Unity - Completed - Lucky Mark [v18.0] [Super Alex]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    - Looks good (Visuals and Characters)
    - Decent story
    - The grind is insane (Even with cheats)
    - It's such a chore to even get a scene. There is to many negative endings to a scene and you have to memorize some many things about the characters.
    - Walkthrough didn't really help. It was to simple, not enough explanations or pointers/help.

    Don't recommend
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Horrible dialogue, mostly due to the terrible grammar and translations. None of the characters are remotely likable and without using cheats the game is just a terrible grind.

    UI and navigation isn't the greatest, and just confusing at times. The story itself is close to non-existant.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is very good compared to other of its kind, the story is very interesting and the models are very beautiful. I know that the game its repeating alot and you need to do some grinding but with the chat more it's very enjoyable.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    quite nice game but the engine makes no fun. Too resource hungry for weaker computers. The renderings are already very good, but the lyrics are in need of improvement. Unfortunately, there are still several errors that cause the game to crash. All in all a successful game that requires a lot of patience.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    The game is really terrible.
    Story is pretty dumb and very unrealistic, the game is in english but in reality it's just google translated from russian. Gameplay is super boring and very grindy, you need to waste a lot of time just to raise stats, not rewarding at all.
    I enjoyed more watching the gallery from the game directory from windows explorer than actually playing the game and plenty of those images are actually just screenshots from real porn movie.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    This game/game thread needs to be deleted from forum. To finish this game you need to play 8 hours every day for 2 weeks. 99.99% you have no idea when to progress with character example there is option for wife event, you finnaly find right day and time, you go to her and talk and you get all negative stats because you need 100 SYM -.- You go to husbands/wife bedroom, go to bathroom door, you cant open it, knocking doesnt help and you are stuck because you cant go back. You go to pc watch porn and you cant watch any of it and you are stuck because you cant go back. Then you want to cheat, you think thats great, you edit save file, set everything to 999 open game, enter bathroom and slap girl on ass and its game over, wtf? You even go to bathroom take panties, and want to give it to Zari and you cant even give it to her. With every character you have option "take snack or coffie" but that doesnt work. Lots of bugs and unessesery things. Game is all about do something perfect in perfect time and thats it. Example go to monday morning bathroom and try to guess what to do with wife, you have like 40 different options to click and try is that right, and 40 different options is 40 weeks=40 mondays. Doughter sees you naked, you kiss her, touch her but to go beyond that you need to have more SYM -.- Dont even try to download it, trust me you will save time :)
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Even with the cheat mod, it was horribly grindy. Can't imagine playing "for real" for a second. It's by far the biggest flaw of this game, but it's not the only one. There is also :

    - Poor english, poor dialogues
    - Only one character having developpement
    - Having to repeat the same scene multiple times to get to another one
    - Huge mess to get through, you have to use a walkthrough

    the good:

    + Nice character design for the mom, good renders
    + Good variety of situations.

    Without the grind component I would probably willing to ignore the other flaws, I would give it 4 stars. But as it is, it's a 2.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    V. 13.2 EDIT from 4 stars to 2
    Its a game with EPIC RENDERS.. animations and immersive sexual events.. besides that its a GRIND FEST OF BUGS and GRINDING... without walktrough its damn HORRIBLE. Without Mod its a waste of time.

    Some guys are after Elen.. for me Chris is the best.. next to Annie. Of course I would like for Bill to fuck off her.. but for now its the best course of action to see all conent. I see great potential in this game.. if only it was easier, quicker and less complicated. I get that dev wanted to show off his skill and ideas.. but in erotic game its just a burden which only dimnishes this Game's quality.. There are many games which got less content and with worse erotic scenes, yet they do not make OUR lives harder so they get less hate and more positive feedback. I Wish for dev to throw away most grindy stuff from this game. Which is relationship reduction.. over time. I get that if you do not wash or even smell.. girls are less likely to play with you.. BUT... its a fuking erotic novel.. and not Sims where I can waste my time doing other stuff waiting for that week to pass... without MOD.. jumping to next week is a bad decision after which I cannot imagine how dead our MC would be.
    Walktrough should be in game. Which points to next event.. which even expands after three failures to progress said event. It seems logical. Next aspect. Grind.. I mean. Fuking lessons are expensive af and to earn that money we need to waste/burn fuk tone of money and OUR time.. its just a time burner. Like progress by fuking one point per lesson.. I mean. ONE FUKING POINT?!
    There should be a list of events..where to trigger them if we have played them and their reply.. so we have access to them whenever we want. There are several such events which should have a replay button on them because they are that epic! YET! we need to wait another WEEK to have even a chance to see them again... SKIP BUTTON SHOULD BE MANDATORY in events we have seen already yet they are implemented gradually in random scenes.

