Ren'Py - Lust Theory [v0.4.5] [Inceton Games]

  1. 3.00 star(s)

    Unicorn Mixer

    As another said, this was one of my favorite games up until the last update. It really felt like someone just gave up on the story, but wanted to keep the checks rolling in. For the entire game, there was great build up. Interesting scenarios and great renders. (Still are I'll give it that) But the last upate went entirely off the rails. Just an excuse to have non stop sex with zero reason, and only the most minimal and uninspired plot shift to explain it.

    Such a disappointing way to what I presume conclude an otherwise brilliant VN/Game. It seems that Inceton knows how to create fantastic VN's, but have no idea how to properly finish them. Or perhaps don't have the desire to conclude the revenue stream after starting a new VN. Just so incredibly dissapointed.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    For most of the lifespan of this game, I loved it! It was easily one of my top 10 for the interactivity, renders, kinks, and storyline. It was one of the few games that I liked enough to fork out money every month to support the development.

    Then came the most disappointing update I've ever played through. Not an "there's not enough content" kind of disappointment, but a "they ruined the game for me" disappointment.

    I'm all for devs taking their games wherever they're inspired to go, but one of the things I like about sandbox games is that you can generally avoid the kinks that wilt your dick. If the dev has a fetish that not everyone is into, they can hide it behind choices that you as a player make. It's part of the immersion, which is important if you're an immersion type of player. If the MC starts engaging in fuckery that you'd want no part in, it doesn't just turn you off, but it ruins the fun of playing.

    Specifically, the update in question had the MC duplicated as some sort of sci-fi glitch, then proceeded to take you to each girl and have you share her with your clone. There were no choices. There was no navigating the map. It was just a series of scenes one after another of the LI's getting spit-roasted. The 3-way scene we had been waiting for with the sister and her friend was instead a 4-way with 2 dicks, ruining all the build up from the prior updates. The girls who you had been gradually corrupting were now cock-hungry sluts who wanted every hole stuffed simultaneously, completely accepting of the whole magical clone thing.

    If you're not into sharing, then that update did nothing but trash the game for you. And, no, you can't say it's not "sharing" just because it's a magical clone. If I got duplicated, I'd be no more inclined to let my clone join me in a fuck than I would anyone else. If it's your thing, fine. But at least branch all that bullshit apart and give the player some choice. It'd be the same as if during a long-awaited sex scene the girl all of a sudden has a monster dick and you have to watch her ream the MC. Or if she suddenly hopped up on the MC's chest and took a shit. People are into that, but the ones that aren't are going to stop playing.

    Altogether, that one update dropped my rating by 3 stars
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2022930

    One of the best incest games that I ever played.

    very hot models, very good animation, not a bad story, and really a lot of content that is amazing! "i fapped too many times xd playing this game"

    I don't see minuses I really like this game and I hope won't be stopped :)
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Ok, so: the graphic quality of renders and animations is one of the best, but the overall game mechanic is pretty lame.
    I mean, the whole idea of the day repeating is good, but the MC never truly learns from his experience.
    I mean, if you keep all the memories of the previouse cycles, you should learn how to get what you want from the previous mistakes, instead of fuck up always ina a different way.
    Moreover, if he manages to have his way with a girl, he shouldn't be surprised everytime he succedes in the next cycles.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Review of S2 E9

    Imagine this game like a preparation of a cake, you can see every ingredient that is top quality.
    The flour of amazing renders, the milk of fluid writing, the eggs of an interesting plot, the sugar of voice acting… you get the gist of it.
    You can’t expect the chef to ruin it, you are there looking at the perfect potential vn…
    And then the chef starts smashing the eggs into the bowl with the shells, he throws the entire bag of flour in it, fricking goes “Howtobasic” style, spilling the milk all over the kitchen and putting the entire mass of half worked materials in the oven at the maximum power, and then the oven explodes.
    The result is a burned coal, flaming, overcooked, indigestible piece of hazard waste.
    And watching that unrecognizable mass of Lovecraftian elements, you ask yourself: “What the hell happened?”.

    That’s Lust theory, a game that had all the keys to be if not amazing, great and memorable, but too many elements ruin the fun and enjoyment.

