Ren'Py - Completed - Lucie Adult Game [v4.16] [SecretGame18]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Franz Bonaparta

    Honestly, there are some unreal elements in story in first half. It is the second half that elevates the game to another level. Beautifully executed. I am in a bit dilemma while writing this review because this is one of those games that needs a detailed review but at the same time, the joyous feelings that I got after completing this does not however pushes me to be critical for this

    I think, for keeping this review short, the plot is good, the mechanics, environment as well as the options available in-game for progression are great such as ending player, the animations are not that good and a little bit awkward

    This is a perfect 4/5 game but I am just giving that extra star for the end message on life.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I am one of the biggest NTR gamer out there. But I don't consider this an NTR game at all. It still does a lot right that many developers fail to do which is to create good progression, logical dialog, and dialog.

    Is the logic completely perfect? No. Do I think Lucie "falls" to doing photoshoots in a company mandate "fun" makes any sense? No.

    Yet, the plot is quite memorable. Lucie has adorable sides to her character (that could've been exploited more by allowing the MC to assuage or take advantage of a young office worker's inexperience).
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a good game, with hot scenes. Technically it stands out from similar VN-s by it's moving picture sequences. The girls are hot, most of them is Lucy. The game has a decent story, in which the "good " wins over the "bad", so the game have only good endings (not taking into account the "game overs" because of the faulty decision of the gamer). The sound effects of sex were bad. I loved even the negatíve figures, as Pascal, the real and dangerous enemy, and Cecillia as she became ally of MC.
    I hardly can wait your similar and new game with full of realistic adventures from the real world...
  4. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 229118

    It made me feel angry.
    I really wanted to murder pascal.
    That is a good thing.
    Stories are suppose to make you feel something.
    It has some decent minigames and story.
    The sex scene arent too bad.

    The only thing that keeps it from being a 5 is the story pacing.
    It jumps all over the place.
    I had to roll back several times because i was confused what was going on.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    un jeux vraiment bien avec plusieurs fin, en entier en français et sa c'est rare.
    les image sont belle et les animation aussi
    l'histoire va vite mais c'est pas bâclé, dans mon top 3 des jeux sur f95

    a really good game with several endings, entirely in French and it's rare.
    The images are beautiful and the animations too.
    the story goes fast but it's not sloppy, in my top 3 games on f95
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has an interesting well writen story, well done charakter developing, good renders, hot lewd and sex scenes and a lot of different endings depending on the player choices. Moreover I like that this games is without grinding. It is a pity that the game ends with version 4.1. I think the charakters have potential for more story.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    There are both good and not good points.
    I'll start with the good:
    - french (original language) which is good. I'm a french speaker, but i do not have the habit to play in french so it took a bit of time to be used to the kind of french words used in this kind of game (were I rather have the habit of english words).
    - girls are good looking and there is a lot of variety
    - setting looks french and screams "France"
    - story is interesting
    - the trial passage, even if based on previous choice, felt interesting. I'd have loved for it to be a bit more developped.

    The negative points:
    - free roam feels a bit empty and void of purpose
    - the pacing of the game, 12days is a bit strange and feels "episodic" even though it should be a big saga. Maybe due to the time of developpment between "days" (episodes) ?
    - the endings are okay but i felt there was "something" missing for my enjoyment.

    All in all, a 3 star game which missed the 4 stars game by a margin.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Templar Knight

    this game can be considered a ''must play'' on this site, the reason I'm giving it 5 stars is because it's ALMOST perfect, for getting close to perfection it deserves the 5 and here's my analysis of the pros and cons:

    - good graphics
    - characters with different personalities, making them unique.
    - the characters, men and women, are well done graphically.
    - the scenes that should be funny, they manage to make the humor and not be forced. (best fight cen Lucie's ex boyfriend)
    - choices and with consequences.


