Ren'Py - Completed - Lucie Adult Game [v4.16] [SecretGame18]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Should have included the NTR tag from the beginning. Also why did Lucie had a complete 180° after Chapter 2? Game was enjoyable then she suddenly becomes a bitch, completely naive and to the point where she doesn't have any dignity or shame.

    How did a girl who was hitting clients because of inappropriate behaviour suddenly become a bitch who willingly showed off her body to workmates?

    She was head over heels for the MC and then suddenly she was berating him and not listening to anything he says. Like dude, where's the realism in that?

    Very disappointed in this game because it was decent in the beginning. Your choice to make the character completely change for the sake of plot and that too so unrealistically ruined the game for a lot of us. Atleast make it believable and realistic.

    I don't even mind NTR games, it's just the way how you brought about the change in the characters is so unrealistic. I can imagine a lot of players getting frustrated with your decision to bring NTR. Anyway, do try to improve how characters work and I'll be looking forward to your future releases. This game though sadly I'm giving up. One star for the first two chapters.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    maxx mad

    One of the best recent games with a lot of content already.
    + Good looking gals (i like 4 out of 5 so far)
    + Office "fetish" done right
    + Good build-up
    + Great Scenes
    + The story is decent (which is not that common)

    Keep up the good work.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    TomWant Badass

    I like the game, cant wait for the next update. And about drugs, everything is possible with drugs. Sometomes you see good people with A grades destroying their lives and stealing money from their parents to buy drugs like heroine and others.
    5/5 Stars Devs first game is real good for a first Game! And he used my most loved renpy engine
    5/5 nice realistic girls without XXL Tits. Why everyone has to love giant tits, I dont want a cow, I want athlethic young girls.
    5/5 unique fresh and new story, not very realistic but most porn games arent realistic. Its a porn game, no doku.
    4/5 missing little NTR tag, a little failure easy to repair in 20 seconds,
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    I have mixed feelings with this game and are expecialoy due about Lucy behavious. in the first chapter she seems a virgin... when she speak about his boyfriend and about giving fiust and kick to whom dare to touch her.. suddently she turns into a compelte whore. she is not virgin at all. she use dildo and take big dick with no problem...i understand that this is due to drinking love elixyr but c'mon.... another thing bothered me in my playthrough is that no matter what i choosed (with the evidence of the company trp for example) game seems forget and choose the story for itself... so i give it 3 star.. and i've read i must wait till december to see this updated makes things worse.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    What to say I certainly found it interesting, but in the end I didn't find it so original in the dialogues. Surely the story is studied and this can be seen, but I expected the choices to have much more impact on the story given the premises made by the author. Well-groomed setting and characters I have to admit. The current score I have given is low because all in all it is normal but has good potential.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Review of Lucie Adult Game 3.2:

    The first 2 Episodes are great, lots of options and development of characters, but then with Episode 3 we get a total 180º turn of one of the characters, that comes out of nowhere, into a territory (cuckold, NTR) that makes a lot of people (myself included) uncomfortable with no prior warning or tag. I can appreciate the vision of the creator, but to throw a change like that without prior warning or even a slight hint of going that way is preposterous.

    Maybe its not for me, but I would appreciate a revision of the game tags if the game keeps going that direction
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Edit: A couple of additional notes after the game received the complete tag as follows.

    First, about the visuals, I don't know if I played windowed originally, but I'll have to add that there ARE a couple of grainy renders when playing full screen. It's not horrible, but very noticeable.
    Other than that, what I wrote pretty much stands throughout the full game.
    There are some pretty high quality animations in the late game, but not many, and one, while impressive, has the downside of invoking the common Daz "rotten teeth" lighting issue. Still not a cause for massive complaints nor praise overall.

    As for the story, my criticism stands, but the cliche innocent girl plot takes a little bit of a back seat overall. Whether the damsel in distress plot in the later game is much better can be argued, though.

    I don't know if the text was revisited or if my expectations have changed in the meantime, but through most of the game, the frenglish was noticeable, but not TOO bad. Except during the endings, which are terrible and feel machine translated.

    The sandbox is still pretty superficial.

    About the humor, the fight scene is still there, but it seems to have been toned down a notch later in the game, except for that one scene it didn't bother me all too much this time around.

    Finally, the endings. Well, they're not too bad, though unfortunately horribly translated, as mentioned above.

    In conclusion, the game was brough to it's conclusion, which is an achievement in and of itself. I'm tempted to award an extra star, because I feel the game IS worthwile of being played, but on the other hand, I still stand by my verdict: Even completed, the game remains pretty much average, maybe a tad above. Imagine it having three and a half stars.

    The original review:

    A solid game. Which is sad, since it could be so much more.

    The most obvious thing is, of course, the visuals, and I really like that part of the game. The author has picked a solid collection of models, especially the main love interest Lucy is just very sweet in my opinion.
    I'm not an expert in daz models, so I don't know how much SecretGame tweaked, but even just picking the right assets already goes a long way.
    The renders are not spectacular, but generally high quality, you won't see a lot of grain or artifacts as in some other games here.
    They're not that important for me, personally, but there's also quite a few animations and they are brief, but well realized for the most part.

    The story fits the genre, I guess, but unfortunately it's been done in many, many other games already. Very attractive young girl moves in with an older guy for some constructed reason. Turns out she has a boyfriend, but has mostly been blueballing him for a prolonged time, but our older guy opens her up, and soon she gets rid of her boyfriend and realizes she cannot live without being humped by our protagonist every five minutes. Soon enough, she is open to everything and cannot restrain her own desires any more.
    Extremely cliche, but at least competently realized.

