex-related skills/stats and abilities you could train up. You know, that sort of game.

    It's nothing like that. I played for awhile but I was left with the impression that the whole sex/porn aspect of the game is disconnected from the gameplay loop. It strikes me as a SFW steam game from the ground up, and they just tacked on a NSFW module at some point.

    If there is sex, I could never find how it actually flows into the gameplay. I only ended up finding it through a gallery section you go outa your way to use. If that's all your interested in, well... it has nice art I'll give it that, but the sex is pretty basic, it's not really something you have much control over or anything. Just watching some animations and dialog go by.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    I played it yesterday for the first time. I am sure this game will be a lot of fun in the future, but currently it has a lot of issues.

    Some of the issues I experience were listed also by other players.
    Funny is that many of my issues are listed in the change log as fixed a long time ago... were they implemeted again in this version? Oo

    I know the devoloper will not read this here but I will write it anyway.
    It maybe is interesting to know for people who want to start now.
    I would have liked to know how big this construction site is. I had my fun but I would have prevered to wait till it is polished more.

    I only talk about the version for DL here. I playing some hours and even with the issues I wanted to support the development.
    But I did not play the Steam version yet.
    (I am from Germany so Steam does not offer me the Free Unc DLC but the solution from Post #124 from this page added the DLC to the Steam Download, so I expect the H-Scenes to be unlocked now for my version)

    Here some isses:

    Game started to slow down after 1 hour of play time. I read this her already and that it can be fixed by restarting the game.

    Looks like the H-Scene with the mermaid is missing as you have the option to check on her "Work" but when you do you will need to shut the game down by Alt+F4.
    Game cant load the animation but there is also no way to cancel it.

    Looks like the game makes a save when you peek at the girls "Work" and when the animation is finished this save game is rebuild.
    The Probem is that in a savegame not all information is saved.
    For example guest are missing and if you started a training to increase a girls level that takes 10 minutes and it has only 20 seconds left.
    After the H-scene the training is back 10 Minutes, all guest are gone and come back. So it is a reset of the actions inside the tavern.

    There are a lot of quality of live features missing.
    Like you need to build a new room next to an existing one.
    If you want to reserve a space because later you want to build room X there and that room will only be unlocked with the next level, you need to waste money and do it in a round about way.
    You can not build cheap place holders. But you can bypass that.
    If you build a room and then demolish it right away an empty room will be left.
    Next to this empty room you can build. So you need to build a cheap room and for tearing it down again you get 1/2 the money back. As I said, it takes time and wastes money.
    So the option to just build a cheap place holder would be nice.

    The counter for ingreadiens messes up after some time. According to one recipe I have 83 tomatos but I can not cook it, and the recipe right next to it tells me I only have 2 tomatos. A restart fixes this for a short time.

    It would also be nice to see if I can cook a recipe right away and gray out the ones you can not cook.
    But right now you have to check each recipe case by case and see if you have all the needed ingreadiens.
    A small numer in the icon that shows right away how many you can cook would help.

    You also do not get any EXP for automaticly cooking the food. At the beginning wen you have a lot of time, you get the EXP for the game progress easy for cooking by hand.
    But later when you have a lot to do and you dont have so much time or also because it gets boring if you cook to much by hand as it is not really challenging or fun, the Level up progress only increases in snail speed.
    It would be nice to at least get 1/3 of the EXP or even less for quick cooking but 0 is frustrating.

    You need to build waiting areas for guest. They are there to increase the limit of how many guest can be inside the Tavern at the same time.
    Guests take 1 slot even if they are havin a "Massage" or eating. So if you build 2 big rooms of these they will be empty for the most time. But if you want to increase the customer limit more you need to build more of these empty rooms.
    To do it like that for gameplay reasons is understandable for me.
    Some of the waiting customer can wait at the entrance area and if that is used up they wait in one of the rooms you build.
    And they always wait in the last one you build.
    So I have one big room right next to the entrance, but guest walk to the furthest end on the 5th floor to wait in the last room I had build there to increase the customer limit. They dont use the empty one right next to the entrance. And as soon as I have time to assign customers to the ladies again and work on the queued up guests, they walk slowly all the way back to the entrance....

    All your staff starts at Level 1 the stars seem to be only rarity.
    In the training room I can select girls to be leveled up. But after the training is finished they do not remeber what they did till now. So I have to asign them back by hand to the job they did before.

    There are still things that are uncleare to me.
    For example, is it possible to select what Skill point they should train.
    For example a girls that started with 1 Skill in "Massage" I send to training 1 time and it increase massage to 2.
    But when I her again it increase cleaning.....

    Also you can chose to retrain girls. But that only randomly rearanges the skill points.
    My massage girl with 2-masage and 1-cleaning was after retraing only 1-massage 1-fighting and 1-food serving.

    So this system is bad and it is also not great that the discriptions are missing or unclear.

    There are a lot more issues but I will stop at this.

    OK it is Early Access.

    As I said the game was over all fun and I hope they polish it a lot more.
    Likes: mc247
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    The Management part of the game is the Big Plus for this game and it's main trope... yet in order to make Profits in the later part of the game it's required to train your staff... So WHY THE F*** is training abosluetly random?!?
    You can send a cleaner girl to training and she completes it as a server or combatant, rerolling stats completly randomize ALL of her stats.
    Considering the ammount of Gold you need to spend on training it's an unnecessary punisihing mechanic that makes it hard for the Player to plan as Girls can get completly useless from Training.

    The graphics are nice and all scenes are animated and voiced
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Some really nice animated H scenes and a decent hotel management game held back by a disjointed story, the inclusion of a completely superfluous match 3 game and some technical issues.
    The H scenes are animated and voiced in English, the animations are nice and smooth and the scenes are good overall especially if you like monster girls. The management game is fun and pretty simple. The story elements however feel tacked on you go through each girl's backstory to unlock the an H scene. The story is pretty disjointed overall with pretty much no interaction of the MC with the girls except for the H scene so no relationship development or progression.
    The story mode chapters are unlocked through a completely superfluous match 3 game that feels tacked on. Additionally the game starts to hang and lag significantly the longer you play. Shutting down and restarting solves this but that's not really a solution long term. It's a fun little management game that has nice looking H scenes so hopefully the devs find a way to more smoothly integrate the story into the gameplay and the MC has some real interaction with the staff in the future otherwise the experience gets kind of empty pretty quickly.
    Worth a look, especially if you are into monster girls but without more engagement with the LIs i don't think i'd play much going forward