Wow, this game has a ton of 5 star reviews - different people with different taste, I guess -fair enough.
For me, however, this game is a disaster. Or rather a tragedy.
Because I feel the artwork, definately the games strong suit, is pleasing to the eye,sometimes even very good, the characters look appealing (some have slightly exaggerated shapes, but not as much for it to be distracting) and each and everyone of them deserves to be featured in a better game.
There are even animation - I don't care as much for those as many others do, but they're here, and not half bad either.
But the gameplay. Oh boy, the gameplay.
Some people really like sandboxes . But in my opinion, most sandboxes end up in one of two camps.
Either they feature a ton of content that basically exists in isolation and doesn't affect other content or the progress in other storylines even if it clearly should, or they have so little content that the sandbox part has little effect and lining up the story in VN format would make much more sense.
Girl House falls squarely into the second camp.
The free roam in the house is nothing but annoying, with you constantly having to click on arrows to move from this room to the other and back again. There's never much to do, in many if not most situations you have to do one specific thing to unlock the next stretch of storyline, which nets you one or a small number of new scenes before your progress is blocked by the next specific thing.
The storyline is nothing to write home about, we've seen these tropes a hundred times, and one of the very early quests helpfully offers the hint: "Cannot be completed in current version". Always a classic.
There's a number of annoying minigames which thankfully have a built-in skip function.
The initial design of the game appears to have been intended to star the MC as the long lost son or somesuch, but the climate on Patreon appearently prompted a (understandable) change of hearts, so now you are playing a guy that looks like the siamese twin of the lost son, but nobody ever comments on that fact.
What remains is a run-of-the-mill corruption story, which isn't terrible, but not worth the hours of grinding - even if the grinding isn't as terrible here as in some other titles.
IF you "fall in love" with the artwork, download the cheat mod and fly through the story, otherwise I'd recommend skipping this wholesale.