    In general its an epic game under a cover of fuk ton of bugs, google translator and unnecessary GRIND without built in walktrough. Without.. skip button in already seen scenes, good quality of translation, unnecessary GRIND, built in walktrough.. its a game with a lot of petential BURIED IN SHIT

    v12. Review

    Lucky Mark is an unlucky grind fest. One which is damn hard to like without mods and a walktrough..

    With both things at hand.. You can enjoy this game. Even tough game mechanic is so complicated and makes your life miserible.. it is beautifully done.
    What is great in this game?
    Plot! A promising programmer named Mark won in a company competition for promising coders and sterted to live with his boss and his family.
    Talk, give presents, work, keep yourself fit and presentable. Learn for a fuk tone of time till you get what you worked for.. for months. Even with cheats I played for fuking 120 days and still did not unlock all content.. in each week there will be a time window at which we need to lock on and do not make any mistake... game with life's hard mode? NOPE.. even if you make a mistake, you can repeat said event!

    Said events are mostly bug free.. some renders do not appear, some buttons do not appear.. mostly in erotic events for which we worked our asses for!
    Best in this game are renders.. many beautiful renders.
    Worst? DAMN GRIND
    NO or almost NO tips what to do next
    NO ANIAMTIONS- if we exlude gifs made with some glued together renders.

    Its enjoyable ride for those with time, like a few days of playing will be enough
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Not recommended.

    The good:
    Art. It looks great. Feast for the eyes.

    But that's where good things end.

    The bad:
    Grind. Like it was made to contend against Korean MMOs. Who would've thought grind isn't substitute for content? If it was tied to the story, or if the player was rewarded with some scenes, but no. About 90% of the game is utter, insufferable boredom. Cheating is mandatory.

    Story. What story? It's incoherent and nonsensical, and players aren't given the choice to make it any less ridiculous. That it makes no sense is one thing, but it's inconsistent also. After all the grinding and romancing and shitting around, the player is rewarded with rape scenes.
    Yes, rape. And not the 'secretly likes it' version either.
    If that's what floats your boat, sure, but then it could've happened on day1, not after hours of grinding and irrelevant dialogues and "development". This isn't "corruption" because there's no progress to speak of, just going from 0 to 100 in a scene. No warnings, no hints.
    Besides, it's the epitome of creativity, another 18 years old who doesn't know what a dick is and which end to hold. There's innocence, and then there's ignorance. This is the latter.

    "English". It's so primitive and basic, and on top of that it's filled to the brim with spelling and grammatical errors, I'd believe it if someone told me it was written by a six years old who then desecrated it by Google Translate.
    There's no immersion whatsoever.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    I wanted to like this game, it is visually pleasing, the models are good, the premise a bit different, unfortunately the grind is mind numbing, there is far too much repetition, why the dev wanted to over complicate this is beyond me .
    He could remove 90% of the grind and it would still be a grindy game, even with the exploits it is horrible, just why? to cover for lack of content? worse of all the grind doesn't really pay off as you end up drugging the girl anyways, and practically raping the other, it is absolutely dumbfounding, and a total waste of your time .
    Also the writing is laughably bad, there are just way too many grammatical errors, when you add that to the grind fest it becomes impossible to actually enjoy .
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    I like the karakters, I like the fakt that you do not get what you want straight away. You have to work for it a little bit. ;) In my eyes Elena is the star here, and not the daughter. I do not give much for the sister plot. But it´s ok.
    Ím not into the incest thing that much. (mother/daughter) or (Mark/sister)So I Hope the daughter will get a boyfriend , in which Mark have to compete.
    Would like to see Mark´s submissive karakter turned around a little. Maybe Elena likes to be submissive some time.
    Overall ím having a lot of fun with the game . Keep up the good work. (y)
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    This game has awesome renders and models. The plot and storytelling is well above average. The langage is below par, would need help from a native English speaker (I suspect a fellow French is authoring here!)
    I like the fact that the progress towards sexual intercourse is rather slow, even if it's a bit too grindy at times and requires to read the forums a lot to find how to progress.
    Some scenes are pure masterpieces, my favourite taking place in the shower.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    When you look to the game history you think: "I've seen this before". Yes, you are, the movie name is Ex-Machina, great movie by the way.
    At the start you feel confused about the game, the way that you improve your relationship with the characters are a little bit strange but with time and some "Save/load cheat" you can do a great job.
    There is no way to jump time so you need to wait for seven fuck*** days to repeat any encounters.
    The renders are hot I love it.
    Christina is the best character of the game, the relationship with the MC is the brother/little sister cliche(but she is not your sister): "I don't know nothing about sex, teach me please" but in this case there is an extra that really amazes me: Christina is an innocent girl who doesn't wanna know about sex and you need to corrupt her and make her want your dick.
    The MC is a rapist.
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    If you have a problem with rape like me, don't play this. But if you like it, you will probably enjoy.
  14. 4.00 star(s)