    The plot, it’s a typical groundhog day style plot, the day keeps repeating from scratchc with some other shenanigans happening.
    It’s fairly common trope now, but if executed well can be really fun.
    It isn’t fun, the game takes a linear turn where instead of actually understanding what’s happening by your own logic, makes you keep pursuing the event till you get laid.
    Meaning that you’ll see the same event with different flavors and different parts of knowledge but you cannot act if not with some scripted “right” answers.
    And so the sandbox element (that isn’t even grindy), and multiple routes are all fake choices to believe you are doing something, but in reality you have no choice here aside from some small ones elements.
    So it’s an half kinetic game with some railroad elements that doesn’t really let the player be free, but that’s fine if the game can give me an interesting plot and fun dialogues.

    It doesn’t.
    The MC other than being a pervert or a sociopath (two common tropes I see) it’s also a genius… and a complete idiot when the plot needs him to be.
    He’ll either resolve the enigmas with actual interesting solutions or 90% of the time with the most ridiculous ex deus machina I have ever seen in a videogame!
    Talk about logic or actual solutions!
    The MC just needs to show his magnum gun or penis to half the women to win or use the most stupid solutions ever.

    And let’s talk about the penis situation for one second.
    I am tired that basically half of the situations here are resolved by the MC giant reproductive organ, whenever a female sees it, now she is under control of the lust, thinking about “how is so big” or “I want to taste it” or other clichè phrases that destroy every conversation or build up.
    It’s cheap, it’s the cheapest way ever to make a character to fall in love(?!) with the MC.
    And this happens more than twice.

    Writing is smooth and has some funny jokes here and there but when you have characters that aren’t close to have a cardboard personality, it’s all useless.
    The little sister is a little sister but horny, the best friend is an ignorant degenerate, the mother is a depressed and horny milf…
    It goes on, some characters save themselves like the Teacher, but you are thrown into a sea of mediocrity and unmemorable personalities.

    Also don’t expect character development, especially from the MC, it’s a rookie mistake, and if you believe there is hope for the second part of the game, boy you aren’t going to have a good time.

    There is voice acting in the game, but trust me after a while I just turned it off, it felt really weird sometimes and the VA seemed kinda bored, especially with the mom.

    To talk about the incest, as another reviewer said here, it feels terribly fake.
    If you came here for the incest you’ll remain deluded.
    It doesn’t feel like a family, but like a couple of half strangers that really don’t feel emotions for each other, pretending to role play a family.
    It all feels off, beyond the boundaries of reality, this is what probably a couple of aliens would do if they wanted to play “human family” while stealing cows with ufos.
    (Sorry for all aliens out there btw).

    Yeah graphic and models are really good, you can see how realistic or high detailed some faces, breasts and other stuff are.
    Even if some movements are kinda robotic it’s pretty solid.

    That’s Lust theory for me, do I recommend it?
    Sure if you wanna kill time or understand how bad writing or decisions can affect an entire game, but I don’t recommend it, if you truly believe this could be your next masterpiece of porn games.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    The story started off decently interesting in S1, though it dragged on a little. But towards the end of S2 the story just fell off a cliff.

    They spent the entirety of S1 and 7 episodes in S2 slowly developing the character relationships with barely any sex, so slowly that sometimes it felt like they were intentionally blueballing/teasing the player to build up the sexual tension.

    Then in S2E8 suddenly everyone starts fucking out of nowhere, not by leveraging those relationships that were built up, but because a glitch made everyone horny out of their minds for no reason. The characters didn't have any agency in releasing the sexual tension so it doesn't feel fulfilling or gratifying at all, it feels like they basically used a plot device to skip a bunch of steps in the progression of the character stories.

    S2E9 doubles down on this with the orgy that was so long that it was actually boring, none of the orgy scenes with each character felt intimate or special cuz they're all just mindlessly fucking, they might as well be interchangeable meat dolls - indeed the tail end of the orgy explicitly made them interchangeable. After that you get intimate stories with each character but without any sexual payoff, so that was kinda boring too.

