Others Lust For Lucre | Godot [Development Thread]


New Member
Jun 9, 2024

Hey y'all, I'm part of a two man studio (My brother does the art and design, I do the development and music). We're working on our third game, and right now I'm mostly looking for somewhere solid to post updates about my progress. I initially decided to work on this game before working on my "Dream Game" just to get used to the game engine (Godot), and abandoned the concept a few years ago, as I was super burned out at the time. After revisiting my old game and code recently, I saw massive potential in this game, and let's be honest, stripping the clothes and armor off of monsters is super fun.

Anyway, any feedback is appreciated just from a visual aspect.
We should have a vertical slice setup eventually, so expect a solid enough demo in the next few months.

Also one big thing to point out right now, is my brother is currently working on a full re-draw of all of the monsters and girls, so if a few of the women look exceptionally thick-necked, that's slowly being remedied. Here's a quick example of the match 3 and strip battle system.



May 30, 2018
Hello there.
The game visuals are looking great! Did the banner was made before or after the re-draw? Because if its before the necks are looking completely fine! They only are more thick in the burly girls, and that makes sense!
And doing ero games with your brother? Man i am green with envy right now haha.

If i may ask could you describe what your dream game is? Made me curious.
Anyway good luck for the both of you, in the visual aspect you guys got everything covered up already!
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Reactions: Reyjakai


New Member
Jun 9, 2024
Hello there.
The game visuals are looking great! Did the banner was made before or after the re-draw? Because if its before the necks are looking completely fine! They only are more thick in the burly girls, and that makes sense!
And doing ero games with your brother? Man i am green with envy right now haha.

If i may ask could you describe what your dream game is? Made me curious.
Anyway good luck for the both of you, in the visual aspect you guys got everything covered up already!
Heyo! The banner is before the redraw. We've re-drawn maybe 1/4 of the final characters, so the monsters in the strip gif is a redraw, and the Tainted Tinker in the screenshots is also redrawn. It's kinda funny though, since I was never aiming to make adult games, but my brother has always enjoyed drawing naked ladies, so I kinda got roped into it.

As for my dream game, I've always wanted to make something similar to a game I played ages ago on PS1 called Azure Dreams. It's not even an adult game, and I'm not actually sure if I'll add adult elements into that game when we start on it either. I'm kinda thinking if you take a bit of the combat and limited inventory aspect of Recettear, add that to Azure Dreams, and mix in a bit of Stardew, it might make something worth playing.

For what it's worth, if we manage to sell enough copies, I did promise to toss in nudity into that game, so it might end up here too.