Ya blew it.
S1 was great, great scenes due to the groundhog day time loop mechanic. Model choices were average, but the situations you were put in made up for it. Sense of exploration felt fresh, and while the things you were able to do due to the time loop were on the tame, even boring side, the possibility was always there and you looked forward to seeing how far the dev would go with the concept.
But it never got better. S2 was that lukewarm sequel that never quite lives up to its predecessor. Nothing interesting was explored with the time loop this time around. It even felt emotionally detached from the characters and just ended up being a case of how many inexplicable sex scenes can you cram into a certain amount of time at once. I like more than less, but they have to make sense and it started making less and less sense story-wise. Suddenly, the characters were immediately down to fuck, as if the dev forgot they were mostly starting from 0 due to the time loop each time. Some of the things done felt less sexy or boundary pushing and more in line with shock value and edge-factor. The ending reveal had me roll my eyes, but I figured cool, I can end it all with some sort of closure, no matter how forced and unbelievable it may be. On to the next project.
Yet for some reason we're still going...? Make way for the asspull of all asspulls in S3. Really bro? You're going with the fucking "
nerd girl in garage who is also hot happens to be some omegasmart inventor" trope? That's your plan to keep this story on life support?
She just opened up her github, typed some linux commands and made an all powerful AI timelord capable of altering physical reality and space? Word bro? Lol come on. At least the idea that MC was the
only one left as a copy in the simulation after the world ended was far more palatable bullshit than this incredibly uninspired bullshit.
Now it's devolved into a tired romcom sitcom with the MC playing the bumbling fool and we're supposed to sit back and clap like seals at how hilarious it is that after five trillion days of dealing with women he still can't fucking figure out how to express his feelings or communicate without some cliched "misunderstanding" happening for comedic effect. Dude is also going "B-b-b-boobs?!" too like a turbovirgin when near Alice? After fucking everyone's brains out for an eternity? Yeah?
I think it's time to bury the hatchet and start a new project. You don't need to keep trying to milk this with the drip feed. Why not just start a new project if you've run out of ideas or inspiration for this one? The game ended, albeit poorly, on S2. Now it's just going further and further down the road into becoming the lower quality redheaded stepchild of Timestamps Lost Love.