Unity - LoveXLust [Build 14944694] [CTM]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Played on HTC Vive via SteamVR, August 2024.

    TLDR: Play mini games, earn points, spend the points on buying...something. Not sure what because the menu is, bizarrely, not bound correctly on Vive controllers.

    Visuals seem great! There's nice audio when smacking the model's ass (or face, not that I would ever do that in a video game), and the models themselves are near top of the line in photorealism for VR games, second only to a couple other games.

    One of the minigames - Whack a Mole but with dicks - has a squishy hammer, which you can use to repeatedly bonk the model's face while she inexplicably moans.
    I am giving this an undeserved five stars because, as of playing, this is THE premiere way to roleplay as Paper Mario in VR while simultaneously masturbating.*

    The games themselves are surprisingly decent, but would not ever be the reason you'd launch the game (unless you are hopelessly addicted to gambling); I mean, it's a porn game, what do you expect? There's a slot machine, a Wheel of Fortune with a guaranteed positive return rate over time, Whack a Cock mentioned earlier, darts (???), and a poor man's Beat Saber with sex instead of lightsaber swinging.

    As for the sex menu/prizes? I can't attest to them. That's because the sex menu itself, including the ability to spend any points and to even leave the Beat Saber minigame without a hard reset, are entirely unreachable on HTC Vive because of bad controller mapping.
    I don't know why this is; I assume the dev didn't have a Vive player to test? If they're reading this, feel free to message me for a tester.

    All in all, this has great graphics, imagination, and a not-horrible gameplay loop for its genre. I look forward to future updates and, eventually, future games from this dev.

    *The REAL reason I'm giving this five stars is because it seems like that's what it could eventually become, based on the personality involved in the minigames, the great visuals, the high quality audio, and also the fact that goofy stuff like hammer bonking and patting the woman' head into the ground like stomping on a Goomba are possible. Also, I want this to get visibility so that the dev has a chance to actually deliver on the vision that they want :)

    - The Reviewer
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Bad game is bad.

    There are like 10 girls in total with 1 monotonous voice. All look uncanny like poor daz3d models. And you can't undress them. Some are half clothed.
    Only half a dozen or so positions and no auto-mode.
    Only 5 locations.
    No full body. Just floating dildo and hands. You can literally detach your dick with a controller like some sort of transformer.
    Some lame credit system to unlock very little what this game has.
    Don't care about crappy minigames i skipped that shit. I only want to get my rocks off.
    Options barely have anything aside from graphics settings.
    Each time your hand connects with a chick controllers furiously vibrate. Enjoy draining your controllers, because this is the only thing this game can drain.

    Not worth downloading. And definitely not worth buying on steam.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    a very long farm of points that will be needed to open girls, position and everything else, I discovered the poses and girls I needed where that hour of playing lotto, casino and darts, and eventually get soulless attempts of dolls that do not react to sex in any way
  4. 4.00 star(s)

    Dragon Wishes Dev

    A very, very enjoyable game, payoff and gameplay is addictive. cool graphics and physics, the game is constantly updated on Steam, so I suggest supporting the developer there. Respect to the developer, it’s clear that they tried and wanted to make something playable.