    Feels like a complete waste of all the buildup from the first 17 episodes, they should never have gone with the "everybody horny glitch" storyline, and instead used the character dates to lead into intimate sex scenes to bring their individual stories to the climax. Then after that maybe the glitch causing a huge orgy would feel like it was the proper course of escalation.

    I was sure the devs were getting tired of the series but didn't know how to progress the characters' storylines to satisfying conclusions, so the whole horny glitch storyline was just them giving the players some sexual gratification after blueballing us for so long, before washing their hands of the series. So I was really surprised to see this is going into season 3, in which case the pacing of the writing just makes no sense at all.

    The models are still pretty, but not sure if I'll keep playing since the story is so unengaging that it made the sex scenes boring.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Beautiful and attractive girls, Excellent renders and animation, and engaging story. Dialogues aren't dragged out for content like some games *cough* DMD *cough*, and jokes are smirk worthy.
    The emotional touch was a pleasant surprise. Having high hopes for season 3.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    both render and story are good in season 1, can't say much about season 2 since i haven't finished playing it.

    Render 9/10
    both actor and environment render looks amazing, the cum render could use some tweaking

    Sound 8/10
    the music is okay, it doesn't distract you from the game. and the added voice actor is good.

    Gameplay 9/10
    The gameplay is pretty good for sandbox Renpy game, decent pacing and not too grindy for sandbox

    Story ?
    Can't say much about the story
  9. 1.00 star(s)

    Uncommon Sense

    Pros: It's a good source of relieve yourself.

    Cons: At some point this game in chapter 1 maybe I felt that this story would it least hold up long enough to keep me invested. Sadly, this got old very quick and fast forward to now it's just more focused on "Events" and fucking, seeing what model gets fucked this time around and how. I'm not really looking forward to seeing how the MC solves his crisis. This game is making money so of course they have to get as much out of this before wrapping it up. But I got bored with this fairly quickly.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Damn, I really wanted to rate this game 5/5, what a disappointment the writing became.

    One of the best if not the best daz3d on the website, good quality and great sense for decorating backgrounds and different rooms.

    Animation: 5/5
    Pretty nice all over except the part where you need to click something in the upper left corner to jump to the next scene. In my opinion, sex scenes need to flow on their own... because you know...

    Story: 2/5
    The premise is decent. You play as a dude who, for unknown reason, gets stuck in a time loop where the same day keeps repeating. At the beginning, he gets confused, but then he uses the power to his advantage and manages to get into many girls' pants by using the knowledge from the day resetting to his advantage.

    -1 For simplicity of the plot
    -2 For the "reveal" at the ending, avoiding the spoilers, but my disappointment is immeasurable and I don't think I'll check on this game again.

    Sound 3/5
    -1 Decent enough pretty good voice acting and music choices
    -1 I don't know why season 2 was almost not voiced at all

    Gameplay: 4/5
    Not bad; quickly accessible hints and a convenient travel system between rooms and the city map.
    -1 Because of the day repeat system of the game the gameplay boils down to visiting the same place multiple times for different outcome, sort of repetitive.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    At first it was little boring, but when i decided to go on, i really loved it. You don't need to save/open multiple times to see all outcomes. You can redo your life everyday, damn. I find scenes are story quite sexy. Its just most of the characters are not that good looking...wish developer will introduce better looking characters
  12. 1.00 star(s)

    Gummer the old one

    Well, I've been playing the game for a long time, and I've always been eagerly awaiting a new update.
    But what has now been released is just shit.
    Right from the start, the renders are top-notch.
    The story WAS balanced and really well-thought-out up to the last two updates. There was a clean developing line in the story.
    From S2 E8 something was wrong with the storyline and then in S2 E9 it became clear that they had put a third rate writer on a first-rate game.
    The developers want to make money from the game, that's totally fine.
    But with the latest updates, that definitely doesn't work.....
    This is like putting a 2-stroke scooter engine in a Ferrari.
    Too bad
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an updated review, because I love this game. Season 3 is shaping up to be a good one too! Story is great, renders are great and animations are great too. Some people might not enjoy the story premise but I do! Main character starts off as a bumbling idiot, to a confident guy then back to a bumbling idiot because let's be fair, messing with time can be confusing as hell!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    For the TL:DR crowd:


    • Render quality
    • First season is fully voice acted
    • Second season has an almost unheard-of variety of quality, lengthy, multi-stage animations involving all of the various love interests.
    • Strong story in the first season with an interesting premise.

