Unity - Completed - Lustful Dead [v1.0] [BanzaiProject]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Fast and simple game with easy but not bad mini-games.

    Music is OK;
    story is so-so;
    general art is fine enough;
    sex-scenes doesn't look good;

    In general, game is 2.5 and could be easily 3+ if a bit more sole in writing characters or more frames/amount of sex scenes per girl.

    But dev built, that was introduced to play has SO MANY bugs, that it's almost unplayable, so it's 1 till the would be market build, if such exists.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Buggy, broken trash. Can't proceed past initial floor, saving is useless. Simplistic, boring gameplay, Absolutely Inferior images. Don't waste your time on this steaming pile of Unity feces, & for the love of God don't give this dev a single freakin' dime.