    name88 - King of Hearts

    Ok,the game itself is alright,it uses the painful "grind system" known from BB and its clones,if your not OK with that,the game is not for you.
    When it comes to graphics,renders are of decent quality,the poses,choices of clothing and envoirement are very good.Music is great,really fits various scenes and locations.
    When it comes to writing...The story is ok...but "the engrish" is the worst ever,its so bad that it reaches comedic value:
    "get rid of me now from your presence" - is probably the most convoluted way to say "fuck off".

    2 pieces of advice for the dev - 1 learn english or hire a translator,this is ridiculous.2 add an option to skip time to a specific day.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Based on 12.0

    Kinda grindy but it's easy to cheat or there are mods with cheats.. I choose to edit the save game myself and play the game.. didn't really liked the idea to start with relationship 999 and full stats.

    As story... well maybe he should add something at the start. We are in 2019 where the Internet rullz the world so he could stay home and work for his boss.
    In rest I liked it.. it's something new, a bit of love story with the daughter and more hardcore with the wife.
    The story it's a bit slow and that's a good point, not every blonde milf with big tits jumps on MCs cock like it would be the last man in the world.
    For me the relationship between wife and MC was one of the best I ever seen in a game.. and it's more realistic. She's crazy indeed but the MC gets crazy with her too.. no spoilers but the wine scene ripped my pants, gonna fap all night on that one.

    The relationship with the Daughter.. seen that a few times, it is good indeed kinda reminds me a bit of Lisa&MC from BigBrother...

    The sister one, good start, not much content at the moment only strong alert NTR it's present so beware if you don't like that stuff.

    The English it's not the best but it's readable and I've seen worse, a lot worse.

    At the end I'm looking forward for next updates, pledged already.
    I would give 4 stars but because I'm still hard I'll give the 5.
    Now.. Be right back, I have to take care of my friend here!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the idea of slow seduction, and realistic erotic situations, I think it is much more fun than in other games where you get all the girls with no effort.
    Also positive that you not cluttered unnecessary with dull descriptions about the environment or the inner monologues of the characters.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Voyeurism is about the only think you ever do.
    So much grinding, that cheating is the most recommended plan for game.
    "Corruption" has almost no impact, girls are never willing to do anything with you.
    Lots of story build up to end up just to drug & rape girls in their sleep.
    This game gives nothing but dissatisfaction.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    I used to think this game deserved 3 stars, for it's excellent CG, and only the strange story, the seriously fucked up english and the insane grind stopping it from getting 5, but now I have removed 2 stars for the callous rape (Which should be among the tags), and one star is gone because of the seriously humongous size, but put one back because the daughter of the house is sizzling hot.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    The English in the game is taken off Google translate and updates are tiny. Story had a lot of potential but 0.8 destroyed it (don't want to give any spoilers). Only thing that stops it from getting a 1 star is the fact the renders are great.
  20. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 379289

    The comically horrible English I can forgive, but after several real-life days of playing, the only actual sex has been the rape of a drunk psycho-bitch. This shitty game takes grinding to an absolutely insane level. Even if you cheat, you still have to do the same scenes again and again and again to progress them with no option to fast forward through already read text.