Unity - Completed - Lust & Legends [v1.6.2] [Entropy Digital Entertainment]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    It feels like everything is just below average, story is bland and full of the most boring kind of quests aka fetch this and fetch that like a dog and the rewards are just not really worth it either.

    The voice acting is bland and without emotions, it feels more like someone just reading up from a piece of paper so again just below average.
    It doent help that the dialogs feels empty and robot like, like
    Magegirl: i want you to go to the witch to learn new spell
    MC: you want me to go learn new spell from the witch?
    Magegirl: yes i want you to learn new spell.
    MC: ok i will go visit the witch and learn the new spells.

    I mean just no its awfull writting and so boring dialogs.

    Also theres no real romance so even that stuff feels pointless, you do a quest for someone next thing she takes her top of to show off her tits? and MC just goes "oh you got some really nice tits" then one quest more and girl goes "oh ive always loved your kindness, strenght and courage, and thats after knowing MC for a total of maybe 2 minutes and ofc you can then fuck her if thats what you want.....so yeah no relationship build-up or anything.

    Animations arent bad but at best average, you just get a list to click what you want, like BJ, cowgirls and so on, no dialogs in sex scenes either which also makes it bland and boring and the voice effects dosent help much either.

    Then theres bugs as well, i just clicked esc once and when i clicked close menu game was just frozen couldent move MC at all...

    I just couldent play this all the way to the end its just to bad.

    The interface is just really poor, you cant change text speeds, cursor stays on screen which to me is just annoying when moving MC around, cant scroll back either, everything just seems annoying, no auto save either i think atleast i couldent find it, no run option for MC.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The most intuitive game on F95zone.to. U can't miss ur chance to play this game. Wait till u start u will be hooked on it. Better than playing the Witcher 1-3 which blocks out the adult theme parts. U need to try this game.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    So the game entices you with some nice pictures but then you get into the fetch simulator 2000. It doesn't look great, it's not well made and it's very boring. The lines are so generic it hurts and the voice acting is average at best.
    When it comes to the lusty business you get into the action in 2 seconds flat (depending on how fast your computer loads up). The renders are bad, noisy, and grainy and the animations are very much barebone. The animations are DAZ3D loops. On the other hand, when Sable said she "ALWAYS" admired me after 5-10 minutes of running around for her, doing fetches, I was so surprised to see she lost her anus that I paused for a sec to make sure my eyes are not deceiving me. Then I laughed so hard I couldn't even find both Alt and F4 for about a minute. Clearly, the devs are so much against anal sex that they decided to completely remove her anus.

    Do not expect much of this endeavor. The fetch simulator has severely outdated graphics, some games that are 10-15 years old have much better graphics than this. The lusty stuff is even worse from what I have seen. To call this game completed is almost an insult.

    If you like fetch simulators and very poor graphics this game is for you.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    very buggy, laggy, wonky. Sex scenes are meh. SO much fetch quests with little motivation. It might have more promise if a lot of things were added. Needs running; pushing shift makes you slide weirdly and its not that much better than walking.