    - the term sandbox was used wrong here in this game. Sandbox/freeroam, is a game genre that allows the player to do whatever they want in the world or have several repetitive choices to simulate everyday life in that world. In this game, the ''sandbox'' are actually areas that you must go to for the scene or to make a choice, but there's no freeroam for the mc to have a routine like: in the morning, he has breakfast with Lucie and goes to work, in the afternoon he goes out with her somewhere and at night he can choose the fetish he wants to have sex with her, this is an example.

    to finish: I think it's a game you should play, but the dev should remove the sandbox tag because I had the expectation that it could be a freeroam that I could have with Lucie and have routines or choices for what to do with her during the day and that's not what happened. But other than that, all other factors are good, whether it's the humor, the sex, the graphic and the story.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    All in all this game is excellent. Chars are beautiful, renders are classic, but well done, sex scenes are very good, sensual and with a good text and pace, and the anims are largely above average. The story is somehow unbelievable, but it is a game and at least there is a real constructed story. The char evolution is interesting and most chars are likeable. And several endings is a real bonus (and should be added in the tags).

    So why only 4 stars? For several reasons. 1/ the devs should undertstand that all this point-and-click stuff is really stupid. What is the fun to oblige the player to click on several rooms in order to get a message "I have nothing to do here" before finding the proper room that will make advance the story. 2/ Timed scenes are a PITA. If I want to have a coffee, I should be able to do so even if I only have 5 mn to achieve a scene. 3/ Minigames! Either add the 'minigames' tag (and I will never play such a game) or make the minigames skippable. But you cannot force the player to play a silly minigame if you have not warned him/her.
    All these are real problems IMHO and should lead to a 2-3 stars rating, but as the rest of the game is really excellent, I give 4 stars.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game, good story telling, nice renders, and characters does look unique especially lucie. Its not like all them games where it feels like characters are copy paste from other games. Entertaining, worth the time that has been spent.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    The game has great graphics as well with a well made story . There are a lot of multiple choices and many different paths that you can take . There is a lot of interaction betwenn the characters and that's fantastic because you can focus whoever charcter you find the best match with . Overall a great game with rich story.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Yep, I have like it /hate it kind of relationship with this one. Like it because the models are bunch of hotties and renders are pretty good too. But hate it because some of the characters have complete 180 degree personality transformation, all in really short period and the dialogues they have with mc compared with other npc is straight out unfair. Even though mc didn't do jackshit. But silver lining is that things are seems to be improving somewhat so I'll keep an eye out for this one.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    A very good game, that hits my own personal kinks.

    Fun story with no grinding
    almost complete
    multiple 'bad' choices that have real dialogue, not just "The girl doesn't like that"
    multiple girls that are fun and interesting

    Inconsistent look and feel - The Developer clearly got WAY better as he went through his development, and got better hardware. That led to shifts in the quality of the renders, which can be a bit disconcerting.

    Change in 'voice' of some of the characters between chapters - Some of the characters have different feels as they go through the game. Again this is likely due to an evolving skill/vision from the game designer, but it can create moments where I think the character would/should say X but instead they say Y.

    Mixed 'payoff' from choices made in one chapter to another - I was not left with a strong connection between chapter 1 and chapter 2. Based on choices I made in Chapter 1, I was expecting things to go a certain way in chapter 2, but the plot keeps going this specific way, and didn't take into account my choices (or at least, that's how it felt)

    All that said, it's still a 4 star game. It's a complete story, not ONLY a sex fest. Also, you can see the growth of the game developer. My take away is that this is a great first game. The improvements in skill show that his second game should be wonderful.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Up to day 11 in the game.
    Basically no grinding.
    A story that goes at a fast pace (the story arc is over 12 days).
    Mixes romance and sex (and if you want, even some "escapades" ;-)), and while keeping some artistic liberties needed to the get it rolling, it includes dealing with many things that are very similar to reality.
    An intrigue with a nasty (but in a sneaky, manipulative way, not an aggressive visible way) antagonist and the possibility to rescue the damsel in distress :).
    An environment (inspired by French medium corporate environment) which is different from what you find in most games.
    And the female protagonist is cute in a realistic, though not in a "top model" way (reminds me a bit some young ladies I met in the past)

    I like it, but since there have been also some quite flaming comments to this game, play yourself to make your decision.

    Just a warning, if...