    • Story takes a back-seat to the sex in the second season, though I’m not sure if this is a con or not.

    And now, a brief rant.

    It’s frustrating to see so many one and two star reviews for a game that has as much content as Lust Theory does. You have a lengthy first season that is fully voice acted with a pleasant slow burn and a unique premise followed by a second season that rewards the first season’s slow burn with consistent, persistent escalation in the sex scenes. I’ve revisited favorite scenes in Lust Theory more than most games and there’s enough story and variety that I expect to keep returning in the near future. I find the one and two star reviews overly critical, as if the fact that the writing isn’t Shakespeare means the literally thousands of unique and well-crafted animations are just so much piffle. If you’re like me you’re here for both the story and the sex, but I’ll happily take a weaker story if it means the sex scenes are as high of quality as they are in Lust Theory.

    Finally, the review!

    The premise of the game is a simple one. You play as a young adult who lives at home with his mother and two sisters who, for reasons unknown, finds himself stuck in a Groundhog Day scenario where the day keeps repeating. After the MC adjusts to this new reality, he uses it to try, and eventually succeed in, getting into the pants of any female within a five mile radius. The first season is a bit of a slow burn with only one or two sex scenes and a handful of oral scenes. The second season could be considered a reward for pushing through the slow burn of the first with a steady escalation from oral to sex to multi-stage sex, to lengthy multi-stage sex, to multi-stage FMF scenes, to multi-stage MFM scenes (not NTR. For plot reasons, the MC occupies both male slots in the MFM scenes) and eventually multi-stage orgies. There are a great many different combinations of angles, positions and love interests in the later threesome scenes as well as in the orgies. It’s as if the plot exists so that the MC can check off as many male sexual fantasies as the author can think of, and it succeeds beautifully.

    The story isn’t deep but it doesn’t need to be. This is an adult visual novel after all. The story is a means to pull you in and make the sex scenes more believable, and the story works just fine to this end. People who complain that the increased rate of sex scenes in the second season get in the way of the story baffle me, and are clearly here for a very different reason than I am.

    The game is not without its flaws. The music is sparse as are the sound effects and only the first season is voice acted. I occasionally loaded a game with better music which I let play in the background while playing this one. The spelling and grammar drop off a little in the later parts of the second season while the renders and animation quality continue to go up. It’s clear the author wanted a big finish and decided to cut corners with the writing rather than the renders and animation.

    The real question is this: Does the game work? More than most. While the story drops off a bit in the second season, this is made up for by the sheer quantity, quality, and variety of sex scenes that, from within the stories framework, are believable enough that I could suspend disbelief and forgive the occasional spelling error or silly decision made by the MC.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Honestly this is just quick fap content and it isn't even good at that. If you are looking for good characters and an interesting story that accompany the plot then look elsewhere. Season 1 at least had some potential, but season 2 is just a clusterfuck.

    I think I can only point out 2 good things but they have flaws too:

    - The game has a million renders and animations.

    - The writing is great until a certain point.

    The problem with the 1st one is that it robs development time from other things that the game is lacking. The problem with the 2nd one is that it gets so boring in Season 2, when the game starts to become a constant orgy with a bajillion scenes. None of those advance the plot and are just mindless sex and it becomes an amusing situation where there's not enough words in the english dictionary to describe what's going on without repeating stuff all the time.

    For the bad things, well there's the quality drop of the writing that I mentioned but there's also way more.

    - The story just straight up sucks. Season 2 ending is so predictable that you could guess it the first time something weird happens in Season 1. The game doesn't really explore the concept of the time loop for anything other than sex, which just kills the flow of the story after a few hours.

    - It's great to have so many animations but there's a severe lack of sound effects, even Season 1 which is voiced doesn't have them. I think some dev time could have gone to the sound instead of making the same dick into mouth animation 100 times or a trillion different angles and secret renders for each scene. Music is just missing, there's like 2 songs.

