Ren'Py - Lust Theory [v0.4.5] [Inceton Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Some people complain that the plot is kinda ridiculous, that the mc focuses on fucking all the girls, or stuff like that. Yeah it's not realistic, or worthy of a nobel prize, but I'm not looking for that in lewd games. The story fits the game perfectly, being decently interesting and engrossing by itself, but more importantly IMO, providing a basis and a setting for the AMAZING sex scenes. Girls are all very hot and I think the pacing and story/scene balance are excellent. A little bit of grind/cockblocking here and there helps the pacing and makes progression more rewarding, and I specially love all the big dick stuff. Have I mentioned the AMAZING sex scenes? Very intense and rewarding. Even tho mc has sort of a magic cock, it's not like girls just throw themselves at him out of the blue, there's always a little bit of build up and backstory that makes thing much more meaningful and hotter.

    Overall one of my favorite games in here.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game keeps me coming back and wanting more. The premise is very unique and fits perfectly within the genre because it creates so much more tension when the MC has to seduce a character all over again in new ways. Like in many games, the relationships feel a bit like conquests, and once you've gone all the way, it's difficult to built more tension when the stakes are much lower.

    The dialogue is full of laughs, and each scenario provides something new. Also, the characters each have distinct desires and points of view (although the mother feels the least fleshed out). The art and animations are what really makes the game though. It's one of the few games I often go back to and replay the scenes.

    Overall, this is the game on here I'd recommend to anyone who wants to get into adult games.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    S2 E8

    So, my first review was written in spite of very frustrating moment, that made me quit playing this game at the time. I gave myself 2 weeks to cool off and actually finished the current content. While the later phases of content were noticeably better, for the most part I still stand with what I said earlier.

    Main point of my bad experiences with this game is that MC instead of trying to figure out what happened and why is it happening, only focus on 'what-to-fuck-next'. While it was okay in first season, we now have second season, which changes almost nothing. Well, in the later stages MC discovers two 'supernatural' thing he can do, but first thing freeze time for short while feels underused, as MC gave up the testing its limits very soon, and the second one was only used in the current ending sequence, so it's hard to tell how it will be relevant in the future.

    Next thing is connected to previous - because dev is focusing on how to fuck everyone, amount of coincidences he has to come with, to restrict MC from having sex "too soon" is mind boggling. And with sheer number it's understandable that some of them would be total bullshit. Like that fucking trained racoon on school grounds. Also before starting Amy questline even the game itself issues a warning, that her story will be incredibly tedious, or something like that. Uhh.. If even the dev sees the problem with this part while doing it, it can't be more clear that it needs to be changed. Because people gotta quit playing this game. I was unlucky enough, to do the teacher storyline richt after the Amy party, so the frustration of meeting aforementioned in spoiler situation right after that horrible party experience, was just too much, and I quitted there.

    Also focusing on this 'fuck them all' strategy made me feel like there is no plot here. And MC never learns how to be better human being. Because, you know, player can do stories in whatever order he wants, so that means every dialogue was written like MC didn't yet have any experiences with other girls. I get it had to be done that way because player has choice on which order to take quests, but that really feels like I'm playing a moron who will never experience emotional growth.

    Another thing is, you gotta work hard (and I mean deal with a lot of stupid circumstances) to actually get to sex scenes with characters. And then the ending of current content is one giant fuckfest, with almost the same amount of sex, that the whole game had before. This is obviously very imbalanced, and wouldn't it be better if MC could just do more sex stuff earlier, to relieve frustration of experiencing almost impossible coincidences instead of dumping it all towards the end? Well it certainly was good ending, I just wish it'll be less painful to get there.

    On the pros side, graphic seems to be on high enough level and I also liked the animations. Still, to frustrating for 5 stars rating, but hopefully the awaited last episode of season 2 will get me more satisfaction.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Im very happy with this game, i like the charcters they have good personalty and the story is good and very solid so far, i also love the mission thing in this game its fun and adds content to the game, the only down critic i have so far is that is no new content for this game in long time to bad
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    5/10 Overall
    6/10 Animations
    2/10 Story
    7/10 Character design
    3/10 Character development
    2/10 Quality

    The story is just about a guy wanting to fuck every girl he sees, and if something bad happens the day repeats itself...
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the better games out there that has frequent updates. If you like incest content then you should definitely give Inceton games a try . Beautiful models and enjoyable storytelling and characters. The bonus content is also fun to interact with.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Not a unique concept, but it's execution is solid. The core conceit of being able to act with otherwise unknowable knowledge is intact. How the characters react makes sense in the context of this world/situation, which I think is an important factor for any game which otherwise requires your suspension of disbelief.

