RPGM - Completed - Lust Knight Lisa [v1.01] [SubSupreme]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    This might be the worst game available on this site. It is for sure the worst game I ever played.
    Every system in place was finetuned to give the biggest middle-finger to the player and waste the maximum amount of time possible.

    Do not give in to the curiosity. What seemed like a pretty unique premise for a game with a charming clumsy art style is actually an attempt on the player's life and sanity.
    The difficulty is absurd, every single mechanic is frustrating and time-wasting. Debuffs stack on top of each others while you're getting ganked and you either lose turns getting rid of debuffs (this can fail also) that just come back the next turn, or you try to power through and become so weak you might as well heal the ennemies.
    Rushing through the map is punished with bonker Uber Bosses, grinding is punished by an exhaustion system invented by the devil.
    Debuffs last after the fights and force you to go back through the whole map to the healing cat (don't question it) while dodging every shadow.
    The puzzles you have to solve to progress are the magnum opus of a mind racked by space madness. The kind where you have to say a specific line to an NPC that shares the same model as every other ennemy, and only after a specific event, because before that talking with this NPC would get you ass-blasted.

    And all that for what ?
    I dunno.
    There's nothing except 10 measly CG of poor quality and they're all for bad endings.

    For 2 hours I tried to push through and find positives. I didn't know hours could feel this long.
    Stay away.
    Except if your kink is feeling miserable and frustrated, then this will be your Valhalla.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Complicated combat is good when it's not super unfair or there are unique loopholes to something such as the combat in this game.

    Hair ripping debuff attacks that are way too punishing, also there's barely any porn in here.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    More effort than it's worth, as the combat is garbage, the puzzles are moon logic, and there's 8 scenes total in the "gallery". This game also has one of the most depressing, half-assed BF systems I've seen, and has less sex appeal than similar softcore games.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Combat is needlessly frustrating and extremely difficult to win, if not just entirely a matter of RNG. There are too many systems in combat that don't really add much depth. For instance, you need to wait for your meter to charge, select and option, and then wait for it to charge again, during which time you can sometimes get hit out of the attack. Since time freezes while you select your option, there is no strategy to just wait for the enemy to attack or risk attacking early and maybe lose your turn, you can only throw it out and hope you don't get RNG'ed out of your attack. It's just frustrating and pointless.

    This, coupled with the fact you only get 3 days to complete an area, means the actual gameplay loop is punishing an unfun. Most of the juicy porn content is also a reward for failing, which would make sense given the game's difficulty were it not just so unfun to play in the first place. It feels like the designer had a bunch of ideas for mechanics and just threw them together without considering if the meshed well and then didn't even bother testing the game to see if it was fun or winnable. It sucks because there was obviously a lot of time put into implementing these mechanics, they just never took that moment to pause and figure out if they were actually fun or balanced. Better luck next time I guess.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    This game has two very major fucking problems that make it an awful experience.

    Problem #1, there is not enough meaningful content. For how long this game is, there's barely any actual, you know, porn in it. There seems to be two CGs per major area that you can get depending on how you play. The problem is that there aren't that many major areas, and each major area can take well over an hour or longer to get through. I looked through the game files and yeah, there's like... 10 CGs total. Single frame CGs. To the developer: are you fucking kidding me? You want people to pay FIFTEEN DOLLARS for that?

    Problem #2, this game is a long, exhausting slog of an experience. Your attacks can actually fucking WEAKEN YOU and make it harder for you to fight because they can be filled with negative effects. Actually fighting enemies is slow, tedious, and absurdly difficult. Leveling up doesn't even seem to make you that much stronger, you perpetually feel weak and pathetic.

    I like the content that is there and the writing fine, but the dungeon crawling is painfully boring and tedious, and the meaningful content relative to how long you have to play to get it and how much you have to pay to play this game is pathetic.

    If someone hacked all the content out of this game and turned it into a visual novel with zero rpg combat, it would get 2 stars out of five. If the amount of CGs were doubled and the price brought down by five dollars as well, this theoretical version of Lust Knight Lisa would get a passing grade. As is though, this game is one of the worst examples of how to do rpg combat in a porn game that I've ever seen in my entire life.

    Some friendly advice to developers: Don't fucking make enemies so stupidly overpowered that they can snowball debuffs onto the player character and make them unable to fight back!
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    lets get the bad outta the way.

    the combat blows chunks its one of the worst aspects in the game bring along m-tool it will make it barable.

    your foes will often spam gags and blindfolds and its intergration with the dice roullete system is not nice. they add "bad" dice to the roll results, and their overtuned. gags as you can imagine basicly cancel out magic. blind folds well you can easily guess what these do to physical attacks, and both will require you to waste turns removing and some foes can apply multiple restraints a turn, joy.

    some events are just tedious. the first boss has a long unskippable dialog and you will be fighting them multiple times in a row. some on map events lock things on the player usualy bondage and its unremovable when added this way often with no warning.

    a lot of core feature are either poorly explained, not explained, or bizarly enough a mix. did you know there were shops in the game? took me a while but they are in the break section of the "prep" phase's and its seemingly random. the weapon "enhancement" system? sure the game tells you it exists but what it doesnt tell you (or even preview the changes) is each alteration will confer its own buffs and maluses to the weapon meaning theres a lot of menu shuffling... also speaking of weapons those slots? its rngsus time, its semi-random what slots will be open when you get a drop. dinking around with m-tool i noticed some had fixxed slots instead, its the same each time.

    skills can exaust... ok not a bad idea on its own but its handled in one of the more player hostile ways. exausted skills dont give bonuses and have their damage output heavly nerfed. likely an anti grinding measure but as someone pointed out all it leads to is suiciding when used up so you can grind moar. system woulda been a bit better off it it was one or the other and not both.

    now onto the good bits.

    remember those tedious chore styled obsticals? well they got an upside to them sometimes. there was items that could be found in the trash piles and laundry for example. a nice touch and early game money and item source... provided you can find the washing machine.

    some of the on field events are just so comical i cant help but laugh like the drug dealers that leap outta rocks and cactus to jab you with a free sample.

    some of the dialog is not that bad. particuarly the rabbits next day freakout when you insualt the avatar of order i think the spinning is what sold it.

    all in all though subsupreme if your reading this im not panning this outta spite but it really really needs reworked. in its current state its just not fun as a game. theres too many hostile and tedious bits.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Holy shit where do I even start with this slop?
    If you are going to make combat the focus of your game at least have the decency to make it quick. The skill roulette wheel idea is ok in theory but in practice it adds a surprising amount of wasted time with almost no benifit
    You get a pathetic amount of xp per fight, the enemies are the same in every map and despite being uploaded the same day I'm writing this review the game uses so many default rpg maker assets it looks like it could have been made 20 years ago.
    It does not matter what your tag you searched to get to this game,