Ren'Py - Lust Theory [v0.6.0] [Inceton Games]

  1. 3.00 star(s)

    bogUSA the bogmeister

    Not a bad game overall.
    The protag's cougar is very nice, which is a huge plus.
    Start of game is fun, but it becomes somewhat repetitive and boring towards end.
    IMHO there ain't enough variety and I gradually lost interest.
    TBF might be worth a play and a fap, but don't expect to get hooked.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Story starts out fine in season one but from season 2 it just gets to boring.

    Game is very repetitive which you kinda would expect from being a groundhog dag plot, but its a bit to much of the same dialogs over and over, so it really gets boring pretty fast.

    The the other thing is that the game is all out kinetic just hiding it behind a sandbox...i wish devs would learn to put in kinetic tag even if it is a sandbox since not all are kinetic like this one.

    That also means LIs are forced on you, same with kinks and fetishes and to me thats one of the biggest turn-offs, when you can pick who to fuck since not everyone is into mother/son sex or big tits or loli and so on.

    Like i said its a sandbox game and its one of worst types where you have no freedom at all, you just follow the kinetic set questline which makes the hole point of sandbox pointless and a waste of time, its so bad that even questlines are tied together so you cant progress untill you have done everything with every girl, so you truely have 0 controle over anything when it comes to relationships.

    MC is also the type i truely hate, hes very childish and absolutly brainless and add to that massive pervert, playing him is just not fun and that alone ruins alot of the story and game.
    MC dosent make sense either, first he meets a girl in the pool and just from putting hes hand on her bikini touching tits MC cums..??? i mean either he has a serious problem or its just idiotic and yeah its just idiotic since a min later he fucks her fine, which makes 0 sense since he should cum before even putting it in, its just a very weird game.

    Girls 4/5
    I liked the look for the girls and theres a bit of diversity in builds as well so thats all good.

    Animations 3/5
    Pretty standard stuff nothing special.

    Music 3/5
    Average background music.

    Sandbox and Choices 1/5
    Its kinetic hidden behind being a sandbox game, you have no freedom other then follow the quests and since they are tied together you cant skip someone you hate either.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Lust Theory offers an engaging and enjoyable experience, especially shining in its early stages. Season 1 is particularly captivating, utilizing a humorous and innovative time loop mechanic inspired by Groundhog Day to create an intriguing and entertaining narrative. The game features impressive renders, well-executed animations, and high-quality voice acting, which together bring the characters and scenarios to life. The exploration and progression through various scenarios keep players hooked, eager to see how each day unfolds and what new interactions and surprises await. While subsequent seasons may not fully capture the magic of the first, they still provide ample content and excitement for fans of the genre. Overall, Lust Theory is a well-crafted and fun game that stands out for its unique concept, engaging story, and polished presentation.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Like others have said, season 1 is really great. The time loop is funny and it puts a good spin on the cliche porn game tropes.

    Voice acting is weird to get used to, cause barley any AVGN has it. But its good for the most part. Most of the renders are great. The mom is really hot. But i never really liked the other characters besides your sisters friend. They are just kinda bland, like what you would expect from a AVGN game.

    Season 2 is just so boring. At this point the time loop feels really forced. The scenarios that the game puts you in are just bland and not interesting. Also the mom has barely any content which sucks.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Ya blew it. :FacePalm:

    S1 was great, great scenes due to the groundhog day time loop mechanic. Model choices were average, but the situations you were put in made up for it. Sense of exploration felt fresh, and while the things you were able to do due to the time loop were on the tame, even boring side, the possibility was always there and you looked forward to seeing how far the dev would go with the concept.

    But it never got better. S2 was that lukewarm sequel that never quite lives up to its predecessor. Nothing interesting was explored with the time loop this time around. It even felt emotionally detached from the characters and just ended up being a case of how many inexplicable sex scenes can you cram into a certain amount of time at once. I like more than less, but they have to make sense and it started making less and less sense story-wise. Suddenly, the characters were immediately down to fuck, as if the dev forgot they were mostly starting from 0 due to the time loop each time. Some of the things done felt less sexy or boundary pushing and more in line with shock value and edge-factor. The ending reveal had me roll my eyes, but I figured cool, I can end it all with some sort of closure, no matter how forced and unbelievable it may be. On to the next project.

    Yet for some reason we're still going...? Make way for the asspull of all asspulls in S3. Really bro? You're going with the fucking "nerd girl in garage who is also hot happens to be some omegasmart inventor" trope? That's your plan to keep this story on life support? She just opened up her github, typed some linux commands and made an all powerful AI timelord capable of altering physical reality and space? Word bro? Lol come on. At least the idea that MC was the only one left as a copy in the simulation after the world ended was far more palatable bullshit than this incredibly uninspired bullshit.