    - Characters have the depth of a puddle, they quickly become mindless sluts and it's clear that some received more attention than others. The cast also grew too much.

    - The character models, just wtf. There's such a big difference between them, there's a few with really ugly skin tones and textures. It's like someone took a few models from a nice looking game but also took others from a bunch of random bad looking daz3d games. The main ones don't even look like a family.

    I'm giving it 2 stars cause all of the above. It would be 3 or maybe 4 stars if Season 2 wasn't a thing. The concept had at least some potential in Season 1 and the sandbox gameplay was honestly done properly for a game that involves so much repetition just because of the premise of the story. The million animations are a huge plus but I don't think that can carry the game.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    A nihilist's dream. if the day always repeats, then actions have no consequences. so the main character acting selfishly and manipulating others makes no difference. instead of trying to figure out what is happening or why the main character just tries to have sex with everyone he meets. some of the unintended consequences or this pursuit are amusing, but it doesn't excuse the lack of basic moral decency. also because of the repetition inherent in the premise, the game was tedious even following the in game hint system. not my cup of tea. the animalistic id rationale makes sense because the dev is the same one behind summer with mia where you coerce your sister into having sex with you, so i don't really expect much. the characters and renders look nice enough though. oh yeah, the internal logic slightly breaks from day one to day two. once the day progresses, the main character should panic and reassess his actions. instead he proceeds doing the same thing, which is hard to justify if everything he thought didn't matter suddenly has consequences. jury is still out on the time pausing power, it's a little odd, though maybe it will end up making sense, too early to tell.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Very much wanted to like this game but it's just not for me. Can't seem to get over the sandbox groundhog day from hell. It's ridiculous, tedious and boring.
    The MC acts like a total knob and there is nothing to be done about it.
    Again the concept with the red button feels incredibly underwhelming.
    The girls and animations look good, the reason why I gave it a couple tries. No more though.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Season 1 is a normal 5 star game going by standard metrics, but season 2 is so good, I feel bad only being able to rate it 5 stars. What a fantastic game and series. Just wow. The story, visuals, characters, everything is just so amazing.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Ass Fan

    well the name of the game already shows what is to come there is a mc more or less but he is fun and stupid at the same time lol so come on i think the game is worth 5 stars it is quite remarkable that the game is diverse with many choices lots of girls to have fun and there's this time loop that I have to tell you the truth that at first when I played the first time I didn't like it very much I thought it was shit but after a while and with several updates I changed my mind and I think that cool and so much fun now. It's also this can be a great strategy for those who make mistakes in the game and don't like to follow the step by step like me lol now let's get to it I think this Lust Theory One of the 5 best games on this site!

    Excellent renderings and visuals
    excellent soundtrack
    Excellent character models
    excellent writing
    good character development
    unique characters
    good sex scenes
    smooth animations
    Perfect mix of story and lewd content. plus the MC fucks almost every woman in the game, but he is never approached by his many companions. He lives in a shared space most of the time, but enjoys complete privacy.
    The game can benefit from some group sex or threesomes
    The game could use some depravity when it comes to sex and lewd scenes. Some rape scenes would fit the story nicely, but the author chose to keep things light.

    The game is almost a masterpiece. The author does almost everything right, which is very rare. This game deserves a 5 star rating!

    I highly recommend this game!
  20. 1.00 star(s)

    Queen Carmel

    season 1 had potential, then all that potential was lost in season 2, first off the name change, echoes of lust was and is a much better name, they should have stuck with that, mainly as it was a nightmare to get the saves to work once the name was changed.
    the animations are quite good, and the characters at least show some signs of development throughout the story, but this is where it starts to fall down and fast, the story is very bland day repeats fine, cool idea, but then at end of season 1, the day moves over to the next day, then starts to repeat again, this is dumb, would have been better to continue with the consequences from first day, but nope, just repeat everything over and over again, lazy writing really when you think about it. this games only saving grace, is the characters are awesome, so it makes you want to keep playing through the shit storm just to see what happens to them