At first I didn't understand why this project was receiving so many bad reviews and comments, so I decided I would give it a try see if was being unfairly condemn by a bias group thinking, and I played it..... there isn't much to said about this project that has not already been expressed by other's, so I'll say just this; the game has some moments that will make you smile, but that's about it. Sure the renders are decent, but the creator does little in the way of developing a sexual scene that can be fapped to. The dialogue is goofy at best and does nothing at all to help build excitement for the sex scenes. Sfx are nice to have, but it seems to me that they were used too much, like that saying goes "Too much of a good thing isn't always good" moderation and knowing how to better use it may have helped create more fappable situations maybe. Bth I feel that the creator is making this project as bad as they can for fun. Lusterday more like LackLusterday.