    The script ... is bearable. Russian games often have this particular flavour of english that screams "non native speaker", and here we have something like that, but of the french variety. As you probably noticed from reading this, I'm not a native speaker in english myself, but there were quite a few spots where even I thought "this doesn't sound right" - btw., there's also a few lines that haven't been translated at all.

    Next, there's superficial sandbox elements. Some of the reviews argue this heightens immersion, but I disagree - there's not enough to the sandbox to justify how it hampers replayability with different choices. It's mostly just "explore" until you found x, then find y, then go on to z to continue with the story.

    Another unfortunate thing is the immature humor which completely breaks the suspension of disbelief. There's a brawler hommage minigame that's downright cringeworthy, and later on a young hot girl fires off a RTS reference. Cool story, bro. This kind of stuff just drags the game down.

    Finally, there's the pacing. It starts out promising or at least par for the course, but then quickly dissolves into fast lane "sluttification" of Lucy, which kinda undermines the storytelling. I realize, the intro already establishes that the game will only span not even two weeks of time, but in my opinion, there's only so much that can happen to a personality in such a short amount of time. Maybe I'm naive.

    Anyway, for these reasons, I cannot award more than three stars.
    Ending on a positive note, most everyone should still be able to find something to like in the game, so by all means, do give it a try. Just don't expect a masterpiece.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    this is hands down one of the best adult games i have played this year. rarely in this type of game i'm so interested in the unfolding of the story and this alone says much. it's meant to be a short game though, so everything happens faster here than your typical slow burner, no complaints from me. while lucie is a clear favorite, all of the girls are pretty, cute or sexy in their own ways. for a dev who is a non-english speaker, dialogs are pretty decent and the few grammar errors didn't really bother me. i must still say while the overview says there's humor in the game, i couldn't detect any. not a biggie though, considering the game has a lot to offer on the sexiness front and everything else. renders are very good and so are animations . music only appears when it's going to fit a scene (like i wish it would be in all games) and sound effects are used very well too. looking forward to the development of the last two days of this game and hopefully more games in the future from thanos255.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Changed my score as it wasn't up to date with everything that has changed, dev is doing a great job listening to some problems a few players had (especially in the Romance route.

    The english is definitely better now, renders are pretty good, models are hot, story took a different turn than i was expecting in the later stages but it managed to keep me entertained so that's what matters.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice game,

    It's strange when you used to play Adult Ren'Py games in English to play one in french, but at the same time it's great for me to understand absolutely every word or expression by this case.

    The render is cool, Lucie is super cute and the others girls are pretty attractive.

    I will check out how this one is gonna evolving.

    For finish, a little word in french for @thanos255 :
    Félicitation pour ton jeu, j'espère que tu rencontreras un beau succès avec.

    Un compatriote du Ch'nord ^^
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Le Pew

    When I first played this game, I was interested by how the character layout was done but I was a bit scared by the sandbox elements. In fact these elements add to the immersion into the game because it forces the player to play an active role in the plot and not just decide at one point which way the character should go for.

    Episode two has shown me how @thanos255 has progressed not only technically, but also in the narrative. The choices are intelligent, and past actions already show their impact.

    I am thrilled by this game at its current state and I'm eager to play the next part.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Great graphics and story. I am waiting for more. Of course there are a few bugs, but the whole story is very OK.
    Maybe you should use higher resolution graphics and use the webp format.
    The animations are quite nice and create the good atmosphere. :p
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    After seeing the screenshots from the game, I thought it was another sandbox that would not interest me with anything. After playing, I changed my mind completely. The game is not as polished as it could be, but it brings a lot of interesting threads to the gaming world. The author is inventive and develops while creating the game. Suffice it to mention the animations and new sexual content. I like vibrating egg etc. The game has potential and I give it five stars on credit. Good luck in developing this game.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Thanks for the game! it´s really entertaining and addicting, shame the story is a bit short!
    Best part of the game is the script by far, renders are great although I would improvem the main characer (guess this is my personal taste). Also there´s a limited choice on female characters ( I guess this will improve in future updates) and I would also add some jokes/Fun games. as it´s quite serious.
    keep on the good work, looking forward for a new update :)
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Enjoyed it thoroughly.
    It's not a shockingly original story but the artwork really makes up for it.
    The english at this point has really improved so that shouldn't be a complaint anymore. Some things could be a little more streamlined, but in general im not complaining.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    I tried this game, since it was rated with 5 stars. By only 1 F59zone member, at the time, though. However, in my opinion the game is not worth 5 stars. I'm not saying the game is bad per se. But it needs improvement. The renders look good. Although the expressions and interactions of the characters look a bit weird and off, at times, in my opinion. And then there's the English grammar. It's pretty bad, to be honest. I tried to ignore it, while playing the game, but after a while I stopped playing because I couldn't take it, anymore. The dialogues even keep saying "him" and "his" when referring to a girl in the story. And occasionally I didn't even know which of the presented choices to pick during the storyline. So I guess I'm saying that if the dev improves the characters' impressions and interactions and corrects the grammar, this game could be worth 4 stars (still not 5).
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    First of all, I only tested the French version of the game.

    Starting from this base, I took into account the experience of the author in the creation of VN, as well as the narrative capacity inherent in any good narrator and screenwriter.

    I judged from this base, the quality of the renderings which are surprisingly clean for a beginner, as well as the development of the game in point and click imitation, which is ambitious for a newbie, but which remains a success.

    As for the narrative quality, it's something quite subjective, but I got blown away immediately and the plot is sufficiently well put together to make me tremble with impatience while waiting for the continuation.

    The characters are funny and colorful.

    I can not find fault with a personal point of view and taking into account the margin of progress of the author.