Unity - Completed - Lucky Mark [v18.0] [Super Alex]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    It´s really grindy but thats drove me even more .
    Also the Music ingame makes it so nice.
    I also prefer Games where you have to do things , for all of those which just like the boring read and decide. Don´t touch that Game.
    Just one of the best Games in this Genre out there.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


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    Anyway other wise great game but too much grind and too sudden ending in my opinion.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    This would have been a five star rating IF:

    -What is the end would have been a mid-game plot development. Characters become interesting only at the end.

    -Christina and Elena characters would have been less boring, stone-cold, spoiled-bitch princesses before the final plot twist.

    -the awful grinding (so much effort put by the dev for it makes me cringe, he could have spent more time on actual sex scenes) and bad game play had been less awful. DO NOT PLAY WITHOUT THE SUPER CHEAT MODE. Constantly following walkthroughs is also absolutely necessary.

    -actual vaginal penetration sex before the final showdown involving the MC had been with more than one person only...Annie, and that's towards the end of the game as well. Though the dev's obvious obession with anal pounding is cool :p.

    -And, last but not least, if Annie's character wouldn't have been tossed away as a side-show. She's by far the best character of the entire game.

    Otherwise the renders are truly of an amazing quality, the animations are really good as well, especially in comparison with most other games.

    I will support the dev only if his new game, announced several months ago, is a spin-off/sequel of this game and involves Annie much more...thoroughly.
    Likes: samss
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    It totally deserves 5 stars, it's very modern, animations are very very good.

    The story is good enough. The game feels fresh.
    Characters are absolutely AMAZING, some of the BEST i've ever seen.
    Cheats help you debug some things that you can only mess up by .. well.. cheating. (relationship points and story progression)
    I simply LOVED it and i can't wait to see more from this developer.
    Cheers, God bless,
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Scenes 10/10 (one of the best)
    Characters 10/9
    Story 10/7 (you need to play about 1-2hr to reach some good scenes)
    Sound/Music 10/8 (innovative)
    Gameplay 10/4 (Repetetive and kindda boring)
    Grind 10/6546345345 (cheating is inevitable, Dont play otherwise)
    Likes: samss
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    The final version of the game is mostly bug free, which is quite rare, I think it's average rating of 2.5 is unjustly low, so I'm adding a 5. Really enjoyed this one, it's almost on the same level as big brother
  7. 1.00 star(s)

    Immoral Player

    Even with cheat mods i can't play this game properly, goes to show how bad the mechanics of the game are.

    Sure characters and animations are great but everything else just gives me a bad taste about this game, translations are okay with some forgivable mistakes, i still hope this developer makes a good game that is not as wonky and this and i will probably give at least a 4
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    15/10 Animation
    9/10 Story
    ∞/10 Sexual Content
    9/10 Ingrish
    10/10 Interactivity

    This is the original greatest game that got me into the whole Unity/RPGM novels, the evolution of the game from version 6.5 forward has been inspiring and I imagine is a ton of work. I am extremely satisfied with the art direction and plot sequencing. The grind is albeit bearable, although some may linger on that fact too much - it is a small price to pay for such quality content. Keep up the amazing work!
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    I am looking for the mobile no. of Elena? Someone can give it to me? :p

    It is brilliant how she is looking and how all the scenes are previewed of the female characters in general.

    I like the story and the characters. Elana is a real arrogant bitch and knowing that she looks just perfect. So I guess... I did a deep dive into the game and that very positive and when it comes to the "grinding"... I dont care

    Maybe it is to complicated sometimes to come forward in the story sometimes...

    However...Great game!

    Thank you! :love:
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I've played it with the cheat mod and could only imagine what a massive grind it would have been without it. It is the best looking game I've played. The daughter and the mother are exceptionally beautiful (I could have done without the tramp stamp on the mother tho) and so are their scenes.

    Game has some really backloaded content when it comes to actual sex, but if you got a fast internet connection, its worth it.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I believe this game is underrated.
    There are indeed some technical development issues, but overall it's a decent effort on story-line and the usability. Instead of the overused family/step-family design, it takes a different path towards voyeurism and corruption that I personally like. It can make the story very tense and erotic at the same time. My experience with the initial versions was a bit trite, due to the lack of guidance. Which made progress difficult and monotonous. However, things evolved (or I got the hang of it) and the feel changed for good.
    These aspects makes this game original in many ways.
    Congratulations to Super Alex for his efforts.
    Likes: indu
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Man, this game is a gigantic grind. If you do decide to play, please, please, cheat. You'll have to edit the game files in notepad, but my god is that preferable to playing as the dev intended.

