VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Lucky Mark - Unofficial Ren'Py Port [Final] [Doshima]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    It's not a game, it's not a port, it's just a gallery and frankly if I had known that I wouldn't have downloaded it
    so I would advise you to change the title and write there frankly that it is only a gallery, because currently the title is misleading
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    This scammy cash grab port is just a gallery and removed all of the interesting parts of the original game.

    Any review of the quality of renders etc is just a reflection of the real game which was high quality.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This is exactly what the title says, a ren'py port of the game 'Lucky Mark', which happens to be the first game I downloaded from f95. A 12 gigabyte grindbox saga that I have fortunately never had to play in the manner intended.

    I used a cheat mod and a walkthrough to view sex scenes. It was the best and only alternative to an actual gallery with all the scenes. But no more... because this exists now. Now I can fap to the sex scenes of a porno gaem that introduced me to the world of porno gaems without the hassle of checking the walkthrough for the correct series of buttons to click in a badly designed and clunky Unity interface. All praise to Doshima for making it.

    There are a couple of reviews, and posts, complaining about that very fact. For reasons that are unclear if not entirely absent, they hate this gallery viewer for a unity game that finished development half a decade ago. Needless to say, the potential downloader of this port should ignore them.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Strange rating this one. This isnt a full port or remake - it's a gallery of scenes from the original game.

    Original game is super grindy, has no gallery, limited save slots and you need to memorize a series of "correct" choices to see each scene.

    This (essentially) gallery room removes all the pain from just wanting to see the scenes of the original game.

    It definitely has value in that regard. But no real gameplay - if you're looking for the full game and not just a gallery room, go check out the original. If you're like me and have played the original before, this is a great addition to the fap folder.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Game version: Update 6

    I wished I could just copy & paste PartyOn111's recent review, because that is exactly what I wanted to write about this "game".

    It's the collection of every (at least, when this port will be fully done) scene from the game "Lucky Mark". The game was a mess regarding pacing, story(-telling), characters..everthing except the lewd stuff.

    Now, Doshima appeared and decided to strip the only good part from the game and port it to a new game. I really do support and like this kind of idea, especially when handling failures like L.M.

    Again, this was never supposed to be a real game, the developer explains this in a disclaimer- whoever thinks that this isn't enough to make things clear...
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Okay this isn't a game. It makes it very clear and cuts out a lot a bullshit. This is essentially a Gallery Mod.
    However I will be clear, this is the only way I am touching Lucky Mark with a 10 foot barge pole as I value my time.

    it could be smoother, and more fleashed out but it gets the job done and doesn't pretend to be more than it is.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    remake that removes what made this game annoying in the start,great game dont get me wrong but it needed fresh thought,if devs of adult entertainment understood their audience then remakes wont be of luck dev going forward
  8. 1.00 star(s)

    Saint Blackmoor

    First of all, the game has unavoidable NTR (netorare), just in case the tag isn't there.

    Mark may be lucky, but anyone who tries this game is definitely not.
    This is the biggest definition of waste of time I have ever seen in all my years on this site.

    Sadly, the game is impossible to play without cheats. Not only is it fcking annoying to grind relationships AND sympathy points, the game then adds hunger/energy and other metrics that are just broken.
    One example is sleeping, which resets your hunger to zero. Normally, you'd wake at 8 or 9, so the first thing you must do is eat. But then the NPCs have breakfast at 10, and in order to progress, you have to eat again, which makes you totally waste a few hours just because the game was not correctly designed.