    Now it's devolved into a tired romcom sitcom with the MC playing the bumbling fool and we're supposed to sit back and clap like seals at how hilarious it is that after five trillion days of dealing with women he still can't fucking figure out how to express his feelings or communicate without some cliched "misunderstanding" happening for comedic effect. Dude is also going "B-b-b-boobs?!" too like a turbovirgin when near Alice? After fucking everyone's brains out for an eternity? Yeah?

    I think it's time to bury the hatchet and start a new project. You don't need to keep trying to milk this with the drip feed. Why not just start a new project if you've run out of ideas or inspiration for this one? The game ended, albeit poorly, on S2. Now it's just going further and further down the road into becoming the lower quality redheaded stepchild of Timestamps Lost Love.
  6. 2.00 star(s)

    Strobe Adverse

    It pains me to give this game a "poor" rating in this review... the first season was outstanding, the second season was interesting but quickly got boring/repetitive, and the third season has become an example of how dev's lose focus on the product they are producing and simply enjoy the feedback they got from the early version.

    To the dev: the girls look amazing and there's nothing to prevent using those same girls in a new game, but the game play of this one makes it unpleasant... please accept that this game is done, and start the next game.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    When you think about it, incest and time loop don't really jell together. An incest game is all about the tension slowly building up, it's about watching your relationships evolve into something new. And while things do happen gradually from the player's perspective in Lust Theory, in the end there's no character development and you just have to believe that the sister who hated you in the morning is ready to jump your bones a few hours later. So weirdly enough, the more I progressed through the story and the less believable it became, leaving me uninterested when things were actually getting serious.

    And it's not like the game goes all in with the time loop and lets you to do the craziest shit either, the situations I've seen were pretty standard for a porn game. At least the renders and animation are good.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Fun beginning turned quickly into harem non stop orgy.
    Lot of content for porn seekers, not much anything of essense though.
    Just another hornyness fest, with some questionable writing choices.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    first season was good. second season started off good but when the mc started to split himself and he all these dp scenes started i stopped playing. one mc is enough i dont like sharing and hate devils threesomes. so i stopped playing after that. not recommended if you think like me.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Season 1 is an easy 4 stars, the groundhog day premise and being able to mess around somewhat is great, some really hot scenes.

    Season 2 on the other hand seems to forget all of that, the groundhog day premise is still there, but nothing interesting done with it. Repeat things to move the story forward, no choices that lead to hot or interesting things, just linear story pretty much, with an absolutely ludicrous ending (and not in a good way id say).

    Season 3 i just stopped "playing" almost instantly.

    Long story short, if you like Season 1, just stop playing after it, Season's 2 & 3 are so nothing like it, shame really.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game was a journey. So much fun.
    Game-play was really fun.
    Interface: Usual
    animations: Very good
    voice acting: superb
    Story: spectacular

    Overall this was a game that took few days to finish and it was amazing.
    I really enjoyed personalities of the characters, each had their story, each had past and quirks. I believe an anal scene is available for each character (super important) although with some not explicit.
    Very good game if you know what good game is.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    The best thing about this game are the renders. They're absolutely fantastic. However, the game is marred by lots of other problems. First off, the premise is that you play a moron who is living the same day over and over again; so basically a porn Groundhog's Day. And therein lies one of the biggest issues of the game: you play a moron who doesn't stop being a moron for the entirety of the game. After a while, the story just drags and drags and becomes less and less interesting the further you go in the game. It also doesn't help that the big plot reveal at the very end of the game comes off as extremely lame.

    The sandbox element is completely wasted because the game really plays more like a kinetic novel. What this means is that you can't progress the main story unless you advance every girl manually; even ones you don't care about. You see girls in various areas of the day but you can't even interact with them at all unless it's at a very specific time; which means it might as well be a kinetic novel with all its restrictions.

    The voice acting is really hit or miss. Some girls sound bad. Some sound okay and I only thought one of them was excellent. It doesn't help that the voice acting is censored in a sense that none of them say "brother, sister, or mother." This is pretty lame considering I've played plenty of voice visual novels that have no issue saying any of those 3 words.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    S1 & S2 combined rating.

    If you like groundhog day (the movie) you might find this game amusing. Unfortunately this gimmick of time resetting over and over makes it very hard to build any meaningful sense of progression. Not only within the story itself but also within the characters. This will become even more apparent when you get into season 2. I don't think the writers did an awful job at this, but they certainly could have been more creative with their approach.

    Basically forget about the story cause it's not really there. There's just different ways of getting to sex scenes. The sex scenes are decent, but most of them feel very lackluster, basically more of the same. Fails to capture sexual tension and build-up in many cases and there is no shortage of games like that. Turns out making the day reset over and over can really make it hard to develop anything. If I was the writer I would have turned this gimmick on its head in season 2 and actually brought something new to the table, cause it's clearly run its course.

