Others - Completed - Lunar Crisis [v1.2b] [Vosmug]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Honestly the reason this gets 3 stars and not 1 or 2 for me is that I do find the uniqueness of the gameplay interesting, if slightly less explored than they should be, and the animations are, as usual with Vosmug, amazing and probably the major selling point.

    However, like I said in a comment on the game thread, I kinda feel as if the game would have been infinitely more enjoyable if we weren't playing the current mc. Similar story, same point and click mechanic stuff, but switching between the girls perspectives at specific points Until Dawn style instead would've probably made this way more memorable, and probably better than their other games in my personal opinion.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    A nice to play puzzle game. One of a few that doesn't really rushes or stressing out players.

    Except for the final battle, players doesn't really need to brainstorming decisions due to the timer feature being nonexistent. They can take their time navigating whiteout worries.

    Game aren't really optimized, this is just my hunch but I think the sprites are way too "polished" than needed, making the game laggy at times. This has been a known performance issues for Vosmug games.

    And as I tend to play 2D games on my working PC, which is basically not a current meta specs, I find myself playing the game like 2~3 times the length of the supposed playtime.

    Good enough. Not exactly nice, but definitely not the worst. While the plot setting is good to me, there are still suspensions. Due to the ending are not exactly good, its not bad, but I can't find it as bittersweet either.

    High-Quality sprites is one of this game charms, I honestly, I find that was one of the few that causes the game performance to drop? But then again, I can't really say it is.

    Honestly, I am not really into orgies. So I can't really say that I enjoyed the erotic contents that this game has offered. But I do find the content is indeed just enough without doubt.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    iv plated all the games by the game creator and they are all outstanding game with good storys and unique backstorys highly recommend playing the older games looking forward to the next game that comes out
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Unpolished mess of a game, If you ignore the "Nostalgia" from vosmog then the game is realy bad. Its slow, unclear, buggy, and the H scenes are very meh.
    It took me so long to figure out what to do at certain points, failing over and over because I didnt see the smallest little thing that I could interact with, putting me all the way back every damn time. Its not a fun experience
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    First I would like to say that Vosmug has shown once again how they can make great games. Secondly, this game has a gripping and well-developed storyline.
    However, the game could have been even better. Unfortunately, there are very few sex scenes in the game. Moreover, if in Xenotake such scenes were present throughout the entire game, then in this game they are present only in certain levels... It's also sad that the gallery is worthless.
    I also didn't really enjoy controlling the robot throughout the game. It would be nice if the main characters that the player controls were women. As it was in the previous games of vosmug.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5925414

    Vosmug games never disappoint... This one has a different game play than the previous ones, but it is not a problem... The game has a great story and the long tied scenes of the enslaved girls are a big turn on...
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Enjoyable bit slow paced though and less content than expected, still a nice story and abt 5ish hours of gameplay, having a sprint button would improve it a lot though.

    Overall fun and worth the time spent, pretty hot also.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is amazing, I was with the intention of taking out the poison and stop playing it, but I ended up playing it for the story, it is very good game!!!!!
    I highly recommend it
    Can you recommend more games like this?
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    Kilometer Immorales

    Honestly....pretty damn good game. Didn't expect it to be as long as it was and how the story turned out genuinely surprised me.
    I have 2 problems with the game though:

    > There's only three scene in the whole game where you, the player get to have sex with one of the girls. Most of the scenes are you making opportunities for the girls to get fucked by aliens. Which is fine, I enjoyed it quite a bit. But I know its not for everyone

    > Those damn controls bruh.....got me confused so many times. Should've just integrated mouse as well.

    Overall, really good game. I'd suggest using the guide available in this thread.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I have to say, I was expecting a lot less after reading all the negative comments and reviews, but I actually ended up being very pleasantly surprised. And the main reason for that is something that very few hentai game devs manage to pull off properly - integration of the hentai within the actual story of the game.