    Mostly hot characters, hot situations, good pacing. Overall enjoyable and looking forward to where this goes.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Assuming that a high school boy could seduce his own mother and sisters in the span of.. .2 days (even if one of them is secretly in love with you to start with)... ludicrous. Not to mention all the other girls in the game.

    The problem with this game (imo) is that the MC has no depth. He doesnt CARE about any of these girls, his life is nothing but an endless day of try and repeat to get into any and every girls pants, without really getting to know them or taking their feelings into account. The story in that regard is extremely inconsistent. Each path seemingly ties together with other girls paths, yet it all feels completely meaningless. When you finally do overcome all the cockblocks to get to the happy ending, you just... dont feel anything.

    The worst part of this is that at one point an event happens that forces the MC to self-reflect on his actions and what he has done to these girls, and tries to take the high road. Not because he actually feels that bad about it, but because he's afraid of what will happen if the day resets and wants his conscience to be clean. I dont even have enough time to unpack this..

    Be nice, be an asshole, be mean, chase your dreams, and in the end... it wont matter. Maybe if he had been a smart, caring mc who cared and loved his girls and took the time to get to know them and develop a real bond between them, then it would be different.

    In any case, nothing real or lasting can come out of 2 days, no matter how many times you repeat them.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I have nothing to say.... This game is a masterpiece. It's the best game I play since I registered in F95zone. Good story, sipmle hint system, the models ae hot as f**k and the animations are sooo good. I'm so grtateful. I juste played the 1st seans and I'm playin the second one now!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I literally try to hold back on my 5 stars as I am picky about it. But I have to say that this game is really, really good and totally deserves the 5 star from me. I think the Dev (Inceton) has come up with a somewhat original concept in regards of the story - which I can't recall having seen in any other games. The animations and the models is very good, top tier.

    Models: 5
    Animation: 4.5
    Story: 4.5
    Overall: 4.7

    Def recommended especially so because this developer has been steady with updates! I mean what more can we ask for?
    Thank you Inceton!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game with great animation. One of my top 5 games. The animation on this game is one of the best of ever. The story is also very good and it has a very good hint system so your never wondering around not knowing what to do next.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    season 1 was my favorite because of the mom scenes and the voice acting. keep it up
    -creative story
    -Renders are really good
    -Animations are really good
    -Characters are very different from each other
    -You have to put effort into it (If is something you like)
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Season 2 has been a much more improved compared to Season 1 as Megan and Jessica finally have sex scenes. Hidden Events have been much improved as well due to the seasonal content like Hallloween and Christmas
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    The voice acting is what makes this really stand out. The two actresses do a great job of differentiating the characters and make it a significantly different experience from your average game. The writing is good overall and supports the differences between the characters. The models are well done, and render and animation quality is good as well, with a couple of very nice scenes.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely loved this game. I just wished it was even longer (haven't even played season 2 yet).

    Nice original twist on the standard story. Great writing (both dialogue and arc). Absolutely stunning models.

    Great payoff.

    EDIT: Seson 2 (EP 7.5), although not finished, was good but not AS good. Story got a bit messy and the girls became a bit too easy to conquer but overall still fantastic and I hope it finishes on a high note.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Echoes of Lust [S2 E7.5] [Inceton]

    "Echoes of Lust" I must say that my overall experience with the game was a bit of a rollercoaster, though leaning more towards the negative side.

    Let's start with the story, which is a crucial aspect of any game. Unfortunately, in "Echoes of Lust," the story felt like it was struggling to find its footing. It was slow-paced, often tedious, and failed to engage me fully. The narrative's limited scope made many events seem like mere filler, lacking any significant impact or purpose. One of the most frustrating aspects was the lack of a clear sense of day progression. Without this, it became challenging to understand which actions or choices had consequences, leaving me feeling a bit lost in the game's world.

    The protagonist didn't fare much better in terms of character development. Throughout the game, their growth was sorely lacking. It was frustrating to see the protagonist repeatedly act surprised by outcomes that they should have anticipated, given their experiences. This made the character feel one-dimensional and detached from the overall story, which was a significant letdown.

