RPGM - Completed - Lumine Exposes Every Day [Final] [Little Heroine]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    You strip for exp. You build up lust by stripping. Maxing out lust prevents you from stripping and then you have to blow a hobo during the night because you're too horny to sleep. The EXP is awful until you get the swim suit and the grind is eternal. Got to level 35 and unlocked the scene viewer only to find out that you cant view any scenes you haven't seen yet. The hardest to get scene is AT LVL 50! And the ending NPCs in the viewer just tell you where and when to game over. The areas are huge and empty. Barely any NPCs and you only interact with like 5. There are spots all over the map to strip and they're all exactly the same.

    Do not waste your time with this game.