Unity - Abandoned - Lunar Mirror [v0.72] [DSGame]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Honest, lunar Mirror is a surpringly good game! While it should be stated that the translation is... barely aceptable, and the controlls can be a bit uncomfortable at times, the Horror, and Erotic scenes are just amazing!! the buildup is incredibly well done, and the game keeps surping me with both horror and sex.
    there are 4 episodes on youtube if anyone gets stuck
    Likes: Daioh
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Need a guide, almost all chinese
    But the animation and atmosphere is amazing.
    It was good enough i bought this and the side story on Steam for $18.
    Trying to figure out how to play can be a pain, but once i figured the controls out and found a guide i couldn't stop playing