    1) You expect the young female protagonist to fall at your (well, the MC) feet and idolatrate you the moment you have sex and she dumps an a-hole boyfriend, especially considering it all happens very fast;
    2) Are shocked that a young, repressed woman may actually have lot of sexual energy and wish to explore her sexuality (remembering the keyword "repressed", not "frigid" :));
    3) Are shocked she may want to have her independence and not appreciate someone trying to control her (seen from her point of view);
    4) Find absurd she may fall a bit (don't worry, nothing too bad anyway ;-)) for compliments from manipulative charming people and doubt whether the MC is thinking about her interest or his own;
    5) Think the solution if there is (a) bad guy(s) is to go "gun blazing" kick his/their butt;
    6) You think if you (as the main character) say you know something , that should be enough for others to believe you, even if you have no objective hard evidence;
    7) You think anything that influence behaviour, specifically risk taking, inhibitions and/or sexual behaviour (e.g. alcohol, but even just stimulant drinks like Red Bull), should be automatically forbidden

    Then, if any of these (or even more, if more than one) apply to your expectations, don't waste your time because you will only get upset about this game.

    It tries to be realistic enough in some things, which means, things are not so linear, but so is often reality :) - and if you can live with the things I indicated, my guess is that you will like it, at least in part.

    Sorry for giving away some plot elements, but without that, there was the risk of creating false expectations and then delusions.

    Ah, in case you wonder why I refer to "realistic", it is because I know real situations in more than one country and about more than one person, and I can assure you some things do happen even in reality (not that I like it, but that , is a different matter :))
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    First lets start off with PROS
    - Decent renders and good looking female characters .
    Other than that rest are CONS -
    - Gameplay with annoying Sandbox like free roam , point and click , mini games with no hints to them .
    - Story which is a big pile of mess with dialogues and scenes that does not make any sense . There are many female characters but don't be fooled by that , you have only one Love Interest who you have to romance even if she acts stupid and turned from a shy girl to a complete 180 . Romance route in this game is simply worst , even if you decide to act loyal to LI nothing matters to the story , she remains the same as if you cheated on her and pretty much ignores your advices .
    So overall 2 stars apart from the decent renders , things like Sandbox with no hints and the story completely ruins the game as of V3.3.3 .
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a very solid game. Great renders, nice animations and an interesting corporate based story. I loved the blackmail routes and the well fleshed out characters. The game did speed up too much near the end and I wish we had a way to play in the red room over the course of several escalating days instead of a short stint near the end.

    This game has a lot of actually fun mini games, including picking the tools for the burglary. It's worth the time and I had fun.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Game version: 3.3.3

    I don't like this game, it just couldn't catch my attention well enough. The story is just plain and boring, the render quality is okay at best and there is TOO much text (combined with the mentioned weak story, this is VERY fatal..) and too few scenes.

    The choice of women/ models isn't great either, in my opinion. I wanted to give this game a try because of the good overall rating, so I was very much disappointed when I found it was just.. trash.

    No recommendation from me for this game, and I doubt it will become any better in the future.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a fantastic game. I highly recommend this to anyone that enjoys these visual novels with a little something extra. Animations are brilliant, sex scenes are fun and not too repetitive. Environments are detailed and filled with little secrets and pop culture references.
    Big props to the translator - I fear however something was missed during episode two for Android. A very large number of spelling mistakes and unusual translations. Unable to determine if it's like this on all versions or just the most recent one. Translations seem to be much more on point in episode 3.

    Looking forward to what I can only assume is the conclusion to the story in the next update.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    A very good but short story about power, lust and manipulation.
    Contains a sufficient amount of sex, humour and good dialogue.

    - At first, I didn't like that Lucy's character completely changed in just one day, but then it became clear that the sex drug is one of the main elements of the plot.

    - Zoe and Dan's situation.
    From the very beginning, everything hinted that Zoe is one of the main LIs.
    Then Dan comes up almost out of nowhere, and we are confronted with the fact that she is in love with him.

    It looked very unnatural and strange as if the author was tired of the character and did not want to continue her story.

    And since the game has never positioned itself as a harem, I think it might be possible to add optional swinging content, group sex and ntr.
    But the author told the story he wanted, and in my opinion, he did it pretty well.
  20. 4.00 star(s)

    I rape mommy's

    This is game is so good
    Nice renders
    Nice animations
    Cute and hot girls in different skin tone and different body shape
    Short and smooth story
    Short Dialogues
    Choices for all path
    Little bugs
    Limited sex option while mc fucks
    There is no sleepsex so please avoid false tags that's why i reduced one star