    Yes, the scenes are rather basic, most of them lack different phases, the loops are short, the 2D model quality isn't the greatest...but all of that is compensated for by the fact that there is a build-up to the scenes. You first get to see all those characters play their part in the story and THEN you get to the scenes (even if the first one does take a bit too long to occur). It's hard to emphasize enough how much the context surrounding a scene can elevate what would otherwise be a very boring 1-second loop in isolation. It's apparently even harder for devs to grasp this concept seeing how many games still only offer the hentai as part of the combat or during game-overs.

    As for the gameplay, it was OK, certainly not the main selling point here. It's very linear and it all boils down to figuring out how to go from A->B->C->D, but it does its job. It's simply a means of progressing the story and getting to the scenes.

    Overall, it really shows that Vosmug is a very experienced hentai dev because he's demonstrated that you don't need the fanciest graphics or the most detailed animations to achieve eroticism, which is the main point of these types of games. I would objectively rate Lunar Crisis 4/5, but I'm giving it 5 stars to counterbalance some of the bizarre 1-star reviews here. Also, as of writing this review Vosmug's in the middle of enhancing and expanding the scenes even further as part of a future update, so once that's done I believe the 5-star rating would be well-deserved indeed.
  11. 1.00 star(s)

    Nine-Tailed Fox

    This game at face value would be a 3. But if you actually look at it a bit more deeper, it falls apart on so many levels it's not even funny.
    Let's start off with the basics, Vosmug's other games are very highly liked games. I played them and they were fun. But this game departs from the formulae those games set soo much it almost feels like it was made by a different person, for example if a foot fetish artist suddenly started making armpit fetish art instead.
    Previous games had girl protagonists that were mildly interesting, this game has a bland, voiceless cyborg dude whose sole motivation is to escape... Does that sound like an enticin plot for a hentai game? No, the sole reason it's a hentai game is because the dude is prisoner on a ship with other horny aliens. Previous games were action games with battlefuck, this one is a point and click adventure...

    Story is nothing special, it has some intriguing plotlines but the reality is this is a porn game made by a hentai game developer. You're not getting a groundbreaking narrative explaining the dichotomy of good and evil. Overall the story mostly just feels like a person trying to create his own universe but forgot he's making a porn game not a novel. Inbetween the writing he realises "Oh shit! I gotta add porn for the people that pay for my shit!" And adds a few seconds long, looped animation that you'll probably look at for a whole of 10 second before continuing. And yeah, it's Vosmug so the art looks good, if a bit samey to his previous work but goddamn the lack of H scenes in this game is a travesty compared to his previous works. Not to mention most scenes don't even have a climax animation... Yeah...

    Controls are unintuitive as hell, at one point your drone gets replaced with a bug and for some reason the "use" button for them gets replaced with a different button... I have absolutely no idea why and the game doesn't even tell you it did that.

    Now here's the kicker, any positive this game seemingly has is also a negative. Except I guess for the story since some people actually consider the story to be amazing... I wish I knew what they were smoking.
    - You like the girls? Too bad, they barely have any scenes.
    - You like the drone "minigame" and think it has potential? Too bad it's barely utilized for anything interesting. Not to mention you lose it eventually.
    - You like having multiple choices? Too bad, aside from different endings nothing much else comes of it.
    - The game actually holds your attention, problem is the reason it does that is because of anticipation. Which never pays off unless you like the story, I guess...

    Funny thing this game has multiple endings, but what should games with multiple endings have you might ask? Plenty of content that makes you want to replay it, or in other words... Replayability. Not this game, I have no idea why it has multiple endings as apart from the story which is heavily hit and miss, it has absolutely NO replay value what so ever.

    But the biggest thing to me, that made me drop my score to a one star is the fact that the game has been worked on for FIVE GODDAMN YEARS! Five! For this barely "H game" barely "actual game" game... Unless you REALLY like the story, or you just (REDACTED ) this game will bore you to tears.

    Now with the negative out of the way, let's talk about the few positives.

    The game will (if you go into it blind, which, if you read this review you wouldn't) Will actually hold your attention, but for the wrong reason. Anticipation. It's a Vosmug game so if you play it blind like me, it kept me engaged as I was hoping for a good pay off, good scenes or something interesting... ANYTHING! But nothing like that happens so while the game will hold the attention of those going in blind, ultimately if the story didn't resonate with you, you will be left completely and utterly blue balled.