    Anyway, the renders are decent, the girls are somewhat unique in their looks, but personality wise they are just cock-hungry sluts who can't stop admiring the MC's horsecock. Having one or two of those girls is fine, but The narration in sex scenes is quite decent, but the same can't be said for the dialogue between characters, again they are basically just too obsessed with the MC beyond a certain point in the game. Add that together with the day resetting and it just becomes a character assassination that would make the most heinous serial killer blush.

    The VA is a nice luxury but it can't carry the game on its own.
    Still I give S1 & S2 a combined rating of 3.5
    Like I said the girls are hot and the scenes are decent. I just wish season 2 took a different route.

    I will probably check out season 3 a few updates in, but if it still bangs the same groundhog day drum...
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games out there! I have truly enjoyed it. Every season so far has hit the mark and I am looking forward to see what season 3 brings to the table. It's more than worth it to support the developer.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Game has nice renders, plus voice acting and some smooth animations but that's where the positives end for this.

    The concept of a groundhog day type adult vn sounds interesting but is done so poorly it renders the concept useless. The MC is dumb as bricks and it's another generic game with the girls constantly going on about the MC having a huge dick and falling in love fairly easy.

    Sex scenes are annoying to get to because there is so much filler and the MC will constantly be cockblocked either by his own stupidity or some other character intervening. Why make it so difficult to get to the parts people play the game for it's just an odd choice for an adult vn that feels like padding to make the game longer.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Way too much repetitive content. It gets super annoying at some point , too much grinding for too little scenes. And MC is dumb AF, it's like he only thinks with his dick. The characters and animations are really good but the story is not good at all. I don't understand how this game is running for so long
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Everything on this game is great there are just some small things i dont like that's

    Firstly the repetition of the dialogues but that's important for the story and was already toned down by the dev. i don't really have a better solution as already present in the game

    Secondly the character routes are not optional you need to make routes of other characters to proceed with the ones you want to proceed with. Again it's important for the story but is something that i don't personally don't like

    But since both points are just subjective points from me the game gets 5 stars in everything else objective it's great in every aspect. I can come back every now and then and play it again.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    No spoilers. I played Season 1 and Season 2.

    It’s okay. Season 1 was great. Season 2 was a disappointment. I suggest playing through S1 fully, and S2 hold CTRL to skip much of the dialogue because the story goes to shit. I’m not going to play S3.

    Renders are decent. The ‘button’ added takes away from the game; if you goal is to see the women fully naked then they just provide that to you in the first few slides instead of…playing the game for it? You don’t have much to look forward to, renders or storyline with the feature.

    Sex scenes are mechanical. Different positions, similar to MILFY CITY but more robotic. Camera positioning is mid too…could be improved. I did bust a few nuts though so YMMV.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    I loved season 1 then as the update wait ground on to season 2 and multiple replays of season 1 ensued the repeated cockblocking and lack of main story continuation this one made me begin to lose interest.I really do not like having mandatory LI's thrust upon the reader in order to further the story. There is something to be said for the harem feature if you choose this. Personally, I like the Ellie and Amy characters, but I'm so keen on the sister Jess and her bi buddy Chloe. The mom is an annoying drunk. With the original scenes of mischief in season one being very rapey. Long ago the whole Groundhog gimmick got old in Season 1. By now it IS old and boring. Originally 4.5 stars in my opinion, but by now 3 is where I am at just meh.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    ver S3 E1
    Look, don't come here if you want an in depth well plotted story. This ain't Moby Dick. Although the MC does have a whale sized dick if thats your thing. The plot exists to get you to the lewds. After a slowish start, the horny MC eventually starts getting the girls. In fact the way the game is set up, you must get ALL the girls. No scene is optional. I know some of you guys hate that sort of thing. But thats what this is

    The game uses a Groundhog's Day type of conceit where you're constantly replaying the day over and over. And every day you get better at picking up the chicks. You bang your family, the teacher, the virginal new girl, the old friend, the other old friend, the girl at the sex shop, etc... You get the idea. Eventually, after a quite slow start, you get ALL THE LEWDS. Like the lewds that are missing in those other games? They're here. And the lewds are well rendered and animated.

    The girls are absolutely adorable. So cute. The whole game has a very professional polish to it. The dev has a very good idea what he wants, and doesn't bog the player down with any sort of unnecessary back story. Depending on what you like, that may be a positive OR a negative. I, personally like more in depth characterizations and motivations that make sense. In this game, the characters just are the way they are. They're slutty in a vacuum. I prefer to know more about them. There is none of that here. Hence the 4* rather than 5* review.