    One questionable feature in the game was the inclusion of a "red button" that allowed characters to be stripped during scenes. This felt like a cheap gimmick that undermined any sincerity or emotional impact in those moments. It seemed as if the game prioritized titillation over storytelling, which was quite disappointing and detracted from the overall experience.

    However, there were some strengths in "Echoes of Lust," particularly in the character writing. The characters themselves were well-defined, with depth to their personalities. It was evident that effort had gone into crafting their individual stories and traits, which was commendable. These characters added some much-needed depth to the game.

    Occasional comedy moments sprinkled throughout the game provided some relief from the monotony, but these moments were too sparse and often overshadowed by the long-winded and uninspiring events that surrounded them.

    Visually, the game was passable but not particularly remarkable. The graphics, animations, posing, and lighting did the job but failed to stand out. The only noticeable inconsistency was the protagonist's character design, which seemed to have been overlooked.

    One of the most significant issues with "Echoes of Lust" was its pacing, or rather, its lack thereof. The developer's reluctance to advance the story and constant stalling made the experience feel lackluster. Many potentially engaging scenarios fell flat due to the drawn-out progression, leading to frustration rather than excitement.

    In conclusion, "Echoes of Lust" had its merits, particularly in character writing and occasional humor. However, the frustrating aspects, including the stagnant protagonist, lack of day progression, and reliance on gimmicks, overshadowed these strengths. While there may be some enjoyment to be had for those patient enough to endure the tedium, it ultimately left me wanting more substance and less filler.
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  17. 1.00 star(s)


    At the beginning they will think that it is good but in the second season everything is bad from the absurdity of the story falling more and more it only looks good but it is not a great thing since there are other games with better graphics and history.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Well lets say the game has nice renders, and decent sex scenes. For the rest the girls look the same as any other girls hot or not of any other game when the poses are dificult and "bendy" which happens always during sex, and in this game its no different, so i will say that ni the visual department, unless makes something that is a breakthrough, its average. Both for season one and 2, even in regualr poses some girls look kind of meh like zoe that looks like she has some issues with her hipbones, her curves are the ones of a 80 year old.

    The story is where the issue is placed, and its related with how the reset time works.
    During season one, you get to perform stuff, and for game design reasons things escalate thaks to the ability of finding knowledge and makein that knowledge usful in the right moments.
    At some point its hinted that somehow things are changing and maybe some actions are creating a butterfly effect and taht effect could have an impact in how things evolve, even after reseting the days.
    This is exactly where the issue is, at the end of season one, days are not resetting anymore, but the events that transpire to season 2 are handpicked for "plot"convenience and many of the events the thigns you got in Season 1 were forgotten or picked from a point that is convenient so the game can "start over" in season 2.

    In my opinon this "butterfy effect" doesnt match with the begining of season 2 at all, cause as i said they kind of erased many things, and altered others with convenient continuity. In my opinion is like everything from Season 1 was a dream, cause only the MC remembers it, but the people involved doesnt, which protects the "plot" (meaning the marketing).

    At some point Zoe asks the MC what he did to her in one of the variations, and he doesnt confess, so, as I said, the girls involved in the things dont know about it, which i repeat it protects the product, cause allows to to do the same thing again, the same game (which increases the profit) but the new game is just a big patch, after screweing the end of the precious game on purpose. The point here is ITS THE SAME GAME.

    As i said many times, i play games for the story, without story, i prefer watching VR porn, and in this game they rewrote the story so many of the things you did actually didnt happen. And in the process there are plotholes, but why writing the story well, when you can toss a lot of free nudes and call it slut button?

    The game didnt have the most exicing content in my opinion but erasing it conveniently to make a clone of the same game, making me lose 6 hours of my miserable life in the process, is not good for any rating.

    I think with all this text i explained why my game experience was poor and why i give this rating. I'm crazy so dont take my word as an absolute truth, play it yourself.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Simply the best game in the forum.
    After a really good first chapter the story is still freash.
    This game has everything , excellent sex scenes, one of the few games that never had a bug, easy to play.
    Five stars for sure!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This is fucking brilliant. Just finished S1, and it was a lot of fun.
    I mean yeah, if you don't like the huge penis trope which makes all girls crazy, then you may not like the game. but i don't care much.
    what i care is that the characters are interesting. the story is fun. the models are great! and the scenes are sexy as hell.