Up to day 11 in the game.
Basically no grinding.
A story that goes at a fast pace (the story arc is over 12 days).
Mixes romance and sex (and if you want, even some "escapades" ;-)), and while keeping some artistic liberties needed to the get it rolling, it includes dealing with many things that are very similar to reality.
An intrigue with a nasty (but in a sneaky, manipulative way, not an aggressive visible way) antagonist and the possibility to rescue the damsel in distress
An environment (inspired by French medium corporate environment) which is different from what you find in most games.
And the female protagonist is cute in a realistic, though not in a "top model" way (reminds me a bit some young ladies I met in the past)
I like it, but since there have been also some quite flaming comments to this game, play yourself to make your decision.
Just a warning, if...
1) You expect the young female protagonist to fall at your (well, the MC) feet and idolatrate you the moment you have sex and she dumps an a-hole boyfriend, especially considering it all happens very fast;
2) Are shocked that a young, repressed woman may actually have lot of sexual energy and wish to explore her sexuality (remembering the keyword "repressed", not "frigid" );
3) Are shocked she may want to have her independence and not appreciate someone trying to control her (seen from her point of view);
4) Find absurd she may fall a bit (don't worry, nothing too bad anyway ;-)) for compliments from manipulative charming people and doubt whether the MC is thinking about her interest or his own;
5) Think the solution if there is (a) bad guy(s) is to go "gun blazing" kick his/their butt;
6) You think if you (as the main character) say you know something , that should be enough for others to believe you, even if you have no objective hard evidence;
7) You think anything that influence behaviour, specifically risk taking, inhibitions and/or sexual behaviour (e.g. alcohol, but even just stimulant drinks like Red Bull), should be automatically forbidden
Then, if any of these (or even more, if more than one) apply to your expectations, don't waste your time because you will only get upset about this game.
It tries to be realistic enough in some things, which means, things are not so linear, but so is often reality
- and if you can live with the things I indicated, my guess is that you will like it, at least in part.
Sorry for giving away some plot elements, but without that, there was the risk of creating false expectations and then delusions.
Ah, in case you wonder why I refer to "realistic", it is because I know real situations in more than one country and about more than one person, and I can assure you some things do happen even in reality (not that I like it, but that , is a different matter