    This game has some pretty enticing character models and decent scenes, but the sheer time you have to invest in it to get to the good stuff is mind boggling. Even skipping acquiring resources by cheating you are still looking at hours to get to some actual sex.

    It is also terrible to navigate the interface and move around the house. Which is a real bad move by the game creators, and they somehow also made it so most of the time you are moving from place to place to resolve the "quests" and move on with the story. It is also really vague what you have to do sometimes, and I got stuck on some poor explanation from a character or because you had to be in just the right place at just the right time for an event to trigger. It is frankly impossible to play this without following a walkthrough.

    The writing is subpar and filled with little mistakes that accumulate over the massive amount of time you'll spend playing. It is somewhat easy to ignore at first, given that there is much worse translations and writing out there, but it really tires you out after a while.

    I will say this though, the scenes where you finally get in to the daughter's pants are outstanding, and so are a few of the ones with the mother. If someone made a revamp of this game and got rid of the nonsensical "gameplay" of navigating the house interface and having to repeat a billion actions to get stuff done, this would come close to being one of the actual good ones.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    The subtitles in this game are terrible ! it completely kills the entire experience! The animations are good and so is the story, but no work was really done on the subtitles, which are horrible. The author didn't do his job
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    For me, Lucky Mark has one of the best stories, the plot is very good but in the end it ended up disappointing me. The gameplay could have been better, but what prevents this is the grind that the game offers, which is a little irritating and tiring. Overall, this is one of the games I liked the most, but not because of the gameplay but because of the plot that the game offers, but unfortunately things didn't go the way many wanted and we had an early end.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Best game so far! A grindy one but if you play with a cheat mod its the best corruption game for my opinion.BEST!

    +Such good renders

    +Story is well developing

    +So much fetishes in it

    and so much good thing

  16. 3.00 star(s)


    The Grind.

    You might think that this game, with its pretty nice visuals, its interesting story, and its diverse mechanics, would be great. However you'd be wrong.

    While I can't say the game is any less than good, it will never achieve a higher rating because of the grind that is very present in every aspect of this game.

    Want to go for a specific CG or scene? You'll need to grind for it. Be it money or the time during the day or even the day of the week, the grind is real. And this kills the feeling of progression, which is a major bummer because there is so much to like.

    You work for a shady guy whose illegal activities start to have you worried for not only your safety but that of your sisters as well, all the while you're running along a real thin red line fucking the guy's wife and daughter.

    The game really keep your desires burning as the wife is hot as hell and gives you plenty of chances to spy on her, mess with her, and eventually put it in. The daughter and your sister fill the voids along with the maid, allowing you to get real close to each of them. The daughter is the corruptible one, the sister provides the wincest time, and the maid is for all you chocolate lovers.
    There is also another chick later on, but I actually never finished the game yet; all due to the grind.
  17. 4.00 star(s)

    Igias Hadesss

    What a great game! Love the renders and the models. The story also good. Despite that, i give 4 stars and not 5, because the game is too big and the game engine had some issues from time to time... Anyway, i hope to see another project from the developer.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Abit of a grind to get to certain events even when there's mods and cheats turned on. But the animations and scenes makes the grind worth it. Don't be put off by the grind on the first few hours of playthrough. The ending scenes are a masterpiece.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    First of.. the renders and animations look amazing and the story is good too and has it's funny moments :) One thing bothered me in the start tho, you have to click during those adult scenes, I want my hands free when the good stuff comes, but he changed that in the later updates, so it gets better :)
    and yes there is some grinding and it's not always easy knowing what to do in the game without help, thats the only thing wrong with this game I think, but getting to those animated scenes is 100% worth it!
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    My opinion about Lucky Mark

    - Renders and animations look amazing
    - Good looking user interface
    - Okay plot

    - Grinding is insane
    - Pretty much forces players to install the modded version and to read the walkthrough to avoid sinking hours upon hours

    Rating: While I would give the modded version a higher rating, the original grindfiesta edition is just too much work for me. 4 out of 5.