    The galery is actually not bad. I assume it was worse before as a lot of people hated it but it's not bad now. It's basically an asset viewer, which, in any other game would be annoying since it's a bitch to view scenes that aren't just loops of the same animation. In this game, since it has a severe lack of climax scenes you can just put in 4 of your favourite girls or even more on an animation of your choice and that's it. Ironically the lack of H scenes and variations is the reason the gallery isn't bad. Controls are annoying but meh.

    TLDR; This game feels like it's trying to reach for the sun but barely reached the clouds. It's trying to be everything all at once but failing to be anything more than mediocre at all of it.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    On the whole, I enjoyed it. The story was interesting, though the motivations of the some of the characters were not completely comprehensible.

    H content starts out pretty slow, but picks up after a bit. Lots of tentacles, which I liked, and some futa, which I could have done without.

    I largely have the same complaints that I did about Xenotake: the player character walks painfully slow, and the girls all have "gravity-defying melons".

    Performance could use some improvement -- one CPU core was at 100% the whole time the game was running.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Its shit.

    Basically sums up what i think about it. I liked xenotake, which is ironically his very first game and the best despite being 10+ years old now... Ghost hunter was ok, even though it took many steps in the wrong directions. But this? its so much of a joke that its not even funny. Too little game to pass as a game, too little sex to pass as a sex game, too little of either to pass as any fun. The gallery is an utter sham and afterthought too

    It feels like he lazily made it as a point and click adventure game, that he figured out has too little content so he changed it to a side scroller to drag it out (took me about 3 hours to clear it at 75%, and i'm not wasting more time to clear it to 50 and 100% considering what the gameplay is like, and 2/3 of said hours where spent on WALKING).

    The few good things i can say is that the drone and camera peeking was a fun idea, although it was very sparsely implemented in the measly 'grand' scheme of things (aka 4~ hours of gameplay), and that the lazy 3d to 2d artstyle (that seems to use the same exact body model as xenotake) is still somewhat appealing, even if the nipples now look way too long on all of them and there's no nipple and body type variation AT ALL aside slight height changes and C vs DD cups)
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Game is good and actually gets you emmerced into it's setting. The way the MC mutates also adds to the tension and you never how things pan out playing for the first time. H-scenes are good but one of the main problems with the lewd parts of the game is that the MC is not willing to partake and actively has to avoid doing so bar one or two exceptions.

    Overall a solid game but there is room for improvements.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    If you are familiar with Vosmug, PLEASE play it. If you aren't, play "Xenotake" or "Ghost Hunter Vena" first.

    This game is a controversial addition the author's collection. On one hand, previous entries have better H content and controls, but on the other, it has the very same charm and is worth playing at least once.

    It's a minimalist point-and-click adventure/puzzle game. It's a tech/visual upgrade from previous entries, a branching-out from the gameplay we're familiar with, and has a more substantive story/characters.

    That said, I didn't fap, and I only did 1 ending. Sex is baked deep into the plot, but I think the execution of said sex was not as emphasized as in previous entries. A lot of animations were same-y, and any sexy build-up was ruined by the fact that the scenes were kind of bland.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    massive downgrade from the previous game ghost hunter vena
    -barely any h-scenes
    -no real gallery
    -most sex scenes just have an animation loop
    -gameplay is more like a walking simulator
    -the 75% ending is better than the 100% (it has an additional h-scene)

    The only positive thing was the story. It was quiet well fleshed out.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Even if it doesn't have immense graphics especially if we compare with some 2024 games, the lore and events are still exciting.

    Of course there are some minuses such as the time wasted looking around for objectives and the unskippable cutscenes. Not to forget the gameplay isn't that impressive as well.

    However, the variety in storytelling and the various events (transformations, different cutscenes, unexcepted plot wists) make this game a 4/5 to me.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Visuals: It's a Vosmug game, and the art's in his signature style. Production takes a step up with the use of (UNSKIPPABLE!) 3D cutscenes that have a 90s/early 2000s charm to them.

