An excellent example of an xp-based HTML game. The game just focuses on a single woman, but the pacing is gradual enough that each progression feels worthwhile and keeps enticing you along.
There is a slight grind but enough variety for it to not feel pointless. Instead, you have to selectively choose scenes based on an energy level that limits your actions each day (just enough to force some choice but not too much that it requires a lot of grinding).
The female character is chosen well, she has plenty of images and videos, and there are a large number of scenes for different scenarios.
My only complaint is that the final parts of the game seemed to hike up the money requirements, which can force you into an unexpected "game over". There was also a little bit of content that I found in the directory where I am unsure of how that could be achieved in-game.
There is a slight grind but enough variety for it to not feel pointless. Instead, you have to selectively choose scenes based on an energy level that limits your actions each day (just enough to force some choice but not too much that it requires a lot of grinding).
The female character is chosen well, she has plenty of images and videos, and there are a large number of scenes for different scenarios.
My only complaint is that the final parts of the game seemed to hike up the money requirements, which can force you into an unexpected "game over". There was also a little bit of content that I found in the directory where I am unsure of how that could be achieved in-game.