    Gameplay: It's basically just a point and click adventure. Not sure why Vosmug even really bothered with letting you control the character directly. Had the game gone in a different direction, like a stealth game where you'd have to sneak around the ship avoiding guards and such controls were necessary, that'd be one thing, but in Lunar Crisis you're basically just doing fetch quests from Point A to B to C. There's a single brief stint of "combat" near the end, but it's more of a simple puzzle than anything else.

    H-Content: Honestly disappointing. Scenes are short and pretty tame. As the protagonist you barely ever engage in any of the scenes yourself, outside of a single segment. Maybe it's just the passage of time, but Lunar Crisis feels far less interested in the sex than previous games and more interested in throwing Vosmug's passable sci-fi lore at you. In a game featuring giant alien monsters, the sex scenes involving them feel like an afterthought, while the regular aliens might as well just be humans.

    The H-content is really what brings this game down for me. You go for long stretches (barely) engaged in pretty boring gameplay, or long dialogue scenes, only to be rewarded with a mediocre sex scene. Overall, the game is alright, while Xenotake and GHV left a lingering feeling of some missed potential, I think Lunar Crisis' direction from the start was misguided. Did Vosmug even want to make an H-game? Or is he only doing it because that's what his fans expect, and he knows there's already an audience for it? That's the question I'm left asking over and over.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty good, it plays well and the art is decent. The compact environment and tech interactions make for a good premise but are limited and very linear.
    The plot is fine, it's put together competently but didn't really grab my attention.
    There aren't any glaring issues to criticize but I think it's a shame that, considering how influential it was on the dev initially, very little of the Demonophobia style and atmosphere seem to be a priority. I guess the dev's art style doesn't lend itself to more complicated animations and detail, but the premise of people trapped on a spaceship with alien DNA-splicing and imprisoned monsters with a lust for human women could've gone in more gritty and interesting directions.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Lunar Crisis is a point-and-click graphic adventure that harkens back to the early days of the genre and is satisfying… for the most part.

    Expanding on the developer’s first game, this one is set in an interesting albeit vaguely-defined science fiction universe. You, the protagonist, must deduce how to escape your captivity aboard a starship vessel you have found yourself imprisoned in. The classic point-and-click mechanics are rarely seen in h-games in my experience and they are mostly executed well here, my only gripes [mechanically] are that the cursor is slow and hidden behind a keyboard button which makes some of the more intense and time crucial spots in the game frustrating.

    And that’s if you aren’t having a difficult time figuring out the classic point-and-click puzzles. If you are not acclimated to the genre, you will find yourself pulling your hair out; hell, you might do that even if you like point-and-click graphic adventures. There were parts where I was rolling my eyes before carrying on throughout whatever current chapter I was in.

    Beyond the gameplay, the character and story-writing range from serviceable to actually quite solid for the pulpy sci-fi caper kind of way. The female antagonists all have defined personalities and goals, though at times I wondered if the writer wanted to do more with them. The true ending of the game airs of plot beats not really covered in the game and ultimately it does feel like this is only a partial completion of a rough draft of the story. Due to the fact the character you play is a silent protagonist without much choice–in a game that implies there’s some illusion of choice but never capitalizes on that illusion. Foregoing a review with spoilers, in the middle of the game you are given a choice of giving in to something or not and while it affects you unlocking one minute or two of exposition in the true ending, it is never a choice that actually impacts anything. It’s just there to make you think it does. The story is good in a barebones way, it just needed a few more rewrites.

    That’s really the only central criticism I have with this title, though others might be dismayed that the sex animations are bland and one-note, or that certain characters get less screentime when it comes to those kind of scenes, or that the gallery is more of a scene maker that never really functionally works well. For me, I came for the erotic scenarios and got a wholly worthwhile point-and-click graphic adventure that could have been better but exceeded expectations. I think that’s pretty okay by my book.

    Check it out and decide for yourself if its worth it for you!